
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

Intreo · Fantasy
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73 Chs


King Ash, who had been sent into the middle of the forest distant from Kinsa Fir, Queen Era, and David, was left.

Then, he began to go in the direction of Ashera's Kingdom after cleaning all the mud off his garments.

But all of a sudden, he feels the presence of an unknown monster. It appears to be a powerful walking corpse.

A hundred or so marching dead directly to their kingdom. They ignored him abruptly as he charges the living corpse.

He avoids and swings his sword in a broad assault. King Ash was unaware that the live corpses were nearly gnolls when they passed away.

He believes it to be a living gnoll that is attempting to take over the kingdom, and he must stop it at all costs.

They allow him to slice them while they are traveling through him and wonder why the gnolls didn't dare attack him as he breaks the bodies of the live corpses in half.

King Ash is a man who takes fighting seriously. He became serious when no one ever had the guts to even hit him while appearing to evade his attacks.

All of the living bodies, trees, rocks, and dirt were swept away in one swift motion as he transformed into Monarch Play and brandished his sword.

He kills all the gnolls he can see, but after a short while, he notices a corpse that is still alive. The gnolls are in the forest, and King Ash charges into every corner of it.

Despite the fact that some gnolls are moving toward the kingdom and he is moving far from the forest's core, he is determined to kill every gnoll he sees.

He is slaying every gnoll he sees when all of a sudden, he feels the presence of a massive, dark Immense Power or aura.

In the jungle, he turns his head and spots a gnoll that is hidden. Because he believes it to be their leader, he jumps and uses his momentum to land in the air high.

He then raises his two hands with his swords in them while he is in the air, gives them time to charge, and then fires the swords towards the unidentified entity.

Once it jumped in front of King Ash's attack such that it landed in his location, the enigmatic monster was eventually identified as a gnoll.

The gnoll's movements are completely understood by King Ash after he realizes that it is not an ordinary gnoll.

He recently learned that the gnolls he encountered are under the gnoll's control, and the gnoll depicts himself as possessing an immense amount of power and dark magic.

The animated corpses begin to move in King Ash's direction as he discovered what was happening.

King Ash sharpens his sword once more after having already sliced or cut every gnoll that came within reach of him.

The gnoll appears to be ordering an action based on what King Ash would think. He jumps again and takes to the air.

He takes some time to charge the gnoll before killing it swiftly. However, the gnoll avoided it, and when he finally saw it, it was to his right, approximately a few kilometers away.

King Ash is getting his momentum and lessens his target into one gnoll only.

While swinging his blade once again and charging it, the gnoll deflects the blow. King Ash was greeted by the mysterious gnoll, who identified himself as Simba Reco and smirked.

Simba Reco smiled once again in vengeance for Ash's lack of interest in him, but King Ash continued to ignore it. King Ash approaches him again, but this time Simba Reco summons a live corpse to block his attack.

He then disappears out of Simba Reco's line of sight. He hadn't even noticed that he was gone, so he was surprised to feel such a strong force suddenly behind him.

Even though Simba Reco is trying to attack King Ash as they engage in a close-quarters combat, he only succeeded in protecting himself from the assaults that King Ash launched.

Simba Reco instantly calls his live corpses from the surface to stop it. Only live corpses are called by him as his defense.

At that moment, King Ash was fighting Simba Reco while Queen Era, who had let her guard down due to her incorrect assumptions about Kinsa Fir, David, and Erzana.

He had totally consumed the bodies of the General, Ini Sar, Dier Tia, Firi Nas, Epla Tiya, and Saro Tua.

King Ash is ready to pierce his throat until Simba Reco summons them in front of him.

It only becomes large when all the higher officer gnolls they killed manifest themselves in it, and only with a little amount of magic cycle.

The General and Dier Tia's bodies were penetrated by King Ash's sword, and the blade's sharpest core was just a millimeter away from Simba Reco's chest when King Ash attempted to assault Simba Reco to prevent it from happening, but it was too late.

As soon as he realizes that his blade has pierced their flesh, Simba Reco laughs at him. His piercing doesn't seem to have any negative effects on them.

The General and Dier Tia's bodies were cut in half after the sword penetrated through the corpse of the living corpse. He then released some immense power.

But they regenerate so quickly thanks to their body. King Ash decides to utilize the Sealing Magic, which can prevent any monsters or dead bodies from being revived, because he knows he has little chance of defeating the live corpses in a fight.

Simba Reco is a weak creature in comparison to gods or goddesses but one of the strongest in terms of regular humans, therefore even if his sealing magic isn't particularly strong, it's strong enough to seal the live corpses.

Simba Reco directs the General to charge towards King Ash. Simba Reco didn't just tell one of them to encircle King Ash; all of them were told to do so while he was getting ready for the General's assault.

The General and the other Captains that he summoned are among the living corpses that can utilize magic and have twice as much strength.

King Ash leaps rapidly in the midst of the forest, but Dier Tia leaps quicker than him.

Dier Tia swings his sword violently in an attempt to strike him, but King Ash deflects it.

He was placed in the middle of the swarming living corpses, though.

King Ash sees his soldiers who battled beside him as Dier Tia utilizes Void Hallucinations, due to Simba Reco.

But Dier Tia made a mistake because the hallucination he had was of fallen warriors who fought alongside him and died in battle.

Simba Reco surprised everyone when he beheaded all of the captains' heads, including the General and Dier Tia, and used Sealing Magic to lock them away.

Simba Reco has stopped using them. Simba Reco, on the other hand, does not yet have any aces.

He does, however, recall that he can possess the ability to summon the dragons that the Devil Gnoll God Gaceus kidnapped and gave to him as a gift.

He possessed two Fire Natural Disaster Dragons and a Skeleton Dragon at the moment.

He also possessed three Mammoths, which were large elephants that were larger than the Celestial Dragon.

He calls forth the two Fire Natural Disaster Dragons.

King Ash is aware that everything he called is hazardous, so he charges to battle the beast he summoned, but it is too late when Simba Reco places traps and explosives in the ground and air after Simba Reco prophesied that he would charge after he summoned the dragons.

The trees are the tallest any trees on the planet have ever been. Because Queen Era couldn't see it because of the tall trees and deep woodlands.

David and Kinsa Fir, on the other hand, discover it as the flock of birds flies away.

The birds also create a lot of noise.

It indicates, in their perspective, that something is wrong within or around the birds' place in the forest.

David has used Void Teleportation since he first encountered it while fleeing to the Kingdom of Ashera.

However, Kinsa Fir, who is in the ground and doesn't have the strength to stand, grips his clothing and want to join him.

David is aware that Kinsa Fir is the more powerful of the two, despite the fact that she was in good physical shape when she fought Queen Era.

At the moment, Queen Era is hypersensitive and concerned about the safety of her possible grandson.

Despite the fact that she has over a thousand grandkids from her twelve sons, David is the thirteenth, followed by another daughter who is 9 years old and three years younger than David.

When Kinsa Fir persisted on accompanying him, David treated her like a princess.

With the use of her ice particles and Kinsa Fir's knowledge of the forest and a special magic that can fly, she enables David to soar as well.

They came across two enormous dragons. David is no longer terrified after encountering the gnolls and even the Cerberus, who was slain by his hand.

He then saw his father, King Ash, struggling against the two dragons.

At the same time, David turns into a psychopath. He grinned as he stared at the dragons.

Kinsa Fir notices it and becomes creeped out. She loses her focus, and they fall together.

King Ash is aware of their existence because he senses it. However, as they are about to fall, King Ash races quicker to catch them.

But the two fire dragons blew a fire on him just as he was about to hit. He blocks it and makes a serious look.

David and Kinsa Fir were in the forest at the time. When the dragons blow fire again, King Ash just puts his sword in the dragons' fire breath and rips the flames.

He abruptly vanished as the dragon breaths were finished. In King Ash's absence, Simba Reco was taken aback.