
Dawn of Heroes

Powered heroes have become the ultimate celebrities, and Travis dream of joining the A-List–but to get there, he'll first have to take down evil Powered gangs, compete with deadly rivals, choose a worthy sidekick, team up with famous champions, and prove to all of Hoshi City that he's a true hero.

Rizen_Felizardo · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 29: Sitting in the Morning Sun

Once showered and changed, Travis sneak up to the roof. He got to be moving on soon—Jenny found a temporary safe house for him and Grandma to stay in until they find a more permanent place to settle.

But before he go there, he need a moment alone to clear his head.

And nothing helps him do that like taking in the HC skyline, which is currently set against the rising sun.

Nothing is like he expected it to be—he think back to his naive self just a few short weeks ago and can barely recognize that person. It seems that entering the "real world" has only meant having to accept harsh realities, and realizing that hope isn't always enough….

After all that has happened, it would be so easy not to trust people, to expect things not to work out for him. Because more often than not, they just don't.

But he's starting to understand that it takes a very strong person to be able to hold on to hope, to still expect great things even when there's no reason to. He come a long way but he know he still got miles left to go to end up where he want to be….

It may take a lot of hard work and patience but he's never going to stop.

Once thing's for sure, though, he definitely arrived in Hoshi City. By the time the sun finishes rising, everyone in this city is going to know his name.

"Aphrodite," Travis think, feeling much better now that he reconnected with his H-Chip, "check my status on the Legend Report, please."

The familiar image of H-Chip Aphrodite appears in his mind, this time wearing a naughty nun outfit.

"You got it, honeychild," she says with a lipstick-coated smile. "Though I gotta confess, I missed you like crazypants while I was gone!"

"I missed you too, Aphrodite, just don't go disappearing on me, again."

H-Chip Aphrodite beams at him before fading under his Legend Level…

Which has landed at Level 47.

Scrolling down, he start to read his Legend Report.

His Legend has reached a Level that is average (he could have ended with a Level as high as 70 or, conversely, in the negatives).

As a result, his reputation is split, half of Hoshi City's heroic community seems to think he's a great hero, while the others think he's a total hack.

As someone who prides their heroic persona on upholding justice, it's a bit difficult that people aren't in agreement about him always doing the right thing. He wish everyone could see his commitment to justice, but he have to settle for what he have, for now.

Thinking that this is a total failure a buzz interrupt him its a call from Black Magic.

Seeing her call to him is such a relief—she really came through for him when he needed it most. So he answer right away.

"Are you all right?" Black Magic says, appearing in front of Travis. He immediately feel warm at the sight of her….

"Much better, now that I'm a member of The Hoshi Group."

"Well, I'm here for you if you need anything," Black Magic says. "I know you probably don't have much time right now but I just had to call. I needed to ask you…"

Black Magic pauses and even with her brow furrowed that way, she still looks more gorgeous than anyone.

"Will you ever be OK with my secret?" Black Magic asks. "With who I really am?"

Travis stare at Black Magic, considering his answer very carefully.

"You don't have to worry, I'm totally fine with it." Travis say, considering what happened to him, he doesn't even care about anything now.

"I'm so happy to hear that," Black Magic says, practically glowing.

"I may have to lie low for a little bit, but we'll figure it out," Travis say. "And now that I'm on The Hoshi Group reserve, I might even be moving into the HGHQ soon…."

"I'd really like that," Black Magic replies.

"We'll talk soon," Travis say, aching just to see Black Magic's smile.

He really want to give this a shot, if he can—see if things with Black Magic are as special as he think they could be….

And it looks like he'll have the chance to.

He turn to walk back downstairs because it's time to move on.

Veta has been taken down. The Splice Circle is dismantled. He settled things with Black Magic and The Hoshi Group. He were named HC's HoT, one way or another. He made some money. And he saved countless lives.

He's ready to move on and face whatever comes next, with Jenny and Grandma by his side. Even after everything that has happened, he feel a spark of excitement thinking about what the future holds for him.

Because no matter what, he can now call himself a Powered Hero.

And no one can take that away from him.

Travis open the staircase door when he hear someone say his name.

He turn to find Mayor Victon standing across the roof, his folded arms crinkling an expensive suit.

"Just thought it was my duty as Mayor to check in on Hoshi City's fastest rising hero," he says. "Or fastest falling, depending on your perspective."

"What do you want?" Travis say, clearly don't want to talk with Victon.

"I want to tell you something," he says, losing the smile.

As Mayor Victon walks toward him, the breeze carries a whiff of his sharp cologne and he have to force himself not to gag.

"Oh, Jury sends his best, by the way," Mayor Victon says, handing you a holo-card.

Travis look down and, of course, the card is a shirtless headshot of Jury. He shake his head and flip the holo-card over, reading:

"Looking forward to being your teammate. I'm going to make sure it's the experience you truly deserve."

Clenching his jaw, he drop the holo-card and let it sweep into a pile of dirt.

"Ah, not in a chipper mood, are we?" Mayor Victon starts. "Well, that's all right. I just came here to say one thing. What Veta did to you was terrible—no one should have to go through what you did."

He hear Mayor Victon and all he can think is, what's his angle?

"Indeed, I've been tracking Veta since Miss Artillery's death. She had quite a troubled childhood—she spent her entire life fending for herself, without anyone who cared about her. Despite the fortune she eventually inherited, I believe she ended up living in a sewer drain for some time, then an abandoned asylum, which explains her lack of documentation and her rather…unique disposition. Anyway, all that's rather irrelevant."

Travis can't help but feel the slightest bit of pity for VetA—is that what would have happened to him, if he didn't have Grandma?

"What is relevant, however, is the fact that I've known of Veta's existence for quite some time now. I suppose I could have had her committed or arrested at any time…but I just wanted you to know that I chose not to."

Mayor Victon smiles at Travis once again—a cruel, lifeless smile.

"You see, little Travis, I may not be able to attack you openly, not with that pesky last name of yours, but there are more ways than one to skin a cat."

He stare at Mayor Victon, balling up his fists.

If what Mayor Victon is saying is true, he would have sacrificed all of HC just to let Veta ruin Travis….

"A word to the wise: I'm going to become president someday, Travis," Mayor Victon says in a low voice, "and I will crush anyone who stands in my way. Just ask your parents."

At this, Travis turn his back to Mayor Victon—he's not even going to dignify his presence with a response.

"We'll see about that," Travis whisper to himself.

This is the end of volume 1. See you guys at the volume

Rizen_Felizardocreators' thoughts