
Comeback! or Storytime!

Hello and I'm back, my semester's over so I'll be posting a lot more often over the next few week.

-Geralt light skinned male of Persian and German descend. Has long dark brown hair, stands 6'9 260 pounds and possess sparkling silver retinas and black eyes.

-Katherine: extremely light skinned 6'4 200 pound female with long black hair and sparkling blue eyes, Katherine like her mother possess compact muscle that highlights her figure. (Note: she's not built like a body builder.

Geralt's half of the story is focusing on what happened a few days back)


Both Roy and Cheshire where now seated at booth inside a local Chinese noodle shop. Comparing notes and catching up, she was continuing to work him where as Roy was slowly starting to let his guard down around her. Roy's half the booth was covered in ramen broth and tea. Were as Cheshire half was neat and tidy, and minimal…she ordered a small bowl of soup.

Cheshire: "Why the hell were you messing with Intergang alone, Roy?���

Roy: 'Again, with this question.'

Roy: "There supplying the cartels, so I'm trying to cripple the supply line."

Cheshire: "where are your titan friends?"

Roy: "…elsewhere. Jade, why are you really here? You're not the type to--"

Cheshire: "Possess a conscience, no. I've been payed by a collective of families, who lost their loved ones to drugs. To obtain justice the law could not."

Roy smiled hearing the news. A part of him wanted to question the validity of the information, especially with Cheshire's past antics. However, he wasn't Dick or Bruce. He wasn't the type to question somebody he cared for trying to make a change.

Roy: "Bliss is the main problem, it's a quality drug and whoever's producing is basically giving it away. And I've been drawing blanks on who's supplying it to everyone. That's the only reason I went after Intergang, they have to have an idea on who the main source is."

"Looks like we're chasing the same thing, there could be some advantage to us working together. So meet me at the old Gish building tomorrow at two a.m." Said Cheshire as she stood up; Roy dawned a rare soft smile while Cheshire left the noodle shop.

Were as Cheshire dawned a sly slime.

At the same time Geralt and Samuel were seated outside Samuel's house, watching the two women relax alongside the horses.

Samuel: "What happened man?"

Geralt: "You see two days ago Dendra…"


Iraq a few days back

# An: Two-three days after lokee's attack on Arkham and before Roy meets Cheshire. #

Roughly Two to three days prior to your run-in with Integang. Circe transformed Dendra into an average looking afghan male with a silver ring, before handing it to him then sending him off to infiltrate the league of assassins. With the intentions of joining them before Lokee hit.

Samuel: "Wait! Wait--"

Geralt: "Will you shut-up, it's my story."

Samuel: "Yeah, but you suck at telling stories and how'd he join that group of assassin?"

Geralt: "He went around robbing people in their area as a homeless 18-year old male. Before stealing from a few of their new recruits… they got killed, and he got in.

But on his first day in, the base was attacked and his cover was blown."

Samuel: "By who?"

Geralt: "shut it. Anyways, his cover was blown!"

Samuel: "God! Can somebody else tell the story? you've always sucked at it!"

Diana: "yeah, they're really hit or miss. I guess I'll tell it.

What Geralt failed to tell you, was that Dendra's antics had gotten himself kidnapped by the league's talent evaluators, you see. You're not asked join the league…your forced. However, here's where his mission was derailed.

He thought he'd have more time…Circe the weaver thought he'd have more time. They thought he'd be able to make his way in, endure the torturous training and then make his way out with valuable information and data."

Samuel's wife: "Why go thru all that--"

Geralt & Samuel: "ssshhhhhh."

Diana: "The weaver tried to play him and the demon tried to kill her. Her pig compromised his agents, where as his agents assassinated some of her men. The same men, that Dendra spent weeks training. They were supposed to be her elites and yet, Ra's had um killed on their fourth mission.

So she in relation would compromise his famed league and in doing so, show all within their world that Ra's…"

Samuel: "…Was past his prime...that his league was weak."

Diana: "Correct. Most think, the league is united in serving the demon head. That their most famed and powerful assassins live. No, love to serve him. And on the surface that is the truth, but that's far from the case! A few tried to kill Ra's. Some choose to leave, but the best of them took over the totality of his black ops division!

So if successful, Circe could have weakened his grip over the league of assassins and nobody would realize it was Dendra. But on the second day of his training, the league fell under attack by two people. The first was Gotham girl.

She tore through his city of Eth Alth'eban with sunken lifeless eyes that prayed for death. And die she did, but the second was a man…whose name still eludes us. This man was responsible for the Arkham breakout, and he had stomped through the city base of Eth Alth'eban in the form of a giant black wolf.

As for Gotham girl…death would not be her escape. This was Eth Alth'eban, city of the league and home to those where death has no meaning. She'd be revived and her torture would continue."

Diana paused, depression, anger, and sadness covered her face. She needed a moment, so Geralt continued her story. "When the giant wolf came upon the demon's palace, his body shrunk and his human form returned to sight.

More assassins charged out the palace however their attacks were pointless. The man strolled into the palace unimpeded by the 200 plus men. Ra's watched alongside the best the league had to offer as the man made his way down towards him and his lazarus pits. Among those best…was talia his daughter.

And in front of them was body of Gotham girl! The man strolled into the basement camber, followed closely by Ra's assassins. He stared towards Gotham girl with extreme excitement. "IT's BeEN So MaNy YeArS SiNce AnYBodY TRiEd to EscApE Me ThRoUgH DEaTh! RoAHaHAhaHA, RoAHAhaHahaha, ROaHAhaHAHA." The assassins watched as the man muscle distorted with every laugh.

Before he paused to sniff the air, thirty shuriken went flying towards his throat. But none of them penetrated, the man disregarded the attacks before strolling towards Gotham's body.

They watched as he picked the girl up then strolled past Ra's. When the man's foot touched the poolside steps, Ra's enchanted sword swung down on his neck. The blade cleaved clean through his skin, but came to a stop when it made contact with flesh.

Talia smiled rest at the sight of the man's back muscle's distorting into that of a smiling demon. The rest of Ra's elite stared at her enchant--" *Wack.*

Geralt: "Really hun?"

Diana: "Yes."

Geralt: "The rest of Ra's elite stared at her sadistic smile. "Were you the one that sent the messages?" Asked Lady Shiva. Ra's wanted her dead for the theft of his black ops group…the league of shadows. But they were steed fast in their devotion towards her. And according to most accounts, she was just as if not most skilled then Ra's.

"Yes." Said the man, this time his voice was sweet, and calming. Ra's sword was pushed out as the man's body healed and Gotham girl began to stir. "What mess--?" Demand Ra's turning towards the best his league had to offer. They all dawned bloodthirsty smiles told him Cheshire "we're not here to help you…."

Talia added "We're here to replace you." Ra's looked towards Bronze Tiger, Richard Dragon the second, Malcolm Merlyn, Ubu and then finally Cheshire. These were some of his most loyal and yet they too had sought this opportunity.

"How?" Asked Ra's in complete disbelief. But the man did not answer; his eyes had stayed trained on Gotham girl. The 200 plus assassins formed a semi circle around the group while then clang their daggers together, as they gave an unknown chant. Ra's felt his impending doom.

The man said… "I found some of them, than told them. Be at Eth Alth'eban on this date if you want a chance to take over the league. Most did not believe me, but after the Arkham raid they were intrigued so listened. As I told them, I will kill you then hold a free for all featuring the league's best. The winner takers over however, they have to do what I say for the remainder of my plan. After which they talked with Bane and he spread word around your camp."

Once more, the man sniffed the air. Before looking down at Gotham girl, the assassins watched as he dawned his seductive smile. But when the girl opened her eyes…she fled in pure terror.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…I'm sorry." She repeated over and over, with tears streaming down her face. For the rest the man's face was calming, but to her it was terror. The man snapped his fingers causing a red chained tattoo to appear around her body.

The girl screamed in pain, the assassins watched. Gotham girl's body fell into the emerald green lazarus water. "I need to train you better." Said the man studying the girl's body, she squirmed in the terror. But the assassins laughed as they watched Ra's body hit the floor…Come tomorrow, one of these elites will be the ruler of the league."

#An: although it's called a lazarus pit, the pit is shaped more like a pool.

For those who forgot, Lokee is building a force which aims to recreate the world. #

Next chapter