
The Worst Of Nightmares II

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Chapter 123: The Worst Of Nightmares II


Ian murmured to himself in a bit of anticipation as he approached the Gods, speaking a few last words, "Death fighting style, let's start."

Hermes spoke the truth, he wasn't using nearly his top speed, and he was certainly much faster considering Ian's top speed with the speed force can reach up to sixty Mach.

That's actually not that much when considering he holds the powers of the speed force, something that puzzled him quite a lot.

It was as if something was holding his speed back but was having a hard time doing so, and he has a very good idea of what it was.

"Hera, go back and await my return." Zeus ordered before eyeing Hermes, ignoring Hera's frustration as always, "Hermes, you know what to do."

He did know what to do as he vanished, running at such an extreme speed he should've disintegrated into nothingness. Not just that, the entire area around him should've been destroyed at his sheer speed.

However, similar to the speed force, he seems to ignore the laws of nature, physiques, and all that can slow his speed down. A diving halo of sorts surroundings him, keeping his speed controlled.

His speed was so much faster than Ian's even with the speed force appeared frozen for him. Hermes was just so reliable that Zeus trusted he could finish the job without any imperfections.

In fact, Zeus believed Hermes was more fit than him for such situations because he was just that fast, the fastest of the gods by far.

His boots touched the ground but seemed to have no impact as he was running through space, seemingly not needing a ground to move.

He had two small knives, one in each hand. As soon as he moved, the knives were already swung because a moment later, he reached Ian, and the knives were near the crime lord's throat.

However, in contrast to all expectations, especially Hermes', the physical realm actually affected him as he stumbled on a small rock.

You see, the action of Zeus redirecting the darkest of suns away affected a nearby rock structure. Most of it was totally consumed, but the resulting impact still sent some rocks flying.

One of those rocks had a very important destiny. It was meant to save a kind life, so it fell right in front of Ian.

The strange part about the event is that Hermes didn't see any rock, so he didn't react to it.

His speed not only allows him to run fast but also to react fast, so stumbling on his steps was rarer than the times Zeus was able to resist his horniness.

Yet his steps led him to stumble on that specific rocks, his knives barely scratching Ian as he fell to the side.

Normally, he would be able to easily get his balance back and continue on with his pursuit, but he was in shock.

In fact, he was in so much shock he just remained frozen as Ian's newly flared wings smacked him down further into the ground with such a force he nearly passed out.

'Hmm, easier than I thought. I underestimated the overwhelming ego of the Gods,' Ian mused as the God Killer, and Kryptonian sword both appeared in his hands, ready to decapitate Hermes.

He totally ignored the lightning strike coming toward him, in fact, he leaned slightly into it to make sure it'd kill him.

The odd thing however was that the lightning avoided him encircling Hermes and flying with him back to Zeus, almost as if it's solid, leaving Hermes intact.

"Very odd..." Zeus's frown was only stretching since meeting Ian, finding everything about him strange, "Hermes, wake up or I'll let you know what shock truly means!"

And Hermes was indeed awakened, standing up at a speed akin to that of lightning before tidying himself up though he still seemed a bit dizzy.

"Change of plans. Capture him!" Zeus ordered, and Hermes complied, this time trying to run much faster and with much more cautiousness... Poor Hermes, he passed out.

"Huh? Why?" Ian wondered, genuinely confused, "Do you not sense the magic around me? It's a magical spell called magic barrier, and I had literally just cast it before you, like, did you not see the staff behind me shining blue for a split second? Aghh, I'm losing it!"

It was that simple. When Ian noticed Zeus' move, he instantly cast the spell, knowing he might've noticed something a bit too fast.

The following was quite simple, Hermes ran at the magic barrier, cracking it easily but also passing out in the process.

"Enough!!!" A thunderous roar reverberated throughout the entirety of Olympus... Zeus was angry. Ian was straight up looking down at him right in his face, "I do not know exactly how you work, but it won't matter soon. Tartarus will be your new home..."

"You know, that sounds familiar," Ian stroked his chin in contemplation, looking a bit serious, "Oh, right. Etrigan said something similar before..."


"Before... Oh, it's done!" Ian smiled happily as Hermes vanished from the ground, appearing in the black Rose dimension.

"I might've honestly been too biased against you Gods, especially you Zeus. I mean you were even kind enough to stall for time for me while I'm transporting Hermes far away... For that, I'm grateful."

Ian even went as far as performing a slight bow as thanks. He truly felt grateful and apologetic like never before.

"Hah... Hahahahaha... HahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAAHAHA!" Zeus laughed. He laughed like a maniac for a while, his laugher breaching the very concept of sound, reaching every nook and cranny of the Skyland dimension.

"Hm? No need to be so happy man. It wasn't that big of a deal, right?" Ian spoke with a bit of confusion, finding the surroundings have become a bit dark, and they were getting darker by the second.

The sky across the entirety of the dimension turned dark, inky clouds seemingly forming from nothing, and the sky was raging.

Zeus laughed so loudly he almost cried from laughing, two bright tears sliding from his sparkling eyes, and so, the sky chose to weep with him as it started to rain, heavily so.

His loud voice was followed by the thundering of the sky, his every breath letting out sparkles of lightning just as the sky started spitting lightening about every moment

"You come to my domain hahaha! You come to my domain and you laugh at meeee?? I? The king of Gods?"

At that moment, every God of Olympus that was watching, and intending to help in eliminating the invader changed their minds, hurling themselves into whatever hole they lived in.

"Zeus has never been so angry before..." This was what was in almost every Olympian God's mind, all except one, a very odd God whose attention was on Ian's magic.

The said God was hiding far away, in a crack somewhere in the Skyland dimension, watching the show with interest, and curiosity, "Magic... Magic with an unknown source?"

Zeus's laughter halted in an instant, "Very well... Let it rain bursts of lightning, ones of such rage never seen before and will never be again."

Ian looked up, narrowing his eyes with a beautiful smile, "Amazing. Fascinating... Such an unimaginable power."

It was an unimaginable feat, surprising even Zeus himself. His wrath was somewhat exaggerated, and he sensed that yet he couldn't help it.

There is just something about Ian that he can not understand, and it fucking drove him mad to the point he created the spectacle before Ian.

The sky was no longer dark, in fact, the dimension became more full of light than it had ever been because the sky became nothing but lightning all around.

Indeed, the entirety of Skyland's dimension's skies became nothing but lightning. Several earths' skies combined wouldn't be able to contend.

"Hahh, let it lighten, then fall..." Zeus hovered above the ground, the lightning shrouding him completely, seeming like a form of pure lightning energy, floating near the clouds of lightning as he commanded it all.

"Huh... What have I gotten myself in..." Unfortunately, Ian couldn't finish his words because...


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1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!

I don't think it's possible but here it is...


VQuintessencecreators' thoughts