
Chapter 1. "The city of Angels"

The city of angels sprawled beneath Max's penthouse, a sprawling canvas of lights and desires. His phone buzzed with the rhythm of emails and notifications, the restless life of a corporate. Max, dressed in tailored suits that mirrored his polished exterior, stepped into the elevator, leaving the solitude of his penthouse behind.

As the elevator descended, Max's mind wandered to Scarlett, the captivating artist he had met at a charity event. The memory of her laughter lingered, a melody in the cacophony of his corporate world. The thought of something more than fleeting encounters stirred within him, a whisper of longing.

Max's phone is calling

Mike's drunk voice came out the phone - "You gotta be here in 5 minutes man, there is no way you're leaving me here to dry"

Max replies as he laughs - "I wore my best suit, you better put your words where your mouth is" and leaves the garage in his black 1967 Ferrari 330 GT.

Max parks just across the bar, a big fancy bar, and he stays for a while in the car thinking this is just another drunk night hard morning type of day. Little did he know that it was going to be a night to remember. 

He arrives just before Mike called him again

Max: Yeah?

Mike: Stop playing these games and come meet me- Max taps his back Oh fuck you!

Max orders a glass of the finest whiskey there just because it's Friday night and he had one of the hardest weeks of his life. 

Max: Man this lifestyle will come after me when I hit 40.

Mike: So what? It's the weekend just forget about any worries you got and get as fucked up as possible.

Max: What do you actually worry about in life Mike? 

Mike: If I'm going to finish that whiskey bottle in time, that's my only worry right now.

Max raises his glass.

Max: To nights we don't remember and to mornings we suffer.

The hours went past as they talked about lifelong memories until he felt a squeeze on his shoulder. 

Scarlett: So, they say LA is really a small town huh?

Max: Hello there lady, what's a smart lady like you doing in a cheap bar like this on a Friday evening? He was being sarcastic

Scarlett: You're almost funny enough to be a comedian, a broke comedian. 

Mike: Max this is Scarlett and her friend..?

Scarlett: Lisa

Max: Lisa right

Mike: This is the girl you've been talking about all night right? 

Scarlett: He never told you about me and I can bet on that

Mike looks at Max and whispers 

Mike: Damn she's tough.

Max invites both of them to have a drink at the table

Scarlett: So me and Lisa were just walking on this boulevard and saw the exactly old car I saw in the parking lot 2 weeks ago at that charity event-

Max interrupts- That old car has less miles than any other car in the parking lot and has sentimental value.

Scarlett: Isn't the car too old for a man in his early 30s don't you think?

Mike: Max just wants to stand out just like he did in high school.

Max: That old chevy was the real deal Mike and you know it.

Mike: That old chevy has some real history to it right?

Scarlett: And not a bright future

Max: Hahaha I found the next comedian

As the hours passed Scarlett and Lisa left the bar looking for a Friday night adventure and Mike went home with a girl he met earlier at the bar. Max drove home listening to some of his favorites blues, it was still a Friday night after all. 

Parked his car on the driveway and went inside his newly bought home in Beverly Hills which costed him about 3 years of hard work. He opened the bar where he kept some of the finest whiskey bottles, poured some in a diamond shaped glass and as he connected to the Bluetooth speakers of his house, he prepared a cigar, a delight for him. He continued playing the songs he played in the car but the mood was totally different. The watch on his wrist was showing 4:30 AM, of course, a Rolex Day-Date. The music was playing quite loud but not loud enough so he could still hear his never ending thoughts. As he sits on the balcony looking over this "City of Angels" with a little glimpse of sunrise in the sky, made him think about his life, with a nostalgic but yet thoughtful face, he is thinking about how better life would be with a high value woman.

A woman to motivate him through the hard work and all the problems in his challenging life, where he aims for the financial freedom he had always dreamed of. As he is looking over Los Angeles' breathtaking view he is sure he will never find true love and the loyalty he needs. 

Hello everyone.

I am new to this art. It's my first time publishing something I wrote. Tips and reviews are welcomed. It's just something I wrote and thought about for about two weeks. Just now I started putting my ideas in letters.

Any review, negative or positive is welcomed.

Do you like the story? Do you think it has potencial? Let me know!

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