
Chapter 140: Giving Birth

"No! I just lost a little bit of blood, and I'm feeling weak. It'll be better in a couple of days. Let's focus on how to deal with the old leader!" Clara still thought the matter with the old leader was important.

"I'll handle that, you rest properly!" Mateo gently lifted Clara and carried her back into the house, laying her on the bed and covering her with a blanket.

"You mentioned wanting to eat watermelon in a dream once, was it the round one?" Mateo gestured.

Surprised, Clara asked, "How did you know?"

"I just know. It was in the movie I watched last night." Mateo touched Clara's head, speaking softly, "Rest early, when you're better, you still owe me a reward. That was your promise."

Clara blushed, how could he still remember that? She had promised him a reward once they finished building a house for Aunt Emily's family, but it didn't happen due to her period. Now he was remember it and talking about that again.

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