
A Tragedy & Blooming Youth

Strelitzia hugged her knees trying to get comfortable enough to drift off to sleep. Just when her eyes were growing heavy and she was able to drift off, something was crawling up her leg. She thought it was just an itch but then it crept further up.

The house was old. The perfect hiding place for creepy crawlies that they'd just invaded. Very slowly, she lifted her pant leg where a spider was making itself very at home.

She began flailing and kicking her legs before slapping them off and sending them flying. James was still sleeping soundly, undisturbed by her little commotion.

Strelitzia scooted closer to him. His snores would ward them off she was sure. But he looked so peaceful at rest and she didn't really want to risk disturbing him. She slipped just a little closer before hugging her knees to her chest, grumbling. "I hate spiders."

James shifted in his sleep and slung an arm around her, dragging her down where his head rested on her chest.

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