

In the era of Kingdoms and Lords, darkness plaguing the hearts of men threatens the dwindling light of Hope, Elroy – an alluring youth stumbles on an obscure situation on his way in search for truth. Having lost his memories and rescued by Mira – a friend from his past, he is faced with the terror of his dark past. Meanwhile, destruction now looms the greatest Kingdom of the Western-lands due to an old grudge. A once fallen Clan rises with a new leader to begin their conquest of the world; in the madness of the chaos, a tempest harboring darkness trenches upon the world. Will darkness give itself a means to thrive? Will chaos become the order of the day? Or will the revelation of secrets bring to light a dangerous past?

Natthaniel_Ottah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs


Kingdom of Ramenia

Castle Compound

The top of the Castle was a spherical marbled-surface having short walls round about it, Prince Fredrick stands beside Commander Eslar, enjoying the unsettling breeze of the early morning and the wonderful sight of Sud.

"This is just marvellous." Fredrick took a deep breath; the view of Sud in full length was the slice of a pie, green on the edges.

"You know what else is great," Eslar glints at Fredrick whose gaze was on her - eager for a befitting reply. "Beating you in a duel and becoming the best swords-woman in the West lands and South lands."

"It will be my pleasure to end that dream my lady." Fredrick guaranteed, his sword already leaving its sheath.

"Once in a life time offer." Eslar steps backward, giving a good distance as she drew her sword.

"I'll try going easy on you." Fredrick assured before clasping one hand behind his back.

"Your ignorance will cause you to bow to my victory, Fredrick."

Fredrick was caught off guard by how Eslar addressed him; her lunge came in swift and strong as she switched easily from side to side.

Still, Fredrick was able to recover, he had no problem deflecting the attacks, it was as though he knew where she would strike him.

Eslar immediately switched to an upward strike yet Fredrick blocked it with easy, smiling at Eslar with a fixed gaze.

Eslar gazed back at Fredrick with a cheerful smile, their eyes intent on each other; the earth shook instantly as a loud rumbling blasted out.

From where they stood, they could see a ship in flames and three unknown ships approaching the harbour of Sud, lunching blazing rocks at the harbour, leaving trails of thick black smoke.

"What is that?" Prince Fredrick was anxious, he has never seen nor heard of such a weapon before.

"We are under attack." Eslar stood still.


Kingdom of Aylon

Mira and Elroy quietly treads up a path leading to the Keep; Elroy suddenly stops, holding his head - shaking it gently as a sharp pain plagues him from the flashes of his past life that began showing up. Mira noticed Elroy was slacking behind so she turns to him only to see him holding on to his head.

"What's wrong?" She asked nervously.

"I think my memory is returning." Elroy spoke hesitantly, obliging Mira to walk to him

"Everything?" She asked.

"Seems so, but I keep on seeing an unknown memory of me kneeling before a dying maiden and a one eyed man impaled by a sword."

Mira held on to Elroy's face, peering into his eyes, "That wasn't you El, that's just the Behamolt."

"Please tell me it didn't massacre a whole town to get back in its chosen vessel?" Elroy looked weary, his hands trembling.

Mira embraced him tenderly, "Don't say such things El, no matter what my father reveals, know that I'm with you."

"Mira, you…"

"You don't have to say anything." Mira hushed him.

"Elroy?" a voice called out.

Elroy suddenly regained strength, he wasn't sure why - yet there was no way he could forget that voice - he turns over, he could still recognize the short hair even though they were turning gray, the vague smile, the firm steps which was almost lost and the jade green eyes.

Mira gazed at Irison, surprised and finding it strange for him to know Elroy.

"El my boy," Irison spoke with a heavy heart as he approaches Elroy, "you survived, I thought I lost you boy, I thought you were gone forever."

"What's going on master Irison?" Mira asked looking surprised and baffled.

Elroy stood in a daze, his calm expression turning into a frown and his eyes weighty with tears as the sight of Luna's dead body and Orlanda's vague smile appeared clearly in his thoughts.

"For the damn greater good" He instantly recalled the Creed phrase.

Elroy did not hesitate, he drew out Mira's blade, slashing at Irison' neck, which went by with a scratch - Elroy didn't listen to Mira calling his name, his intent was on the long awaited revenge; he felt nothing but a blissful pain, he swung wide, yet Irison evaded it but lost his footing.

There was no missing this time, Elroy was before Irison and the sword came whistling towards his shoulder.

An unpleasant clash with another sword rang into Elroy's ears, throwing him off balance, the last he heard was Mira's voice screaming out Father and a plea of him being Elroy - before the hilt of a sword knocked him out.


Kingdom of Riana

Castle Compound

Along the corridor of the second floor, leading to the balcony, Prince Richard strides forward on the marble floor, his steps echoes out breaking the silence in the hallway. The silver gilding on his white robe glittered each time he walks pass the rays of the noon sun beaming through the stained-glass window.

Getting to the balcony, Prince Richard sets his eyes on Atari and King Eric.

"You sent for me father."

"You too?" Atari asked curiously "What's going on my Lord?"

"A letter came in from the Council, North Farancia is no more."

"What do you mean North Farancia is no more?" Prince Richard asked, already agitated.

"I wish it were false Richard."

"How can the second greatest Kingdom in the Western land be no more?" Prince Richard spoke with a dense voice.

"I'm sorry Richard, the oil well was torched."

"How did enemies even get into the Compound?" Atari asked

"It was an inside plan, one-third of the Kingdom went up in flames."

"King Isaac, Queen Mary, Kyle, Alex, Lisa, Mayan." Richard's eyes were heavy.

"All except Queen Mary and Prince Kyle were present in the Castle when the incident happened."

"Do something then," Richard urged "Summon the Council lets know what can be done."

"Already done that Richard, I leave this matter in your hands."

"I won't spare those involved in such a vile act." Richard swore, clenching his fist.

Atari gave Prince Richard an eye then at King Eric, whose eyes met with hers.


Kingdom of Ramenia

A swarm of smoke hovered the town of Sud, blocking the view of the harbour, wailing and cries of death echoed out from every corner along with receding ringing.

A good distance from the harbour a troop of Ramenia Knights, stood in a ten by five formation; holding their shields up high, ready to charge at the enemy as anxiety eats them up.

After a while of impatient waiting, a Ramenia Knight reeled out from the smoky area holding his guts, as soon as he dropped dead a large number of Drokan soldiers charged out of the Smoky areas with war cries.

"For Ramenia." A Knight screamed out, obliging the troop of Knights to scream out before advancing towards the Drokan soldiers.

Castle of Ramenia

The clanging of a large gong on the top of a tower echoed all over the kingdom suppressing the chattering of the large crowd rushing into the Castle compound from the gates leading to Ouest, Sud and Est. They were led by various Ramenia Knights through the gates of Nord, the only town not attacked and also the town leading directly to Rune Clan.

At the entrance of the Castle, King Samson addresses Commander Phinx, Commander Eslar, Prince Fredrick, Sri Ivan and Tihon Rooks, when a Knight approached them.

"My lord," the Knight interrupted, panting.

"Speak." King Samson charged him

"The enemies has defected the troops at the harbour and have engaged with the town forces."

"What kind of weapon was used?" King Samson asked with courage, trying to hide his already known anxiety.

"A lever of some sort that propels flaming rocks at targeted areas."

"It's as you have seen Commander Eslar." King Samson said.

"Yes my Lord." Eslar agreed

"But the weapon remained on their ships when they pushed forward." The Knight included

"Then their objective is to conquer not to destroy or loot." King Samson assured

"May I inquire of something King Samson?" Prince Fredrick asked curiously

"Go ahead Prince Fredrick."

"What did these soldiers look like?" Fredrick asked the Knight.

"They were mostly huge, breaded men and were covered in green armor, they had the emblem of a flaming skull on their hosting flag."

"Pirates?" Commander Phinx asked.

Prince Fredrick glared at Sri Ivan who stared back at him then he moved his gaze to Commander Phinx.

"The enemy on your shores is the Drokan army."

"The popular looting clan?" King Samson asked worriedly.

"Yes, that clan."

"What's your advice on this Prince, since your kingdom has faced them?"

"Get everyone to safety, don't let your guard down, they seem to have grown smarter over the years and worse of all, they have no fighting tactic, they fight to achieve the goal commanded of them."

"I'm glad you were present here Prince." King Samson guaranteed, "Commander Phinx, go into Ouest and defend it with your Knights, I'll go and defend Est. Sri Ivan."

"It will be an honour." Ivan agreed instantly.

"Go into Sud, I'll leave Knights at your command. My family is in your hands Commander Eslar, take Prince Fredrick and his friend with you along with your Knights to Rune Clan and build an encampment until it is safe to return."

"Yes my lord." Eslar agreed with a bow