
The Start of The Vongola Family

....... {10 Year tine Skip } ........

James Pov:

Who would have thought i would be celebrating my second 23rd birthday today life is just crazy *Sighs*. Over the past 10 years i had a few achievements if i do say so myself which i am , first i broke through to the foundation establishment realm so now i'm able to live for an extra 300 years and boy was i happy about that i mean the strength enhancement was awesome also but i digress .

The Second achievement was that i created a new Art thanks to the help of the LHP it's called

" The Heavenly Cultivation Compendium " :

This book is filled with all the relevant and necessary information need for your average joe to become an universe soaring cultivating badass.

The third achievement is that i also with the help of the LHP have built a pretty decent house if i do say so myself 2 stories 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms well the most modern age house of this time.

The Fourth and final achievment is that i finally completed my Body tempering art :

" The Battling Dragon Elephant Body Tempering Art " :

Broken down into 9 levels with each level harder than the last but with each break through you get the strength and Defense of a dragon elephant which is about 5-8 elephants rolled into one.

For the next few years i'm going to be studying all my previous world's knowledge with ease while also looking for a permanent place of residence for me since i'm going to be an immortal i'm thinking about looking for a mountain peak to live on i mean it may be cliche but i like this cliche .

{60 Years Later }>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

You know what you do when you have time on your side you relax and take things one day at a time and for the past 60 years that is all i have been doing right now i'm in the middle realm of the core formation rank with more than 1,000 more years to live to be quite honest i think i'm one of if not the most dangerous being on the planet earth if i do say so myself .

The Absorption of my previous world's knowledge is coming along slowly i'm only at about 15% of all the knowledge, well that is to be expected i mean all the knowledge from my previous earth i mean that is a lot of info.

I'm currently at the 4th level of my body tempering art and because of my body being limitless it has been a breeze to practice it *haha*. While moving around trying to find a home i ran into various dangerous animals who after charging at me got one shotted with a flick of my finger i mean i knew i could do it but actually seeing it was a shocker, so after that i tried to punch a tree and it flew away and after seeing that i laughed because i knew i only used my physical strength.

Right now i'm building a Mansion and after that I'm going to start a long long long long long project building my family Castle but when it is done it's going to be beautiful . by my calculations i'm going to need at least 600-700 years to get the castle just right and that is if i take my time but if i hurry it up it is gonna take bout 300 years give or take.

{200 Years Later }>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

*Yawnnnnnnnnnn* After getting up from sleeping i go to my kitchen to my make shift fridge made using a kind of freezing array and because of some tweeks i made i can officially call it a fridge , to be honest i did that with all the machinery in the mansion the stove , the shower now that one had a temperature altering array , washing machine , Dryer, Oven and many more i mean you have a lot of time on your hands so of course your gonna figure shit out and with my intelligence and enhanced learning so basically Time + My Intelligence + My Enhanced Learning + My Cultivation = Creating whatever i want .

Anyway ohhh yeah my cultivation level right now is Core Formation Peak and i can break through at any day this year now , while cooking some breakfast i was scanning my mansion along with my construction site i kind of have already set down multiple arrays to warn off intruders and alert me if any break through but it is never to bad to be to cautious and while scanning i jumped in surprise because i found something not human but animals.

After eating breakfast i walked toward the Animals what???? you thought i would just rush out after finding them yeah right right now with my cultivation in the core formation realm and my body tempering art at the 7 realm what am i to fear if not darkseid but that dude isn't even close to earth , When i arrived i saw 3 tigers A big one and 2 small ones the big one seemed to be on its last breath so i was about to just leave them alone when i heard a mournful roar and i stopped in my tracks and Sighed.

James : * I walked up to the three White tigers yes white i mean aren't you guys suppose to be rare or going extinct or something ..... ohhh right that is like way way later in the future, I looked at the dying tiger in the eyes and said * " I know a way to save you and your children along with making you guys the most powerful tigers on the earth "


James : " You might not believe me but i can and all you have to do is to join my family " * I said Smiling * ( Yes that's right i can talk to her and not just tigers i can talk to all the animal kingdom to i mean why i can do that Answer = Cultivation an all that )

Mama White Tiger : (Translated Version ) " If i say yes what would i have to do"

James : " Make our family the most powerful force on Earth And never Betray It " * I said the first have with overwhelming charisma and the other half with over flowing killing intent *

Mama White Tiger : * She stared at me for a good minute then alternated her gaze from me to her children and then to me again and then nodded her head* " What Should I call You"

James : " Ja........ Hmmmmmmmmmmm" * Now that i think about it james is the name of my past life and seeing as I'm starting completely anew in another world another name is required as well....... * * 1 minute later James' eyes flashed with delite*

James: " My name Shall be Alexander Dio Vongola the first Patriarch/Boss of the Vongola family and you shall be Daniela Vongola and your two sons shall be name Giotto and Timoteo Vongola the first members in the Vongola family now time to heal you hehehe all that time practicing Alchemy is finally paying off here eat this and not only will you recover you will me at least 5 times stronger than you were before at you peak strength so you can have revenge on what ever did this to you.* After say that i was about put the pill i took out to put in her mouth but the 2 little twerps bit my finger i mean it didnt't hurt at all but still to have the courage to attack me even though i know they know they can't win against me is still commendable so all i d was wave my hand in the air and created a few signs to trap them in a transparent cage and fed the medicine to Daniela .


If you wanna know this is what the castle is gonna

look like


This is what the mansion looks like i kind of have a thing for Chinese culture if you haven't notice already


Zygacreators' thoughts
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