


"After the fight went viral, Stagg industries have claimed that those pills have long been discontinued but after further investigation, it's become clear they have no intention to stop developing those dangerous pills. I've contacted the titans and they've put together a mission to deal with it." when batman finished his the report Victor followed with "Geralt Reinhardt has gone quiet, and nobody heard from him in the last few days, however people close to him expect him to retire and, have stated that until yesterday he never showed signs of being a meta..."

"After the fight went viral, Stagg industries have claimed that those pills have long been discontinued but after further investigation, it's become clear they have no intention to stop developing those dangerous pills. I've contacted the titans and they've put together a mission to deal with it." when batman finished his the report Victor followed with "Geralt Reinhardt has gone quiet, and nobody heard from him in the last few days, however people close to him expect him to retire and, have stated that until yesterday he never showed signs of being a meta..."

Simon and Viktor smile coming forward "well…" before they could finish batman cuts them off "their no need, we will …"Viktor tuned him out and increased the volume on a live video of Geralt fighting Magog in a high-end residential area. "Supergirl's away and that fight is *Boom* escalating too fast for the Deo to contain it effectively."

10 min ago

Geralt walked through the gateway to enter one of the few homes he had around the U.S in his hands were two books that read, Asgardian for dummies and idiots divinity. Sitting down on the coach he quietly read the book while playing with a ball of dense gravity.

Meta, I'll rid the world of you" although Geralt heard this comment he continued reading as he thought the word did not apply to him. Five minutes passed when the same phrase was repeated outside his door "Go away!" he turned to the door and yelled. When he spotted the 6'4 man wherein bronze armor and a bronze helmet with ram horns on the top and in the left hand was a bronze staff that emitted power from it. Frowning he stood up and reached his hand into the kitchen entrance, his hand disappeared along with the books, pulling his hand back he turned and walked towards his door.

Geralt formed another Gravity bomb and sent it towards Magog, the blast of energy wrapped around the Gravity Bomb, and went flying towards Magog. But just as it was about to make contact it stopped right at the tip of Magog spear, placing more energy into the ball of gravity he sent it flying back towards Geralt. In a panic Geralt raised his palm to try to catch the enhanced gravity bomb however instead of stopping the blast it dissembled into mini balls then made contact with his house!.

*boOM, booM, BBOOMM!* "MY HOUSE! THAT'S MY HOUSE I JUST BROUGHT THAT LITERALLY, I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE IT FOR MORE THEN A MONTH... I wish I got that Meta human insurance." Magog extend his spear ready to piece Geralt when he sidestepped it and planted his feet into the ground to bring Magog to a holt, putting both arms together he raised them in the air and used gravity to make them a lot heavier before bringing both fists down *BOOM*a pit had formed in the middle of the street. Raising his right fist he multiplied the gravity once more and. *BOOM!* Magog was sent straight into the sewer.

Opening his right fist he gathered gravity to once more form a gravity bomb and launched it. However, like before it was caught by the staff and sent towards him. This time he did not panic and just raised his arm to catch the bomb of gravity "watch this," Geralt infused more gravity into the bomb and sent it back.

This time instead of aiming right at Magog he placed it 5 feet away and collapsed it before it could expand, as Magog got sent flying from the explosion, he stopped his moment repositioned and flew away! "Rebuild my house, Mother…"

"Excuse me can you come with us?" looking up Geralt frowned "no thank you, I'm good" falling into the pit he reappears in the cave of Odin. "I'm so gonna get Magog one of these days…" while cursing out loud he walked towards the bookshelf and pick up Asgardian for dummies along with idiot's divinity. Walking exit he picked up the magic seed and opened the door.

"Batman to cyborg; how did the meeting go?"

"It's as you said he left right after the fight" looking down at the pit both Diana, Cyborg, and now Supergirl were confused at what happened "I am away for like 30 min and this is what happens." While Supergirl vented about this event Cyborg opened up a boom tube and everyone went through.

"So, how do you know …" before Jessica could finish asking her question everyone heard the fridge door open.

Stepping out the fridge Geralt stopped when he saw most of the league members, turning around Geralt opened the fridge once more. Before he could enter it Diana closed the fridge door and smiled "let's talk Mr. All-Father, I promise you're not in trouble with the law."

He looked at wonder-woman and Jessica Cruz 'damn wonder-woman looks more impressive in person, she so toned and who this female green lantern, I really should read about her. Turning towards his right, Supergirl was standing between the door and his stairway beside her was Simon baz. In the middle was Batman and right behind him was the balcony, between batman and wonder-woman was Cyborg.

"We need to talk Mr.Reinhardt" hearing this Geralt did not move what so ever 'I need to keep everything short, this is batman were talking about.' trying to lighten the mood cyborg said "listen, man, we just here to get information from you, regarding black-mask and the Columbians. According to some to…" cutting him off Geralt finished "they are going to send more people after me I know; and you don't need to worry my personal business with them." Leaning forward batman responded with.

"I'll be investigating the black mask, you will stay out of Gotham." Closing his book Geralt set it on the table before he could say anything he heard a cape flapping a 10 miles away looking behind batman. He spotted superman watching it all go down; he opens his mouth to batman but before he could say anything superman whispered "just listen to him, let them deal with black mask their no need to risk lives when you can't control your powers." Hearing this Geralt closed his mouth, and then grilled batman dead in his eyes and before agreeing to it.

Trying to change the topic Diana asked "so Geralt right, why are you interested in Asgardian language?"Smiling as polity as possible Geralt thought 'it's ok, they haven't seen the other books.' "It's something I picked up on my past time, at first it was a joke but learning a language is enjoying. I just hope I can use it one day."

Diana smiled back and asked "so who the author, I don't see their name on it?" laughing Geralt said "oh the author name is Wotan" Diana laughed a bit before saying "I didn't know you, we're a fan of Norse mythology Mr. Reinhardt." *Ring, Ring, Ring* taking out his cell phone Geralt puts it on speaker while saying "yah, I love it…"

"Ralts help some thugs have broken in and are attacking dad…" before the girl could finish Geralt stood up and rushed towards the kitchen entrance, "Count to 3 then open a door and I'll be right there."

Diana and the league tried to follow but the second they walked through the kitchen, Geralt was gone "damn, I need to know how he does that" said Simon. "Cyborg track the call. Supergirl and Diana you two be ready to rush out" batman gave the orders and cyborg was done within 3 seconds.

Geralt appeared inside his brother's house, without a second thought he rushed low-end mercs and knocked them out;*bang* a bullet went flying through the living room and towards the side of his head. Raising his left-hand geralt caught the bullet, before pulling a man who was over two thousand meters away towards him. The man fired one more shot; Geralt just stopped the bullet mid-air and spun the man around while he flew towards him.

Sorry for being late, i forgot to post this before i went to work. And as far as magog goes, google dc magog prime earth.

this is the version of the character i am using.

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts
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