
Chapter 2, Discovery’s

[ A/N I plan on making this a daily update story, I'm not sure how long I'll keep this story going on, but I hope those that read it enjoy it]


Once I open my eyes, I find myself starring at a reddish clay, possibly mud roof; I look to my right and see a window with the sun setting on the horizon, as I look around, more houses made of the same reddish clay or mud and then my eyes shot wide as I put my gaze upon a halfway completed version of the pyramids of Giza. With the Nile River just a few dozen meters away.

'I made it

as I find a small puddle inside the house, I see a reflection of myself and am quite satisfied with it exactly as I described precisely to 'the presence.' looking around the home, I see the blank folded letter.

I open it, and it states

To: Daman

I sent you to 2532 BC. I sent you 1000 years after Nabu the Lord of order descended to Egypt & 500 years before Nabu had an altercation with the mad priest Khalis. I will not interject with what you should do, but if you seek Nabu, he will not turn from you; you have my word. Also, I granted you the ability of flight with your eternal body, and for your second wish, I organized it as a library, all you have to do is think of what you want to accomplish, and the books or scriptures will come to you. I hope you have an eventful journey during this life.

From: The Presence

He didn't need to do any of this, but he did it anyway. And for that, I am eternally grateful. I thought as I bowed to the sky as showing my sincerity.

As I walk outside, I notice just how clean the air is here; nothing from my previous life can compare how refreshing it feels to be here. And with my physique, I feel no discomfort from the heat.

As I close my eyes, I try to feel the gravity around me as it releases me from its bounds, and I levitate a couple of feet off the ground. I'm just glad no one outside notices me. As I open my eyes and fix my gaze on the setting sun, I take off at a speed one can only dream of. I heard a booming sound from behind me as I flew and noticed that I had just broken the sound barrier. I go above the clouds and continue upwards for the stratosphere, then the Ionosphere testing my limits for breathing without oxygen which seems I have no problem.

I set a course for the moon, and once I land on it, I have a grin from one ear to the other.

" That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" take that Neil Armstrong

I think I'll leave my footmarks here and wait and see if anyone notices or admit that they weren't the first men or women on the moon.

I close my eyes again and take all of these new sensations in at once. It feels additive feeling empowered, unbound by rules of man as if there was a ceiling in my previous life, and now it's nothing blocking me from doing as I please.

I view the sun, a bright yellow star that a certain boy in tights will depend on in the future

I place my attention back on earth in orbit and notice the contents are similar to a globe you can find on the internet, but the contents are closer, not by much but just enough to see it

I debate where I should go next or settle down in, a base of operations if you will.

'North America would be friendly for now, but shortly, I would need to isolate myself and steer clear of people just from my skin color, especially if I don't want to affect history too much. I could always use magic to disguise myself, but why should I be in a more forested area...

' I think the amazon forest would be a good choice very forested, not many people should be in that area at the moment, I can isolate myself for a few hundred years till Nabu defeats the priest when that happens, I'll hopefully be able to contest in some fraction of strength for him to take me in as a student and I'll be able to use different forms of magic and expand on my knowledge. '

As I make my mind up, I take off once again, leaving a sonic boom in space, and find myself in a lovely green timbered scenery with a waterfall right in the middle

[A/N I'll put up a picture of it here]

"This should be perfect."

(Back in Egypt)

Inside of what seems to be a throne room sat a man who wore a half-pleated kilt wound around the body with a pleated section drawn to the front. He has leopard skin over his shoulders and a lion's tail hanging from his belt. On his head, he wore the nemes headdress. This man was Pharaoh Khafra.

He is currently speaking to a famous court Magician named Nabu

" Nabu, what was the deafening sound from the sky?" says Khafra

" Young pharaoh, that is what I would assume to be a sonic boom; it only happens when an object reaches high speeds. and from the direction it was going towards, I would assume something, or someone was flying towards the sky," says Nabu

" Will this be treating us, Nabu?" says Khafra

"I am unsure of the cause of this, but I will not allow this dynasty to fall by any means as long as I am around," says Nabu

"*sigh* as long as I have your word, I will leave this issue with you and give some excuse to the public, so I do not lose my image," says Khafra

[A/N I'm not sure about speech in ancient Egypt and how one would address the pharaoh, but I didn't want a literal lord of order to bow his head to someone who has seen his ancestor's diapers]

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