He can not die, in his last world at least. Can this new nonsensical world prove to be a challenge to that? Or will death still be his bitch? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me. (By Stanley Artgerm)
Chapter 189: Pure Scientific Evil V
'He succeeded at what Zeus failed at, and he didn't seem to even mean to... What a bunch of weirdos.'
And so, Ian enjoyed his time along with his lovers while Dr. Manhattan and Lucifer were doing something, probably fucking.
Athena left at some point, completely unaware that Ian had created a time domain in the House of Mystery, accelerating time significantly from the outside world.
She only realized once she left that only an hour passed while a month passed within.
Despite not really needing it, Ian still studied the books of magic with Zatanna and Raven.
It was a time of debauchery for him, but it wasn't because he loves sex, it was merely because he had to grind the Death Roses and increase his Death force output, all for the greater good... Yup.
But alas, it had to come to an end as Ian assembled everyone before the House of Mystery. It was time for business.
"I have a plan. It could be a fine ride. I just won't be there to enjoy it with you all." Ian smiled as he brought out his staff.
"It's okay, darling. I still have you inside me." Someone took the liberty of interrupting, saying something very weird, and you're god damn right if you think it's Harley.
"What does that mean?" Ian was genuinely confused since he made sure not to get anyone pregnant with magic. He had absolutely no interest in being a father, not in times like these.
"You know, I left a bit of milk inside, for research purposes of course," Harley spoke before sticking her tongue out as an act of playfulness and cheekiness.
And right away, a series of facepalming sounds reverberated throughout the area.
Ian on the other hand remained speechless for a second before closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, and saying, "I... A bit of silence please, but hey, feel free to talk if you don't want a gift."
His eyes traversed across everyone around as they made sure they make no sound. Ian giving away gifts instead of receiving gifts is one of the rarest events the multiverse has ever witnessed, so they know how valuable that might be.
Ian first released all the emotional spectrums around him, spreading them throughout the House of Mystery. That was followed by the Force of Evolution causing a spark.
The spark assembled all of the visible spectrum colors together forming into the white light of life, overwhelming the House of Mystery.
"Great, and by the way, that was a precaution against nosy kids. Now, I have a goal, and it's up to you all to achieve it because I won't be around.
I've been waiting for someone or something to come here for a while now, but they don't seem to want to, so I want to take the battle there, but..."
Ian waved his staff, giving manifestation or projecting something before him, "But you all are not strong enough, so you can choose from what's before you, the power most suitable for you."
Before him were Eight constructs, each representing something, "The first construct represents Kryptonian powers, the most significant of which is the powers of Superman though there are other powers such as those of negating Superman's powers, or granting some abilities and curses."
Before anyone got the chance to speak, Ian made something clear, "But each power is to a certain extent counter to another, so from those, you can only choose one, else your bodies and soul might become a battlefield, and no battlefield remains intact."
He then manipulated the second construct into expanding, "The Forever Force, control of time. This one is special and it could lead to someone's mind breaking if not in control.
It's likely for you all to lose control of it, so this one is set aside until I find a solution. Luckily, this force isn't counter to any other, so I should probably be able to grant it to all of you.
The third construct is Holy Light and Darkness. Like the first one, you can only choose one of the two.
The Forth is," Ian glanced at Zatanna as he spoke, "Magic. Perfect Magic with capabilities likely shared by only the source of magic itself."
But he never explained what each power does. He left it up to them to draw their own interpretations, "Then in the firth, there is Divinity. Perfect Divinity like magic, but it's also very different.
The sixth construct... The Force of Evolution. Simple and clear. Use your imagination.
The seventh is psychic powers, telepathy, telekinesis, and even mind control. I can grant you a downgraded version of it because it's too potent. I don't doubt for a second that your mind will explode or you will lose yourself otherwise."
Mainly because his psychic powers have a bit of the Anti-life equation within them, something very few mortals can handle, especially if it doesn't come naturally.
"Lastly, the Eight constructs is the emotional spectrum. Every emotion is available, and you can have multiple if there is significant compatibility with the emotion, just like Harley's Fear and Love."
On that note, Harley no longer had any ring on her, neither the ring of fear nor love.
Ian got rid of them a while ago and granted them to her in a safer and trusted way, by marking a symbol on a part of her body, thus she can use the powers without the risk of losing the rings and the prying of Parallax.
"I'm still formulating a way to grant multiple powers without something disastrous happening, but it'll likely take some time despite it being on my side, and do you know what that means Harley?"
Ian stated as he crouched before Harley whose face quickly twisted from excitement to, "... Wahhhhh ahahhh unfair! Life is so unfair. Just when I was thinking my skull crushed per second meter will increase exponentially, you decided to break my heart!!! I hate you!"
Her cries of disappointment stopped almost a second later as she dove comfortably into Ian's chest, feeling him caressing her hair, "But I also love you to death, so I won't kill you yet."
'Huh? No, I must've misheard her,' Ian nodded to himself confidently before consoling her, "Soon you'll have time as your bitch, and your crushed skulls per second will become limitless, so look forward to the future, alright?"
"Mm," Harley cutely nodded but didn't leave his embrace, and Ian just shrugged and waited for the others to think their choice through.
The emotional spectrum might be the best option at first glance considering one can potentially have two or more different powers at the same time.
However, their choice spoke very differently than one might expect as Zatanna chose first, "I assume I can only choose Perfect Magic or Divinity, right?"
She received the answer she expected, a nod from Ian. She already has Magic, and Divinity is very compatible with Magic, and to a certain extent, they're one and the same, so in theory, they should be able to work together.
"Then let me perfect my Magic." Zatanna didn't need to explain more. Ian understood that continuing her Father's legacy is a goal of hers.
Ian didn't start yet but turned his attention to Raven who seemed ready to give an answer, but she asked instead, "You said Darkness and Holy light. Does that mean that the light you speak of is a counter to Darkness?"
"It's safe to say that the two forces hate each other to death." Ian nodded as a smile of expectation emerged on his pale face.
"Then I want that Holy light," And before she can be questioned for what can be assumed to be a stupid decision, she explained, "I have Darkness within me. It's strong, sometimes too strong, so... I can handle it."
She didn't say much but that was enough to get her point, and Ian didn't disagree meaning her intent was possible.
"Evolution. Force of Evolution." With the Rose of Forever active, Ian sees everything in extreme slow motion, so he noted that Selina was, in fact, the first to come to a decision, she was just lost in the prospects and the broken nature of what she imagined.
A wide smile signified Ian's satisfaction with their decision. He could even call it, a chef's kiss, utter perfection.
And so, he waved his staff one last time as he activated the Rose of Divinity, Magic, and Red Kryptonite, a strange selection for sure.
And all Zatanna could utter was, "How??!" She didn't bother to question his words before, choosing to instead wait for a demonstration, and he was indeed capable of granting powers in a way never thought of before.
If that wasn't a chef's kiss, then Zatanna didn't know what else could be considered as such, and so, it was included in the catalog of destiny that Ian had at one point kissed a chef. Whether the chef was a male or a female would be a subject of debate for ages to come.