
Never A Dull Moment

Raven and Sora had a great time together. They didn't go too far, as it was unknown what might possibly occur. It had only been a few days apart but they wanted to see each other again. An incredible possessiveness had manifested between them due to their astral chain. Love wasn't a good term for it.

For such a reason, she'd invited him to the New York County Fair. This fair was the citizens' way of finding normalcy in these bleak times. Homes were destroyed, lives ruined, and careers had gone up in smoke. A single battle between heroes and villains changed the layout of the city.

The people needed to lighten up in lieu of the constant tragedies. First was the alien invasion, then Gorilla Island, then the skirmish with the Teen Titans. The reconstruction effort for all of this wasn't anywhere near finished. Everyone knew that the future was uncertain. If all of this could happen in a single year, what else would happen?

A yawn escaped Sora's lips as he leaned against his motorcycle. Parked cars were all around him, revealing the eagerness of most civilians. The parking lot was filling up fast. It didn't even matter that the sky was grey and clouds threatened to leak rain.

With a fashionable scarf keeping his neck warm, he gazed up at the sky. The sleepy man could feel his little bundle of darkness nearing his location. Another yawn brought tears to his drooping eyes.

It didn't take that long for the right people to arrive. It sure did feel long though. An SUV had parked a couple spots away. Out came a group of people.

All of the Teen Titans were present except Cyborg. There was a new addition as well. A young kid with a mohawk kept pace with the group. He walked with supreme confidence.

'Blue Beetle. Is he Cyborg's replacement? Maybe he finally made the switch to the Justice League.' He realized.

Rachel was the first to notice him. He gave her a sleepy smile, which she returned by rolling her eyes. He couldn't help but scratch the back of his head. What was that?

She wore an open black jacket with a thin blue shirt that only started at her breasts. A short black skirt stopped above her knees, and gothic boots completed the look. There was one thing that got his attention though. A black choker wrapped around her neck, with a small pendant of a black sun.

'Mnn…All she needs is some bubblegum.' He thought with a gulp.

As if she could sense what he was feeling, she glared at him. The young Lockhart turned to the side as if he didn't notice her look. Starfire happened to notice him as well, and her face lit up with joy. Robin, Beast Boy, and Blue Beetle all glanced at him before walking past.

What made Sora frown was Rachel. She was about to walk past as well. As if he wasn't there. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her over. His hands stopped on her waist.

"Where ya headed?" He asked.

"To the Fair." She still hadn't made eye contact with him.

"The Fair? What Fair?"

"The County Fair."

"...Without me?"

"Aren't you here now? Let's go." She spoke before trying to escape his grasp. He pulled her back in.

"Raven. Look at me."


His hand cupped her chin, forcing her to lock eyes with him. She almost melted upon seeing his droopy golden orbs and slight smile. There was nothing like it.

"Your feelings and actions don't match. I know you're happy to see me." He spoke softly.

"..................." She didn't respond, only staring at him.

While caressing her cheek, he tried a bit harder to see how she was feeling. While letting her emotions wash over him, he finally understood. A lightbulb went off in his head.

"...Ah. It's your first time being with me in public. You don't know how your comrades will react. You're worried that the brooding image you worked so hard to build will crumble. Don't worry. I won't embarrass you."

"Don't be weird." She spoke in her monotone voice. A bit of red appeared on her cheeks. He was a bit too accurate.

"I won't. Now come here." He pressed his lips against hers. It was a short kiss, but it was tender.

Only then did he let her go. As soon as there was space between them, Starfire came up to them. The energetic girl had been waiting the whole time.

"I never would've thought. Since when did Raven have a manfriend?" She looked up at Sora with a smile. "And to think it would be you."

The young Lockhart opened up his arms. Starfire tilted her head to the side. She was trying to understand what the gesture meant. He decided to make it easier for her.

"Would you like a hug as well?" He asked. Her expression grew even brighter.

"Are you asking me to partake in the hug of friends?"

"I am."

"Then I accept your offer!"

Starfire's arms wrapped around his neck. Her lovely breasts were squished against his chest. The two swayed from side to side before letting go. The other Teen Titans had turned around at this point. Upon realizing that Starfire and Raven weren't beside them, they stopped walking. Only now did they truly look at Sora.

"Are you joining us on this journey through the park of amusement?" The tamaranean asked.

"Indeed. The Fair of the County awaits us!" Sora answered, mimicking her way of speech.

Seeing how close he was with both of the women in the team left them a bit intimidated. Beast Boy wasn't all too happy, but he hid it quickly. Seeing Raven kiss another man…it felt like his heart had shattered to pieces. Robin wasn't too happy either. Both women had been in his gaze.

Sora finally approached. Raven and Starfire were on his sides. As they walked to the entrance, he introduced himself.


"Team, meet Sora. He is a fellow compatriot of mine." Starfire interrupted.

"A fellow compatriot?" Robin asked in confusion.

"He also converses in noble speech. We are partners now!" She exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you guys. Let's get along."

Beast Boy gave a fist bump, while Robin and Blue Beetle grunted in their own ways. He was much taller up close. The trio had to look up at him just to speak. After exchanging more pleasantries, they got in line for tickets.

The line grew longer by the second. As they waited, he casually put his arm around Rachel's shoulder. Sora's mind inevitably wandered.

'Man…I could go for some sweets right now…Wait!' Instantly, his sleepiness was gone. He couldn't help but gulp in anticipation.

"Funnel cakes. Funnel cakes! I need it." He murmured.

Feeling the shift in energy, Raven checked his expression. Her eyebrow raised in scrutiny. What was up with him?

"What's gotten into you?" She asked.

"It's not about what got into me, but what's about to get into me…Hehe." It took everything not to drool where he stood.

"Ew." Raven blanched at his words.

"What's this? Are you talking about food?" Starfire chimed in.

She grabbed his other arm and wrapped it around her shoulder. Raven raised an eyebrow at the joyful girl's casual intimacy. Sora didn't mind it at all. He enjoyed any and all intimacy with beautiful women. Feeling his growing narcissism, the gloomy girl pinched his side.

"Ow…funnel cakes to be exact." He responded with a wince.

"Funnel cakes? What is this cake you speak of?"

"Check this out…" Sora leaned into the tamaranean's ear. "...You can get many flavors. Mostly brown sugar, cinnamon, strawberry, blueberry, banana, and more. It melts in your mouth and they put ice cream on top. It's extremely sweet."

As he whispered sweet nothings into her ear, Starfire's eyes began to shine. It was as if she'd gone to a world of candy and sweets. His voice was the whisper of the devil. Drool began to gather on the corner of her lips.

"Mhhmm. Mhhmm. Yes. I must have some of this delicacy." She declared while nodding multiple times.

Raven could only sigh at his antics. She tugged on his scarf, causing him to see what she wanted. The sarcastic beauty spoke quietly.

"I can't believe you can keep up with her mumbo jumbo."

"It's a breath of fresh air. Plus, I love new experiences. That's one of my true joys in life."

"And the other joys?"

"...The others…" An eerie smile crept onto his face. Noticing the bubbling desires rising up, she stomped on his foot.

"Stop it."

"Mmm? Stop what?"

"Can't you control yourself for just a second?"

"I control myself everyday. Would you like to see me without it?" He hummed. His hand sneaked under her skirt, squeezing a handful of her delicious bottom.

"Don't be a perv." She quipped while slapping his hand away.



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