He can not die, in his last world at least. Can this new nonsensical world prove to be a challenge to that? Or will death still be his bitch? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me. (By Stanley Artgerm)
Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/voidness75
[11 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]
Chapter 18: The Mess
Something grand was happening. Strange things were happening throughout the city all at the same time.
The Gotham City police found themselves confused on what to do, too many crimes were happening on the same day.
The new Gotham police commissioner however was quite capable. He's extremely experienced and has been in the force for decades though he only recently attained his current position.
It's commendable for a good-hearted uncorrupt officer to reach such a position in a city like Gotham.
He started by spreading the Pd forces throughout the city but focused more on the most major thing that happened, the massive explosion in central Gotham.
And central Gotham is the place Ian was currently in. His purpose wasn't to get himself into trouble but just to scavenge things.
He noticed many strange incidents and gunshots on the way. It was like the city was dormant, and it has just been awakened, becoming quite lively though not in a good sense.
The center of the events seems to be the building before Ian with most of its top utterly destroyed.
The cops were already surrounding the place though they were staying far away from the building in fear of it falling crumbling down on them.
"Hmm, I guess I have to go cat style," Ian muttered to himself before making his way to an accessible roof of a nearby building and started jumping from roof to roof without alerting anyone.
He entered the building from its backdoor and directly headed to the elevator. He noticed it was already used and it was heading up not down.
He waited and just watched the elevator number change until it stopped on floor 19. He waited for a bit before calling the elevator back and going to the same floor, a mess of a floor.
Most people have already escaped the perimeter but those that are still inside are either dead or close to dying with the exception of a few strange bunches.
The 19 floor was a bit different as it appeared to be a calculated massacre, not by the explosion but by guns and swords.
Ian just had to walk deeper into the floor to discover the individuals behind the dreadful deed.
"Oh, she's here," Ian muttered to himself noticing five people in the hall, catwoman and another girl dressed in a bat suit, a man endowed in a similar black suit with a blue eagle symbol on the chest part, he seems to be Nightwing.
Facing them were three strange individuals, each stranger than the other. A man with a hook for a hand, another wearing some strange black suit with red lines, and some kind of robotic thing?
They noticed him just as he did as they turned their head to him though Nightwing remained vigilant, paying attention to the other enemies before him.
"W-what are you doing here? Did you follow me?" Selina questioned a bit confused.
Batgirl frowned as she eyed him from top to bottom, "You know him? Is he like you?"
Ian assessed the situation, having a sudden realization, "I was curious, so I came here, but it seems that this was a distraction."
Nightwing narrowed his eyes, "What does that mean?" On the other hand, the hook guy frowned and whispered to his partners, "Don't let him leave."
"You know, I'm the master of distraction, so I know exactly how it goes. The cat there will attest to that."
Nightwing questioned, "Can he be trusted?" He asked despite not trusting her either, Selina nodded with a frown.
'So the main thing should be happening somewhere else' Ian thought to himself, finally comprehending the perpetrator's plan or part of it at least.
"Anyway, It seems that you guys are busy, so I'll leave you to it," He then turned around, ready to look for possible opportunities in the middle of chaos.
"You're going nowhere," The enemy with a hook for a hand called hook spoke as he lifted his hand to shoot Ian.
Ian was basically defenseless, and his reaction time was certainly not fast enough to evade it. However, Nightwing was as he also lifted his hand using a small portable grapple gun on it to rescue Ian.
And he did indeed as the grapple gun pulled him into a wall to the side, and he caught Ian on the way, somehow avoiding the bullet. Both were rolling on the ground until they slammed into the wall.
It was however not so easy as Nightwing was unresponsive to the new threat close to him, the robotic enemy Rictus.
Its speed was incredibly fast as it seems to be made solely of metal and advanced technology. Its hands were clenched ready to punch the duo.
Neither cat nor the batgirl was fast enough to do anything, yet they found themselves baffled at the scene before them.
It was the scene of the floor roof falling down on Rictus and even the ground beneath it crumbled.
The fire of the explosion that was devouring the upper floors was the cause despite the convenience of the situation, or at least that was what the people in the hall presumed.
"Ok?" Ian muttered under his breath still not used to how effective his power had become. It was nowhere near this level in his previous world, 'This is the effect of my power, right? If so, doesn't that mean...'
"Thank you but can you let me go now?" Ian said to Nightwing getting the latter out of his bafflement.
He got his bearing back and said, "Leave right now, I'll have a word with you later and cat." Nightwing then started making his way to his opponents ready to act at moment's notice.
"We should deal with this as quickly as possible, Batman might need us." He said to the duo, and then the fight started.
What has happened to Rictus made it much easier for them, giving them an advantage though Nightwing didn't think that'd last for long as that plump of metal wouldn't be so easily solved.
Ian on the other hand seemed to not have heard a word as he was just looking at something in his hand, 'I've used something similar when rock climbing but never one this advance and small, it's quite interesting.'
What was in his hand was Nightwing's grapple gun, he did wonder how it's fallen from Nightwing, it looked like it was tightly attached to his arm, then he used the whatever rule and just ignored the thought.
"Hmm, I wonder how it works?" Ian muttered as he walked to the massive glass windows of the hall, he pulled out his gun whilst ignoring all the ruckus and the ongoing fight right next to him.
He attached the grapple device to his hand, then shot the glass window before him attracting everyone's attention, they even stopped their fight just to see the insanity unfolding before him.
Ian lifted the hand with the grapple device, aiming at the side of the closest building, "Let's see, it should work like this?"
He pressed the button at its center just as a loud shout sounded, "Wait!!! Stop!" The yell of Nightwing fell to deaf ears as Ian was fully focused on the grapple spurting from the device and flying to its destination, he thought it was cool.
"Ian!!?" The anxious and confused shout of Selina woke him from his stupor, "Hmm, Cat? Be safe okay? And see you lateeeeeeer!!" His grapple device pulled him right at that moment bringing a long shout from him, one of excitement.
Even the villains in the hall were confused about the suicidal move of the man, grapple guns don't work that way, right?
For him, it does as he was pulled right to the side of the building barely avoiding colliding with it.
The distance the grapple device had to pull him was simply too large for him to remain flying in a straight line, a change happened.
He felt like spiderman, seemingly moving around buildings like a feather as he yelled in excitement.
The grapple device seemed to stop working at some point and Ian was just falling to the grapple tip was still attached to the building and that allowed for something peculiar to happen.
The grapple rope got stuck on a light pole making him circle around it, lowering the gravitational force applied to him until he almost gently fell to the ground.
It all seemed to work out just enough to avoid his death, "Ok? That was..." Ian took a deep breath and stood up.
He then started pressing the grapple buttons until the rope was retracted, "Holy fuck wasn't that exciting though it did hurt a bit? But that's better than all the broken bones I've had to deal with previously."
Ian started observing his surroundings, noticing a peculiar thing not far away, 'Hm? That's...'
Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/voidness75
[11 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]