
A Change Of Perspective

Hello again, I'm being annoying now and stopping you from reading this story. But I have an important annoncement to make.

I'm changing from first-person to third-person because I suck! First-person is a hard perspective to write from especially for a greenling like me.

It will take some time but I believe it will be a much, much better story for both me and you. So much more details and development at higher quality. Less confusion (I hope) and even some backstory at a smoother pace unlike before! The story will change a little for those of you who has already read this story but nothing a little imagination can't fix.

There will of course be trials and errors in spelling and it's still not a full-time hobby so I will post when avaliable, but I think it might be quicker... Hopefully.

Have the best of days everyday :)

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