

"Okay... you can do this!" Eddie is on the edge of the highest building he could find as he tested if he actually have the power of flight.

Eddie was about to jump but he begun to think twice, if he don't have a power then he will die.

"But at least i go down my own way" Eddie then jump, as he try really hard to fly but...


He died trying to do the impossible.

Eddie Duke, is an avid superhero fan. a normal teenager but some might call him crazy because he try every power he sees on movies, games, series and comics but alas he died while trying. maybe it's because he was trying to become a hero due to what happen when his parents die on a car crash, trying to protect those who could not.




Eddie who is in a soul state is floating in a space-like place.

Eddie open his eyes and see darkness but in those darkness you could see stars and if you looked closely you could see the stars is actually it's own multiverse.

Some people might panic but not Eddie because he had seen this type of setting on some fanfic he read sometimes.

"Fascinating you did not disperse like the other soul that got washed up here" A voice sounded in all direction that Eddie could not help but freak out inside but remain his face calm .

"Are you ROB?" Eddie who remember those fanfic feel estatic.

"Yes... hmm.. what to do with you..." The voice sounded contemplating on what to do with Eddie.

"why don't you reincarnate me or something with wishes?" Eddie gave an idea to the ROB but ROB had other plans.

"Okay, You got three(3) minor wish kid and then i'm going to transfer you to a new universe" ROB then propose.

"Okay I'm in, my first wish is i will have the power of a Green Martian from DC Universe" Eddie said with excitement but his hope where crush by ROB.

"Denied, im going to down grade it but you may choose one of it's subclass to be upgraded" ROB then project a HUD of a Martians power like

[Martian Physiology: The average Martian possesses the potential for the following power set:Shape-Shifting: Martians have psionic control of their physical for down to the molecular level. This allows them to a form of shape-shifting that allows them to mimic other forms, elongate aspects of their body, increase or decrease their physical size, and so on.Size Alteration: As an extension of their shape-shifting abilities martians can alter their size with ease, being able to shrink or grow to gigantic size.[1]

Invisibility: Martians can cause the biopolymers in their bodies to lose their ability to reflect light, making the Martians invisible to normal light and human sight.[2]

Phasing: Martians can go through solid matter.

Superhuman Strength[2]: Martians possess vast levels of superhuman strength and are among the few races that are able to match Kryptonians in terms of raw strength. Martians can easily shatter reinforced concrete and steel, lift and carry houndreds of tons with ease and deliver incredible damage with their blows.[3]

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Durability: Martians possess high levels of durability that make them nigh-invulnerable to all forms of damage. Martians can withstand high caliber bullets, powerful energy blast and kinetic impacts without suffering damage.[4]

Superhuman Speed: Martians can process thoughts, move, and react at incredible speed, being able to cover vast distances in little or no time, catch bullets in mid flight, run on water and create afterimages as they run.[5]Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes

Regeneration: Martians have powerful regenerative powers that enable them to regenerate their entire body from a severed limb, they can furtherly enhance their regenerative powers by drawing mass from nearby sources.[6]


Extrasensory Input


Super Hearing[6]

Heat Vision[7]

Martian Vision: Martian visual acuity greatly exceed human norms and allows for a wider range of information to be observed. This includes the following:[2]Infared Vision[citation needed]

X-Ray Vision[8]

Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Vision[citation needed]

Telescopic Vision[9]

Microscopic Vision[citation needed]

Telepathy: Martians have the ability to read the minds of others and project their thoughts to varying degrees. They can also project their mental essences into a gestalt community known as the "Great Mind". Through this, the community can enhance the telepathic strength of other Martians. This power can also enable them to reverse the effects of amnesia or psychological brainwashing. [2]Illusions


Astral Projection

Mind Control: As an extension of this, Martians can also use the ability to alter a psychological profile of a target, enabling them to manipulate, and in some cases, outright control that individual. This practice is greatly discouraged however, and only rarely used. [10]

Telepathic Relay[10]

Telepathic Assault

Telekinesis[11]: Martians have mind-over-matter abilities and can lift and move objects with their minds. They can also employ their telekinesis in offensive way by discharging telekinetic blasts capable of great concussive power.[12]


Martian PhysiologyVulnerability to Fire: Martians are much more vulnerable to fire than the average Earth human. At times this has been portrayed as physical, psychological, or a combination of the two. The effect of this is to strip any Martian of their powers as they involuntarily lose control of their body.


"I will downgrade them all even the weakness but you can choose one out of all of them to be upgraded" ROB's voiced out his proposal.

"Upgrade the Shapeshifting to the highest you could" Eddie then begun to think about what could protect him from harm of the new universe.

"Done, What are your second and third wishes, Minor wishes" ROB said.

"Geez you dont have to ROB it in... you get it? Haha. My second wish is a personal world" Eddie then smile thinking about the pun and his OP wish.

"Denied, At least you could get a USA size island" ROB strongly refuse

"Okay.. okay, no need to get angry, my third wish is Duplication"

"Agreed but the maximum you could duplicate is 10" ROB's voice said and then a body is created in front of Eddie.

The body is White skinned, white eyes, white hair and is very fit and is wearing an assassin's creed ezio suit .


"This is the body you desire and the suit or your mind think so..." ROB's voice out then pulled Eddie's soul and pushed it to the body.

Eddie who is on a new body feel ecstatic because he could feel the power of a martian or his power now.

"Good bye Eddie, may we meet again in the future" ROB then open a portal under Eddie.

Eddie whose falling thought 'did you just wish me to die??'




[Gotham, June 11, 2009]

In an alley on Gotham, a wormhole materialized and Eddie with a new look is thrown out.

"AAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh" Eddie who is screaming suddenly realized he is on the ground stop screaming.

Eddie then looked around trying to figure out where the hell he is, He then spotted a news paper saying {Killer Frost the new supervillain is beaten by The Flash and being imprison on belle reve}

"Oww for crying out loud, just because i got martians power you transported me to dc??" Eddie who look like his soul leave his body.

'Think Ed think Ed, you are on a new place heck a new universe, but you don't know how to use them, what do you do?...' Ed ( im gonna call him Ed cus it's short) sat down on the floor to think not minding his clothes getting dirty 'Okay you got this, just think of some thug and shapeshift into them' Ed then stand up and just like his thought he just did it, shapeshifting into some thug he imagine.

"I did it yess.." Ed celebrated on his power he begun to think about it 'Huh?... it's easy? maybe this is because ROB upgraded it and it felt like instinct' while Ed was shapeshifting he did not know Batman and Robin is looking at him.

"okay time to steal on some thug" Just as Ed was about to walk away of the alley, he heard a noise on his back and turn only to see Batman and Robin.

"Hey... Bats... i didnt do anything bad" Ed who is a little scared of Batman, but c'mon whose not.

"We saw you shapeshift, turn back to your original form" Batman said and Robin who is circling Ed, Eddie who have no chance go back to his original form with a sigh "sigh"

"So you're a kid with a shapes-shifting powers" Robin joined the chat.

"Hey your the kid here, anyway can i go now?" Ed said with annoyance, and begin to walked away, but robin blocked the exit and ask. "who are you?"

Eddie then started to panic because he did not have an identity on this new universe, and begun to think of a way to not get hurt and get away from this safely and maybe he can join the Hero team or somethiing.

"sigh, i am Eddie Duke and i'm from a different universe, and you and you are just stori-" Eddie let out a sigh and begin to say a half-truth/half-lie, but he did not continue because Batman knocked him out.

"lets end todays patrol, go to the cave and do not tell anyone about this... , im going to take him to the Watchtower" Batman then stare at Robin intensely and pick up Eddie and goes to the nearest Zeta-tube.

"But... why is he allowed to go to the watchtower" but Robin protested.

"Because he is from a different universe and his knowledge is dangerous" said Batman and teleported out.

"aww man" Robin the grappling hook away to the cave.


i got excited by my idea and write about it and ill upload this together with the Pitch black fanfic

Next chapter