

Her black hair was draped across her disjointed shoulders. Her broken arms lay in twisted around her in impossible directions.

Ivory bones jutting out.

Her legs were no longer recognisable, merely a splatter of human flesh and bone, painted crimson.

Her face, untouched, and pristine.

Long eyelashes fluttering over blue-gray eyes staring unseeingly.

It wasn't supposed to end like this.


Just a few moments earlier


"Ling Yue! It's been such a long time!"

"Ruo Lan! How long has it been! It was last new years that I saw you right? Can't believe it's been a year already!"

"I know, I missed you so much!"

"Come Ling Yue, all of us have already gathered upstairs for the reunion, your body guards don't need to come, it'll be fine. We have organised security all around the premises."

"Ok, thanks, I'll be there in soon."

That was the worst decision I could've possibly made.

I should've at least brought him. But in the end, even he was killed.

What have I done do deserve this?

Next chapter