

Adrian awed the spaceship of Krypton, as he wondered how much knowledge he could get. Kryptonians had high capabilities and advanced technology, making them a feared yet respected race in the universe.

As for Clark and Adrian's powers now, Adrian did a lot of research on them and deduced the right training methods. He even made Clark a suit to withstand high temperatures so he could go to space for greater exposure to sunlight and his clothes don't burn. He also discovered Clark's weakness to Kryptonite found in his ship, and Red sunlight and habitats similar to Krypton makes him disable is bio-field instinctively. Due to this, Clark stayed under red sun exposure and override his instinct to lower his bio-field, so he could fight perfectly even in it.

Kryptonite was concentrated with red sun energy and cut through Clark's biofield which was charged with yellow sun, so Clark had to increase it's intensity to resist the radiation, but cutting tools or energy blast were still a big problem. Other than that, he mastered all his abilities and even achieved the burn-out mode for a short time. He can control the shape of his biofield and extend it to protect others. He can control to coat things with it to negate gravity's effect on them.

For Adrian, he was still not physically as strong as Clark, but overall, he could easily defeat him.

The powers from Sentry were Superhuman condition, Molecular manipulation, Atmokinesis, Psionics, Photokinesis, Umbrakinesis, Power sharing, and Energy absorption.

His strength was just below Clark, who can easily lift the moon if he tried, because he has barely reached his full potential. Adrian's strength also came from the sun, but he discovered his soul was connected to the realm of sun itself. It made sense why Sentry was said to have the power of a million exploding suns.

His molecular manipulation was on a high level, but he didn't consider himself a master. He also discovered his other form was concentrated with energy, making channelling it a lot easier. He can now easily shapeshift, heal someone, create anything he wants, but he hasn't tried it on special metals found in DC. He already knows his space-pod is resistant to it. Other than that, he can control elements effectively. He can change the state of any matter and destroy it to it's atoms, change it's properties like elasticity and density. He enjoyed making Clark rebound by an invisible bouncy sheet made by air molecules, making Clark get creative and use other abilities while fighting. He can also adjust anyone's cellular structure to some extent, depending on their resistivity. Normal humans have nearly zero while Clark was immune for now. Adrian can kick-start someone's latent gene if they had any, make changes in DNA, like making their hair blond or longer in height. He can also cut their nerves to paralyse them. Adrian had not decide to go to create atomic explosions since he needs an ground zero for it. Finally, Adrian made his own version of Vector manipulation, and he loved using it, courtesy of his past life being a big fan of Accelerator.

His atmokinesis was also strong. He could change the weather over all of the planet easily., Air, water, heat, cold, electricity were on his fingertips to command. Generating vortex, dense fog, plasma storm, Snow or ice. All in all, OP as hell. Adrian himself was scared on how much power he had in command, and had a good talk with his father, mother and brother to ease his emotional state. Clark made fun of it from time to time as he was the one giving lectures about controlling power.

Psionics provided telepathy, empathy, and telekinesis. Telepathy and telekinesis were a blast to use. But he had to keep a tight leash on telepathy as he felt the minds around him fragile and easy to manipulate, while the negative emotions and thought generated by them could easily influence him. He picked up meditation because of this and practiced every single day, and he is quite close to reaching indomitable will. He also trained Clark to resist it, who was already resistant thanks to his biofield, but still trained him in case. His Telekinesis was strong enough to lift islands easily, and skilled enough for molecular manipulation as well. It also granted him a field in which he could feel every movement, no matter how small someone who entered is, create psionic constructs, tactile telekinesis, manipulate gravity and vibrations as well. He considered himself to be a master only when he learned to manipulate energy to an atomic level and alter someone's biology on a whim. Other than that, he was training to interact with electromagnetism and spatial energy with it, but hasn't controlled it.

Photokinesis allowed him to manipulate light and some parts heat. He can make himself and anything invisible, teleport, shoot light attacks, make light constructs and manipulate colours as well.

Umbrakinesis made him manipulate darkness and some parts cold. He can blend in the shadows, control anyone through theirs, create darkness constructs, store something in his shadow and create portals through it.

The biggest boon he considered from Photo-umbrakinesis was to enter a logia-like state, making him intangible, and increasing his speed to insane levels, even more than light while being light itself. But it took that much stamina as well.

His talent in magic and chi were off the charts. He learned some spells and control over chi through instinct, and then the library in his dimension.

He also discovered he could share some powers with others and keep track of them through it. He gave it to his parents to improve their health, while to Clark to make his absorption rate easier, raise resistance to magic to some extent and act as a battery when needed in case.

Lastly, was his energy absorption, which he was able to advance on many levels while replicating Clark's ability. He can absorb Solar Energy, though slower than Clark, kinetic energy, magical energy and learn to replicate some of them. Though he can't manipulate them just by Sentry's talent. That's where his mutant power comes in.

His mutation provides him with a connection to a realm, which he now calls limbo because it can make it's time accelerate compared to earth. It granted Adrian Space-time manipulation, Reality Augmentation(very limited), Magical knowledge and talent, Energy manipulation, Anti-matter manipulation.

Space-time manipulation was the main gimmick of this realm. Spatial Manipulation included creating sub-dimensions like item box or mirror dimension, folding space, creating constructs, manipulating distance, teleportation or making portals, deleting a space and everything within it, compressing and expanding space, etc. While Temporal manipulation included aging and de-aging something or someone, probability perception, temporal visions, temporal awareness, creating an isolated space with accelerate time, time lock and time stop, etc. He wasn't strong or knowledgeable to move to a different reality or time-travel, but he had plans.

Reality manipulation was still in the works, and there was very little he could do with it.

Knowledge present in limbo was something he was glad he included, because without it, he would be a sitting duck and his powers wouldn't have grown as fast as they did. Meta-physical understanding was a big part in understanding obscure ones like space-time manipulation.

The energy manipulation granted by the realm was... full of possibilities. It allows Adrian to manipulate any energy he comes in contact with after a basic understanding, like right now, solar energy, kinetic energy, Gravitational Energy, Psionic energy, Space-time energy, Electromagnetic energy, Radiation energy and Absent energy. Basically, jack of all trades, master of none. Adrian had to limit himself to only access some energies or else he would have too much on his platter. The only reason he was at expert level was because of his realm's ability to accelerate time and his very-very quick learning, or else he would be stuck. Adrian decided that he would reach master level only when he has access to all energies, which would take a very long time, yet his scientist side was excited as well. In combat, he used flight, blasts, constructs, sensing abilities, absorbing energy from others, and other things on a basic level. More advanced would be messing with the opponents internal energy, or cancelling kinetic energy from him, making him still, or messing with gravity. All in all, this was also what Clark called unfair since he could just make his constructs emit Kryptonite radiation.

Anti-matter manipulation was just the opposite of matter manipulation, and it was purely destructive on any plane which was made of matter. It's main part was creation of energy, which he could use to become a dynamo, powering his energy manipulation without getting tired, if it was even possible now. Except that, making constructs, blasts, beams, positron lightning, destroying matter, etc.

His inhuman ability, dubbed by him 'Eyes of Creation and Destruction' granted him fundamental force manipulation and destruction manipulation.

The fundamental forces include Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic force, Weak force and Strong force. Gravitational force allowed him to manipulate gravity to the extent of creating blackholes, electromagnetism allowed to control any field or radiation. Strong force made him create matter and manipulate nuclear energy, while weak force destroys matter as well as any form of energy.

Destruction force was... destruction. It allowed Adrian to destroy anything under his power, matter, energy, magic, even physical force or powers others has, without harming them, including their will, their relation with anyone, emotions, etc. Even the laws of universe, which he had the ability to manipulate and had basic understanding of could be destroyed. If he is an fight and he is stronger than his opponent, even by 0.00001%, Adrian can destroy anything about him. Normally, even if an inhuman awakens this ability, it wouldn't be this strong. But being an Eternal, one that is constantly evolving to become something.. higher, the limits of his powers increased as well.

Adrian was more than satisfied with his current powers. And being raised the way Clark was, he has a sense of duty as well. For now though, he was glad he was strong enough to protect those close to him.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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