

In a world ravaged by wars, pleasures extinguished, and allurements destroyed, a harsh realm ruled by the Four Kingdoms of the Earth, all unified under the command of a mysterious figure known as 'The Sati.' The Four Kingdoms - Almud, Ulaiman, Qulunswa, and Atayif - fell under the control of this enigmatic leader, seeking to unite them.

However, unity led to conflicts and hatred among the people, unaccustomed to mingling with other kingdoms. 'The Sati,' with an army of around three hundred thousand soldiers, referred to as the 'Dacr Army,' conquered all the kingdoms. Only noble families remained, ensuring compliance.

As 'The Sati' aged, he bore a son named Germain. Germain, well-versed in history, followed in his father's footsteps. Yet, the world's population surged to around five hundred million, leading Germain to question why his father unified the peaceful kingdoms by force.

Reading ancient books and his father's writings, Germain discovered the significance of the 'Floating Dice' tribe, living in secrecy in Almud. Another revelation was the role of his tribe, 'The In-betweeners,' acting as mediators to unite the Four Kingdoms every ninety years.

Upon finding a letter from his father in the book 'Between Them,' Germain learned of three children born in Qulunswa, destined to be killed to prevent the return of chaos.

After reading Germain What in the third book, confusion struck him. He began to wonder whether he should truly kill them and submit to his father's will and our tribe's authority (Abu Satwa), or preserve them and understand the mysterious aspect of these rituals and defy the kingdoms despite the peace within them. Doubt consumed Germain, unsure of what to do, so he turned to his advisor Alfonso, confiding in him due to his high trust and being the son of his father's advisor. They exchanged conversations, resulting in one solution - they agreed that they must know the full story behind these events.

Days passed, and after 19 years, children were born on the same day and at the same hour (9 o'clock) in the kingdom of Qalansuah. Their names were Qiramad, Sofia, and Muqala. Meanwhile, Germain, at the age of forty-four, and his advisor Alfonso, fifty years old, contemplated.

The son of Sati (Germain) began to think and say, "If our tribe (Abu Satwa) postponed the rituals to a thousand and eight hundred years, then in the first 900 years, three children appeared but were not killed. In the last 900 years, my father appeared and, when he reached 40, performed the rituals. Did the rituals take effect or not? Because the children came before my father, and the children appearing now in Qalansuah should appear during my father's time. So, why did this disturbance occur?"

Many questions crossed Germain's mind.

In my opinion, this novel of mine, if it receives attention, will be a historical novel. I have already written 100 chapters of it, so I expect it to attract interest."

Sir_Moscreators' thoughts