
Chapter 2: New Middles – Beyond the Dark – Part 1


Thought / Description






It gazed into my very being.

This entity of the deep dark was now visible, an unmoving statue which towered above me while slouched over.

Its face was almost unmoving, but shook and contracted every few seconds; it had a skull resembling an anomaly of shifting pieces, each having several indents between acting like gaps and funnels for some illuminous material. Its smoke like breathing, released periodically but continuously, was bone white mixed with a continuous change of ashen light grey.

This entity was only further illuminated by its cloaked torso, covered in the eternal darkness which surrounded me. It felt alien, as if some twisted being attempted to create a machination surpassing life; the bone-face was adorned white bone and graphite asphalt colors, a texture of smooth edges that seemed to rip any flesh into cubicles laid across the entire cheek bones and multi sided chins, which overlapped each other several times.

A twisting odor that could only be described like burning plastic and charcoal coated with fish and topped with vanilla gave way every time its methodical organs, which I could only hear, beating repeatedly.

Its overlapped and the rhythmic breathing would startle the bravest of men:

*Bab, Bup, Dom* *Bup, Dom, Bab* *Dom, Bab, Bup*

Its breathing was like a sonnet of drums humming a tune long forgotten by the ages:

*BAppub, Rebu-euop, web-ddom* *Rebu-euop, BAppub, web-ddom, * *BAppub, web-ddom - Rebu-euop*

* web-ddom, BAppub, Rebu-euop* *BAppub, Rebu-euop, web-ddom*

*web-ddom, Rebu-euop, BAppub * *BAppub - web-ddom - Rebu-euop *

It's heart was louder, more active, more layered. Just as Symmetrical though.

It was like an Aria composed by a machinist madman, by someone who desired ONLY mathematical and physical symmetry in life.

As if this entity had nine sets of hearts beating, and three column lungs breathing, it revealed what could only be shown as the blurring of this creature's chest into overlapped illusions.

Its rhythmical pendulum like beatings and double thumps of its hearts and lungs shook some primal aspect that had no longer existed within me.

An emotion I have yet to experience in a while, and for a longer time, had left behind me, came back in time....

Interest, caution, and especially... Fascination!

It had been SO long since I've experienced fascination!


Somewhere along the line, I began glowing a bluish hue;

My body was now only barely visible; Though I paid it little attention as my glow had revealed another depiction of this entity.

The impractical sets of teeth this entity basked.

Sharp yet smooth, overlapping but dancing around themselves like ballerinas dancing infront of a castle of glass, refracting themselves into a gala of dancers. Shark like almost, but far thinner.

It's jaw and neck held arches; like a roman mural of solid granite, though much more polished than any stone.

Its 'flesh' was carved white, a symbol of its illogical yet perfectly functioning and overlapping organs; which kept sliding through its own crevice in a slow motion, only to re-appear in the original position where it began.

Like a spinning ball, endlessly turning on itself.

It was as if every piece of this entity was made to be separately and re-attached, as its tendons and teeth felt independent of what was supposed to be its anatomy. As if all this excess beauty was merely to taunt its witness, telling them:

'You must know that this mere illusion, tapestry of my being, has surpass anything you've ever claimed to be beauty'

It was horrific, in the way that you'd find appealing. Not like a gore filled flick of an 1980's horror cinema, no, it was a work of art put into a a sculpture, of moving machines which when observed, would not hold back in revealing its beauty.

Still, one could only admire this statue, as to look in the mirror, would only remind them of their imperfect design, lesser.

Its arms were covered from the shoulder down, though little flesh appeared from after that.

The face had shifted into what would only look like a smile... an uncanny but in a way delicate smile, and its eyes held a blank, indescribable gaze.

No pupils, nothing at all to indicate what I felt, it was staring right through me.

Through its eerie movements, and illogical tendencies of shifting back and forth and back and forth, I could only become uncomfortable.

The silence that had begun to beckon our lack of movement for a response.

A sign.

Any reaction from either of us.

I was patient. Bloody petrified, but patient.

The thing that really took my attention away from the 'would be awkward situation if it was in a workplace', was that this being was still breathing.

It was alive; and that served as a reminder to not fuck up.

Well, I'm not sure what to expect, not like I'll find a canary on the other side of this things body.

It kept staring. I kept staring.


Honestly.. the sexual tension was only increasing. If feel like I'm in a Korean drama..


I joke when in fear, okay!?

"Hello..." It spoke. Not in English, but something I could understand. Like someone mixed Hebrew with alphabet cereal, and shook the box for newer letters.

..I guess I was expecting a comedic horror plot to occur, judging by how everything has been so far. I've been wandering for some time, and honestly something that would interest me was exactly what I asked for Christmas.

Thanks Santa.


It took itself an awkward nine seconds, before continuing, "How is it that you're here? Your kind are not usually supposed to be here, never the fact that your still alive..." I was shooketh. I swear, I only have three fears in life: Surprise deaths, stuffed animals, and confetti.

Never again.

The first is horrifying by itself. I'd rather not get 'Omae wa'd' just yet thank you.

And we don't talk about the second or third.

"Wait, why would I be dead exactly mister...?" I spoke fairly calmly for the situation I'm in. I also just realized this being could have no sexual organs, I'd rather avoid checking.

"I hold many names in different tongues, but you may calm me Alamanos, my third name. As for your question... beings of thon, entities of 'Am', shouldn't be in the Void, rather since beings like you exist as reliant to a something, you somehow survived being in nothingness, which is quite a fascination." It spoke, with an almost teaching tone.

I have been in the void? Really?

So this place is nothingness then, I still can't tell how I managed to get to this... world?

"If I'm a.. 'thon', what are you exactly?...." I manage to blurt some coherent response before falling into an endless contemplation.

"I dearest wander, I am a being of 'Not', who survives off the 'nothing', existing as an 'Nil', a being of nothingness, endless singularity and destine death" It moves its finger...

Pointing at me, "unlike you, I exist in what has yet to happen, and what has been un-determined, though in this void, you'll find time lacks much purpose, sadly";

Its tone was sad, but implied time had some meaning here..

No matter how minor, we can still perceive and move, so that's something, right?

"In which case young Wander, you may not want to stay too long. I'm sure that eternal nothing, while comfortable, is quite boring for your kind."

"Not for you though?" I ask with a questioning manner.

"No Wander, this place has an endless amounts of entertainment. As a being of nothingness, I can perceive many worlds which exist in the void. An endless omniverse of omniverses; But I cannot interact with them for long, as the worlds I see exist to devour nothingness. You however... may choose to perceive and move throughout them, but have more difficult escaping existance..." It continues-

"If need be, I can assist in giving you some help, to go wherever you desire." it finishes.

"Can't I just stay here?" I ask in contemplation.

"Can you cross an infinite distance? To travel in the void requires the ability to jump layers of infinite distance, and to cross to the center of all, require a slightly higher feat."

I... see the point..

"Since I can travel to worlds of my choosing.. will there be any problems mid way?"

It stops for a few seconds before speaking, "Usually, if you tried to travel alone, the void would take a price for you decision, often your memories or more, depending on how far you'd move. But since I am assisting, we may mitigate this price to very little." It finishes, but carefully stops moving.

"Can I take any abilities with me? I'd need some help to where I want to go." I elaborate, this opportunity is too good to pass.

It stops entirely, moving.. breathing.

Before taking a second to speak, "Yes I suppose you could--"; It stares in contemplation, before stopping and continuing, "But Beware, if you decide to take too much, the void takes back."

It was the only time I heard them get serious, and that was fairly horrifying.


I have to think this through.


"I need to decide, give me some time"

Next chapter