
Chapter 23: High-Tech Products

After Mateo left with numerous reminders and reluctant farewells, Clara went to check the vegetable garden. She found that, thanks to the nourishing spring rain, many of the planted seeds had sprouted into tender green shoots. Once they grew a bit more, she planned to transplant and cultivate them further. The seedlings needed to grow quickly!

Not long after Mateo left, Thomas leaped out from the small forest, howling, "Little female beast, you're alive!"

It was Thomas! Clara looked at Thomas's face, now fully recovered and presenting a beautiful and enchanting appearance. Thomas bit his own tail with a resentful look, pointing in the direction Mateo left, "Damn lion, doesn't know how to cherish a female beast, made you bleed so much."

Suddenly, Thomas's eyes lit up as he swiped his tail across Clara. Clara shuddered, thinking that if this were a handkerchief, Thomas would look just like the Motherfucker! Swinging the cloth to attract clients, and Thomas was trying to attract her. Thomas flirtatiously smiled and winked, "Clara! I'm much better than that stinky lion. Come with me! I'll treat you well. The female beasts in the fox den they like me so much's."

"Thomas! How old are you?" Clara suddenly asked.

Thomas was stunned. Apparently, he hadn't reached adulthood yet. "Humph! I like those older than me." Thomas proudly declared.

"But! I don't like kids." Clara refused. Thomas's current appearance resembled an arrogant child, and arrogance didn't sit well with Clara.

If it weren't for Grandma's arrival, Thomas would have continued pestering. "Little fox, trying to seduce a female beast before shedding all your fur, asking for a beating!" Grandma swung her cane at Thomas.

Thomas yelped as he held his fox tail, running and crying, "You wait, once I shed my fur, I'll definitely seduce Clara back to the fox den, you old hag."

Clara couldn't help but laugh, but she had to control it. She helped Grandma sit down and chatted. Grandma's health had improved a lot, and she came to check on them because she was worried. "Alright, everything's fine. Grandma hopes you both stay well. That child Mateo hurt you so badly, he should be scolded. But for your sake, I almost lost half my life. Don't be angry with him. If he bullies you again, just tell me, and I'll come and beat him." Grandma said with a heavy heart, speaking with the weight of years of experience. "Now that I've seen you both well, I'm relieved." Grandma added, emotional as she waved her cane.

Feeling the care and concern from everyone, Clara felt full in her heart. When Grandma left, Clara gave her a few pairs of grass shoes, and Grandma happily accepted and left.

Once sure that no one else would come to greet her, Clara brought out the box and the mat. She laid out the fur blanket and cushions on the mat. The sun was shining brightly today, a perfect time to air out the things in the house.

In the end, she decided to move everything that could be moved outside to let them bask in the sun. Standing with her hands on her hips, Clara looked at her adobe house, pondering where to start fixing it. She knew she had to find time to repair the house; otherwise, when the summer storms hit, it would be a disaster.

Gloria and Dani carried a basket of fruits. Seeing Clara standing confidently at her doorstep, they both felt extremely happy. They hurriedly ran over, calling out to Clara.

Two baskets, full of fruits, many of which Clara had never seen before. Gloria pointed to one that looked like black snake skin, saying it was a gift by Ava from the tribe's. Some were also given by Emma. Hearing Gloria and Dani's words, Clara realized that many of these fruits were gifts from some females in the tribe.

It turned out that everyone still cared about her. Warmth filled Clara's heart, and she gratefully accepted the fruits.

"Everyone really likes the baskets you weave. Emma wants to learn basket weaving from you!" Gloria asked tentatively. Clara smiled and agreed, arranging to meet with Gloria and others in the open space in the woods the next morning to teach them.

Gloria and Dani cheered happily. Dani was still a single young woman, and even though Gloria was married, she was still quite lively. Dani, seeing the things Clara was airing out, was wide-eyed with curiosity. Reeds woven into mats, willow boxes, bamboo utensils, stone pots—so many! Some she had seen before, some she hadn't. And there was the large screen that Clara had made, all displayed in front of the house.

The young and curious Dani couldn't resist, taking a mirror and looking at herself in it. Seeing her own reflection, she exclaimed in surprise.

"Clara! What is this?" Dani covered her face with her hands, opened a gap between her fingers, and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Oh! Her expression matched the one she had made earlier. She removed her hands, squinting and making faces in the mirror, touching her own ears. This was how she looked? This thing was so magical. Dani touched her face left and right, amazed.

Suddenly, the mirror made a snapping sound, and Dani felt something move in her hands. Startled, she opened her hands and saw the mirror split in two, spreading apart.

Clara also happened to witness the whole process, amazed beyond words. Her heart raced with excitement; it felt like she had won the lottery worth five million. The thrill was indescribable. She cautiously picked up the item in her hands.

She heard electronic sounds and saw a dazzling startup screen! Then, a high-end and avant-garde interface appeared before her. More precisely, it appeared in the air, crystal clear even on this sunny day. What was this thing? A notebook!

Clara trembled as she touched the interface, and it was surprisingly interactive. The language was in English, though many characters were simplified, resembling Latin. However, she could understand it. There were a few simple icons on the screen without explanations. She tentatively tapped one, and whoosh, the interface disappeared, only to reappear on the screen.

This was like advanced technology from years ahead! An iPad! What on earth was happening? Was this the future? But why, and how, were they not Earthlings, but all beasts?

Gloria and Dani were dumbfounded, witnessing this sudden phenomenon. Clara, holding this mysterious device, was beyond their comprehension.

This was even more exhilarating than winning five million. Clara closed the notebook, only to discover the outer surface of the mirror had become frosted, with an electronic halo on the surface. When she touched it, the notebook opened again.

After testing it several times to confirm that this could indeed start up, Clara carefully put the item away and told the bewildered duo, "This is a notebook. I'll figure it out and tell you later."

What could be inside this notebook? Clara was very curious. Would it be empty, or would it be like a vast ocean? She really wanted to know the result, but for now, she decided to tidy up her home.

Gloria and Dani quickly forgot about the strange occurrence and happily went to visit the vegetable garden. Inspired by Clara, they decided to learn from her and start planting vegetables at home. Although they didn't know what vegetables Clara mentioned, they found it fun to imitate her.

Clara went to the nearby grassland, pulled out a lot of grass, made a broom with bamboo, and swept the house clean. She then moved everything back in, one by one.

When there were only Gloria and Clara in the house, Gloria asked Clara if she had mated with Mateo!

Mating again! Clara couldn't accept this term. She was a human! Under Clara's guidance, Gloria changed her wording to "that thing," and everyone understood. Clara nodded somewhat shyly.

Gloria was surprised and then asked Clara why she had bled for so many days. Was she damaged? Gloria looked pure and innocent, speaking sincerely, "Clara, you're so pitiful!"

The world of the beast was so simple. Clara asked Gloria quietly if she ever experienced menstruation. Menstruation? Gloria rolled her eyes, raised her ears, thought for a long time, shook her head, there was no menstruation in her family, only her mother! After discussing for a while, Clara learned that beast also had menstruation, but it stopped after "that thing," and it was very minimal even before that.

No wonder when she had her period, everyone was scared like that. Mateo even thought he had hurt her, gaining a bit more understanding of the beast.

Clara suddenly felt quite special. She bled once a month and still lived lively. But she also envied Gloria and others, not having to endure the various discomforts of menstruation, like hygiene and mood swings.

After sending away Gloria and the others, Clara sliced some fruits — snake skin fruit with white flesh resembling coconut, a red citrus with a taste similar to oranges, and a hard-shelled fruit covered in bumps that looked disgusting. However, once opened, the flesh was tender and juicy, tasting like ice cream.

This world had so many delicious fruits.

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