
Does Why She

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Chapter 50: Does Why She


"Wow, just wow. What can I say? I am speechless... If only she didn't appear at my doorstep, I would've still been able to scratch some of the restrictions, but now..."

He almost looked insane with his small occasional laughs as if in remembrance of something hilarious, "You really don't trust me at all. It's okay, even I don't trust myself."

Batman frowned and narrowed his eyes, "She?"

"Hmm, you know, I lied about something before, about my deduction of your identity. It's not actually five people, it was five just a week ago, but I had a meeting with her, and I deduced a few things from her words, bringing that number to three, perhaps two even."

A hard cold threat, that's what it's. Just imagining what would happen if those three names were released... It's frightening. The crime and Batman's enemies will certainly not care to investigate any further, they'll just target them all.

"I expected this to be a negotiation, so speak your mind." He did. Batman believed that he won't be the only one prepared for the meeting, especially with how high he viewed Ian.

"What? You don't actually believe he knows, right? He must be bluffing! Moreover, can't we just help someone of our own become the ruler of the underworld instead of him!"

Ian's calmness and amusement were very apparent, almost as if this was a game to him. The fact that a criminal was before them, yet they can't apprehend him but had to listen to his nonsense was wrecking Nightwing's nerves, increasing his agitation.

"Hmm, I don't think that'd work, or at least it'd be nearly impossible." Batgirl voiced her mind after a bit of contemplation while eyeing Ian with interest.

"Why?" Nightwing was exasperated, it almost felt like the world was turning against him.

"Too many variables. Too many conditions to be met. It'd likely end up having an opposite effect, but I needn't explain anymore because the Bat already understands that."

Ian really seemed to be having the time of his life, as his face was almost radiating amusement, "Now, let's talk conditions. I'll be donating 10% instead of 30% of my illegal earnings to charities of your choosing. That's something I was already planning to do anyway, for the greater good, and things.

There will be gun trafficking but only for my group. I have to arm my people, but I am not interested in arming my enemies, so that'd be the farthest I'd go.

As for the narcotics thing, I will be keeping thirty percent of the earnings aside from the base expenses, I don't mind donating the rest. It's better for me anyway.

Also, you'll absolutely not be allowed to look through our illegal activities. Perhaps I can tell you about the general way we work, but you won't be hearing any details."

"No." Batman simply spoke with his raspy voice, "No gun trafficking. There will be no compromise about this. The same for your last point."

"She." Ian simply responded with a smile, "Let's talk about the she. A woman I had an unexpected meeting with. She visited my coffee uninvited, and we had a pleasant second meeting... I believe you know who am I talking about."

Batman approached Ian, trying his best to keep his expression unchanged. His hand was swift as it found itself clutching Ian's neck before the latter can react, "You're overstepping your bounds..."

Gordon frowned and placed his hand on the Bat's shoulder, "Bat, calm down. I don't know exactly what he's talking about that made you so worked up, but please calm down... And you, stop being so childish."

He acted as a voice of reason for Batman in a bit of a vulnerable state. He let go of the choking Ian, allowing the latter to take a few deep breaths to get himself back together.

"I gues *Cough* Yeah, I really should stop being so childish." Ian muttered while massaging his neck before a childish smile surfaced on his face, "It's been quite a while, but I still remember the last time I couldn't breathe. I had to hold my breath for minutes, and I almost died if that didn't happen... Pffft hahaha, it was so funny."

Only then did notice all the deadpanned looks everyone is giving him, especially Batman who's eyeing him with a stern look, "Ah right, Ahem. I was saying that I had a pleasant meeting with your girlfriend, or former girlfriend I assume?

Also, you might've misunderstood what I mean by a pleasant meeting. What I meant is that it was an unpleasant meeting which is the opposite of what I said, but it's what I mean, so pay attention."

Ian took a seat again, seemingly not bothered by what Batman just did. He was after all not that petty of a person... I think?

"And now I lowered down the possibilities to a hundred percent one of two people."

His words were certainly absurd, making everyone except Batman confused about how he's coming up with such nonsensical deductions, and who are those two people whom one of them could be Batman?

"What did she want?" Batman didn't seem to care about those two possibilities as if knowing his identity was useless.

"She wanted to make a deal with me. No, she wanted to use me, I mean, she's a bit of a poisonous snake. I think she wanted to take over my family because she had seen our potential.

She also wanted to hire the Roses to distribute a bunch of bombs around the city at a certain point in time."

"She wanted what?" Gordon blurted out in shock before turning his attention to Batman, "Is it true? Were you with someone like that?"

"No no, fret not. I believe she lied. It was more of a bait and that was most certainly not her true intention." Gordon was almost about to let out a sigh of relief only to hear Ian continue in his usual dramatic fashion.

"Her goal should be something much worse, but I don't really know, I think Batman here can enlighten us more about her. She also threatened me since I refused her offer, so I really want to know."

"She's with the league of shadows. That's all you need to know. I'll take care of the rest.

However, I'll still not change my mind about gun trafficking no matter what. It's not allowed, and it will never be allowed no matter the reason. I can however give up on knowing all of your illegal deals as long as I know a general idea of what you do."

Ian started stroking his chin, seemingly thoughtful, "Hmm, sure. Alright, just send me the document and we'll discuss the other terms, and well, I am glad this worked out."

"You don't have a problem with the part where you have to give him evidence of crimes you did that can send you to prison for life?" Batgirl couldn't help but question with curiosity, and the more she spoke, the more ridiculous it sounded.

"Oh yeah, about that. I don't have a problem with it at all as long as only he knows of those crimes. Priso... No, Arkham Asylum also sounds like a fun place, so I don't mind spending some time in there."

Ian let out a small laugh after that, amused by the prospect of that in contrast to the rest in the room. He believes himself insane? they thought.

Ian lifted his hand in the air waiting for Batman to shake it, and he did. The cooperation has begun though Batman seemed to still need to confirm a few things with Gordon and his friendly sidekicks.

So Ian took his leave, and while his latest words were foreshadowing to some, Batman thought otherwise.

They both have something on the other that can bring them down, or at least hinder their every action, they came prepared, so if one of them chooses to betray the other, they'd have to be ready for the consequences.

'I had hoped you'd change Talia. I should have known better.' Those were Batman's bitter thoughts before he turned his attention to Gordon, ready to discuss with him a few things.

Ian on the other made his way back to the coffee, then to his room where he found Selina seating next to his desk and surfing the internet with his laptop.

He remained frozen in his place for a while, just admiring her attractiveness. She just looked way too hot with what she was wearing, a white shirt that looked too big for her, reaching just a tiny bit beneath her meaty butt.

It left her creamy thick thighs for him to see, and God didn't they look enticing. He kept staring at them, neglecting how stretched his shirt looked in her chest area due to her bountiful tits. Another wonderful spectacle, however, he seemed more into thighs than anything else.

"Hmm, enjoying yourself there, are you?" Selina has certainly noticed him as she naughtily spoke while lifting her legs, giving him an even clearer look at her irresistible flawless thighs.

He walked beside her, picked her up making her yelp in surprise before he took a seat himself and placed her on his lap, "You really know exactly what I want."

Selina circled her arms around his neck and leaned her face closer to his before murmuring, "How can I not with how you gape at them every single time."

"How can I not gape at them? I mean, look at them," Ian muttered as he traced his hand along her thighs, squeezing them from time to time.

"Ahn... Ahem. Then I suppose we are for another treat today, another pure and chaste training session." She was quite embarrassed due to a moan slipping out of her mouth, and all he did is touching her thigh, so as one might expect from Selina, she alleviated her embarrassment by becoming even naughtier and taking a long lick on his pale neck.

"Pfft hahaha, cute..."

. .

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