
Final Boss

Isaac stood in a hallway as he looked around, staring at the fallen Ninjas all around him. One wouldn't believe that he was the one responsible for this massacre. He was barely out of breath and didn't even have a wrinkle in his clothes, much less injuries. Not to mention, his youth was enough to make anyone doubt his involvement in this.

Isaac looked around as he yawned. He had expected more of a challenge so that he could test his new abilities. But evidently, he didn't find that here. He barely used his Qi yet it was enough to defeat his foes. As he turned around to catch up to his other two teammates, he heard a sudden voice behind him.

"Are you with my brother?" A soft and innocent voice came from behind him as he turned around, only to be met with a brunette with short hair and big blue eyes, removing her cloak as she stared at him. She looked at all the Ninjas on the floor, surprised as she refused to believe the boy was responsible.

"Are you Jay's sister? The one that was speaking through the walkie-talkie?"

"Yes. Where is he?" She asked desperately. Although she was surprised at the young boy's involvement in all this, she decided to ignore that for now.

"I was heading to him right now." Said Isaac, pointing down the hallway.

"We have to hurry. The assassins aren't far behind." She said, running and passing Isaac, only to see he wasn't following her.

"What's wrong?" She asked, confused at the boy's hesitation. Isaac looked down the hallway with an amber glint in his eyes, staring intently.

"Go ahead. I'll hold them off." Said Isaac with a smile, giving her a thumbs up.

"What are you talking about? Don't be an idiot." She said, questioning the boy's sanity.

"Don't worry. Although I may not look it, I'm actually pretty strong." Despite Amelia first thinking the boy was nothing but cocky, she quickly started to question her opinion after looking around at the massacre of her former soldiers.

"Even so, the Hexagon is here. You can't possibly take them on by yourself."

"I know they are. In fact, they aren't too far from us. If we run now, we'll run into them sooner or later." He said, starting to walk away. Amelia was starstruck at the boy's nonsensical bravery. She saw his stubbornness as a rock that couldn't be moved, prompting her to sigh and run to him.

"Use this." Saying this, she grabbed what looked to be perfume from her pocket, spraying it on him as he coughed after being shrouded in pink air. However, instead of the perfume being liquid like usual, this time it shot out from the glass as a gas, enveloping Isaac in an instant.

"This is my Veridream gas. It acts as a hallucinogen and makes one see what they expect to see, instead of what's there. The effects can vary depending on one's state of mind, however, it usually has the same outcome for everyone." She explained, making Isaac widen his eyes in surprise.

"Why am I not affected?" He asked, looking around to see if there was a giant dinosaur with machine guns for hands and a cowboy hat.

"The effects are greatly reduced if one knows they are being fooled. Their brain will block the trick and ignore it, keeping them unaffected."

"The range of the gas is wide. So when the assassins come near you, they'll be affected. And since they think they're chasing me, that's what they'll see. This will draw them all towards you. These guys have a zero-tolerance policy for traitors, so they'll all be after me. Including the Hexagon." She explained with a pained voice, clear that this scheme was one she hoped she could avoid.

"You don't have to do this. We can find another way to escape." She said one last time, hoping Isaac would change his mind.

"This is awesome. I thought I'd have to fight them one by one and waste a lot of time. With this, I won't have to go through all that." He said with a wide grin, completely ignoring her last statement, making her slightly surprised. All she could do was sigh and put her Veridream back in her pocket.

"All you have to do is hold them off till we get away. Don't take any unnecessary risks." She said as Isaac started to walk away from her with a thumbs up.

"Wait before you leave, why are you doing this? You don't even know me." Before he left, she decided to ask the question that had been bugging her. After a slight pause, without looking back, Isaac replied.

"Because I know what it feels like to be separated from those you care about. It sucks." He said, stretching his limbs. Amelia looked at him with sympathetic eyes. She could tell from the way he spoke that his words were genuine. It had been so long since she had met someone that she could relate to.

"And besides, I've been looking for a good fight."


~Present Time~

Isaac stood with a large grin as six individuals stood before him exuding a menacing aura. A shirtless man stood slightly in front of the rest, making Isaac assume he was the leader. He was a bulky and muscular man with styled hair and a strong jawline. He too fashioned a wide grin, staring at Isaac with his arm around a female standing beside him.

She too clung to him seductively as she smiled. She wore a red dress that matched well with her red lipstick, red heels and red curled hair. The dress had a slit down the side of it, allowing her to move more freely. The two of them looked to be a couple, as evidenced by the intimacy between them.

Beside her stood a pale-skinned man with white clothes as well as white hair. His hollow eyes looked lifeless as he stood with no emotion on his face. Isaac moved past this individual and stared at two young men who looked to be twins, but very different.

One wore a shirt that said "Two Piece" and munched on a bag of chips. He had messy black hair that covered his eyes and wore sweatpants and flip-flops. Beside him stood his twin who looked identical to him in terms of features, yet they somehow looked like they had nothing to do with each other.

His twin wore a bulletproof vest and forearm guards that were attached to gloves in which he placed his hands. He wore a brown trench coat and what seemed to be a green soldier's helmet. He also wore big tough boots that complimented his bulky brown pants.

The last individual simply wore a black skin-tight bodysuit. His normal black hair and brown eyes further depicted his simplicity. As Isaac looked at them one by one, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"I thought you guys would be…more. You really don't live up to your name." Said Isaac, feeling slightly disheartened. After Jay had talked about them so much, Isaac was expecting them to be more intimidating. The leader stared at him as he scowled.

"Who's this twerp? Where's the oh-so majestic princess?" He said mockingly while looking around.

"She doesn't seem to be here, Hubby. Let's get outta here. That skank deserves all the pain in the world." Said the red-haired female, clinging to the bulky man seductively.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go, boys. Oh, Ghost, do me a solid and get rid of the kid." Said the leader as they all turned around to walk away. The man named 'Ghost' sighed as he started to slowly walk toward Isaac. His peculiar white hair and pale skin suited his name, making Isaac give a thumbs up.

Isaac stood with a straight face as the man walked to him. In an instant, the pale-skinned man started to change. In a miraculous second, the once-visible white-haired man started to disappear. His body slowly started to become transparent as he soon disappeared from Isaac's view.

Seconds passed as Isaac continued to stand in his position with a straight face, unfazed. The remaining five of the Hexagon stood at the door as the leader turned around.

"Hey, hurry up would ya." He yelled with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

Seconds passed and nothing happened. All of a sudden, in an instant, Isaac's hand shot out to his side in a blurring motion, seeming as though he had grabbed onto something. Yet there was nothing there. He slowly turned his head, staring at the air. Without warning, he swung his hand to the ground at a jaw-dropping speed. A loud BOOM was heard as dust kicked up in the air, shrouding the surroundings.

The five at the door turned their heads at the sudden explosion-like sound. Their nonchalant attitude turned to that of seriousness after noticing something was wrong. As the smoke cleared out, one could see Isaac kneeling over as he held onto Ghost, clasping his jaw with one hand. One could see Ghost reverting from his invisible form as his eyes rolled back into his skull and the knife rolled out from his hand.

He laid in a crater below him as the rest of the Hexagon were left without words. They widened their eyes while some couldn't close their mouths, dumbfounded at the scene before them.

"How'd he do that?" Asked the Red Haired female, her previous lacklustre demeanour now gone. Meanwhile, the shirtless leader said nothing as he watched intently.

"He knocked out Ghost in a single move." Said the man with the skin-tight bodysuit, starstruck at what had just happened.

"Who's next?" Said Isaac, standing up and dusting his hands with a large grin.


A door swung open violently as three individuals ran into the room. The organised room, which looked to be an office, fashioned a small chair in the corner of the space with bookshelves built into the wall, stacked with expensive-looking books. On the other end, one could see a small bar with a few cups and a few bottles of alcohol.

However, the most noticeable part of the room was the large desk, sitting at the far end of the room, opposite the door and sitting before a large window. Flag, Jay and Amelia looked around the room, searching for their target. However, they were met with nothing important.

"Where is he?" Said Jay in frustration, looking around. Just as he said this, a landline telephone on the office desk started to ring. The three of them looked at each other, confused. It wasn't long until Jay walked toward the desk, picking up the phone and placing it to his ear, not saying a word.

"Jayson, my boy. How long has it been?" A stoic voice came from the phone, making Jay grit his teeth.

"Where are you?" He said simply, controlling his emotions.

"Not even a hello? Is that any way to treat your father? Your saviour?" Jay had reached his boiling point. He couldn't stand there and listen to this nonsense any longer.

"You aren't my father, you piece of shit! My father was a good man who died helping others! You took advantage of us and used us!" He yelled, his years of anger and frustration evident in his words ripe with bloodlust.

"Oh boy, you never did outgrow your rebellious phase. You know what, I'll give you a chance. I'm currently waiting for my mode of transportation before disappearing forever. If you can get to me in time, I'll make it worth your while. I'm in the basement. You have about five minutes." He said, before hanging up.

"The basement? That's almost on the other side of the manor." Stated Amelia. After a few seconds, Jay turned his head with a determined face.

"I'll make it."


In a vast and empty white room, one could see nothing but a metal door and an individual standing silently, unmoving. It was windowless and the white ground, white walls and white ceilings with built-in lights made the space look somewhat majestic. Inside the large room stood a man with styled black hair with grey streaks in it. He wore a fashionable black and blue suit and fashioned a grey and black goatee.

His hazel eyes stayed focused as he looked straight ahead, away from the door and to the wall. Despite him having nothing to do in the boring space, it didn't seem to affect him as he stood, waiting for something.

After a few seconds, the silence was broken after beams of light shot through the metal door, bursting through the hinges and breaking them, leaving the door with nothing to support it. It slowly fell to the ground, connecting with the solid floor, it made a loud crash as the noise echoed in the hall.

"Your grit and stubbornness have always been something I admired about you, young one." Said the man, without turning around. At the door, a sweating Jay stepped out as he breathed heavily, by himself.

"Shut up and fight, old man."


I wonder how powerstones would look in real life. I've always imagined it to be glowing red rocks with a fiery inside. Well, either way...


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