
Beginnings (10)

"Jackson, its fine. I wasn't hurt, and after this, he will definitely do his job well. Don't be too harsh." Lily quickly said.

"No," I said. "He is right, I didn't do my task properly. I'm sorry Lily you almost got hurt because of me. I acted to fast, without considering what will happen."

It was true. If I stayed close, there would've been enough time form to get in front of her. I had one role but instead killing filled my head. I didn't even consider the two I was supposed to protect.

"Sigh… at least you know that much. Mistakes happen, but here, they can mean somebody's death. Don't be rush and do your task. But still its rare for them to sneak attack."

With this crisis averted we continued to hunt down more goblins. On the way, we avoided other monsters to save energy, and by 6pm we killed hundred thirteen of them. Everyone was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Jackson and Marcus were slightly injured, when we were fighting a group of eighteen goblins, five more showed up suddenly.

But we got through it. And now we were looking at the last group that we need to hunt down. There were sixteen of them resting at a lakeside.

With the same strategy we used the entire day, Marcus charged in with Jackson following right behind. Three were instantly killed with Havier's and Lily's support. Two of them rushed in my direction with the rest focusing on Marcus and Jackson.

"Focus your support on Marcus, the two coming towards us, I will take care off." I said to Havier and Lily.

They nodded in agreement and prepared their next attack. While I looked at the approaching goblins, I already knew what to do. The moment the first one approached from the very front, with my leg enveloped in the soul image, I kicked it in the chest sending it back a few meters. Changing my stance, I prepared and delivered another kick to the other goblin.

Smashing its knee, it wailed in pain. But I didn't stop there, smashing my fist to its throat, head chest. Under each hit, I felt bones breaking and muscles tearing. And then with a kick to the side of the head I sent it flying.

In the meanwhile, with Havier's and Lily's support, there was only four remaining on their side.

Soon the battle was over. With this we killed hundred twenty-nine goblins, starting from morning up till now we steadily looked for prey, killed it, looked, killed, killed, killed. This vicious cycle was still new to me.

But it was a great learning opportunity, if Jackson didn't approach me, I would've come here by myself. And most likely it would end with me being at the very least being seriously hurt. I was overconfident.

"Well done everybody. Let's move quickly, we should leave before the sun goes down." Jackson said.

"Where are we eating today? Chinese sounds nice."

"You always want to eat Chinese, Havier. There is a new pizzeria besides Arnold's Armour Shop. We should try it out."

"Stop with the food, don't lose your focus. Until we get out of the hunting grounds." Jackson said in a serious voice.

Everyone nodded to his remark and gathered in the formations. We were walking in the middle of the forest avoiding any monsters, keeping our focus on our surrounding.


"What was that?!" Havier shouted out. The low growl was heard by everyone, and immediately we got ready to fight.

Out of the bushes, a tall figure slowly walked out, it was as tall as an adult, with lustrous black fur with white dots like little stars on it. Sky Panther. It didn't attack, but with slow steps it circled around us, it kept staring at us while growling.

This was the considered to be one of the most dangerous monsters in Algonquin Provincial Hunting Ground. It was much stronger than any normal person, even beginner Martial artist are weaker. Its hide is extremely strong, small caliber guns barely will scratch it. Extremely fast and cunning, it likes to stalk its prey and torture them before killing.

And we were its target.

Looking it in the eyes, I saw cruelty. It stopped moving and speeded up aiming for Marcus that always stayed in front of it. He raised his shield and shouted out. Erath started to step up to form armor on him.


Blood splattered everywhere. The body hit Marcus's shield knocking him over.

Shock! For a while I couldn't understand what happened, the sky panther jumped at Marcus, then its head exploded.

Then form the direction that the Sky Panther, a man in a ghillie suit with a rifle that was almost his size. He ignored everyone and approached the sky panther, first helping Marcus from under it, then looking where the head of the sky panther used to be.

"You kids can go. I will take care of the body." He said. There was no emotion in his voice, and all his focus was on the sky panther.

"Let's go." Jackson didn't look good while he said it, it was hard to tell why. We didn't talk after this. Everyone was tense, observing every inch of the forest. Two hours later, we exited the hunting grounds and entered the city.

"He was a regular," Lily said as we walked into the MCA building. "Probably a Veteran."

She was right. Only regular people would carry this kind of weapon into a hunting ground. Artist would carry for emergency either blades or low caliber handguns. Just that guns are slightly harder to get, making blades the main go to. But he was caring massive rifle and judging by that shot he knew well how to use it.

People like these are rare, most regular people that come to the hunting grounds are looking for fast money or are just crazy. Ninety percent of them die in the first three months, the rest in the next year. Only a few are able to live for more than three years.

"Regular or not, he helped us. If we were to fight a sky panther, we would win, but not without casualties."

Havier was right. Either Jackson or Marcus would have to die to give the rest enough time to kill it. Chances are that both would die.

We didn't dwindle on this topic after this. Everyone got their pay, and we went to eat.

That day I was named the Glutton King.


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