

Violet's POV

Everything around my parents seems to fade as mom tightly wraps her hands around my dad, both in tears.

My eyes are drawn to the gleaming laser beam drawing against my mother. I watch as Mythia prepares to swing it at her and my heart literally turns icy and my body runs hot as lava before transforming 'for the first time' into my goddess form ...

I know my hair right now is as white as snow on my right side and golden ablaze on my left side. Without fail, the armor forms a sword as hard and as cold as ice. I pierce my sword through her back, not even once feeling any remorse intact for killing her, watching her eyes lose their life essence, her body slumps to the floor.

This woman had terrorized my family, made my birth a bad experience for my mom, she separated my parents and kept my father prisoner in his own kingdom. Because of her, I grew up without my father, my mother without her husband.

She had been sucking the life out of my dad, his cheeks evidently sunken and his blue eyes being a shade less bright than should be. Save for the muscles I think his power is the only thing keeping him standing.

Watching as Mythia's lips form a full sentence, my mind is too preoccupied to grasp what has been said by her. My mind swirling with what I have really just done.

I admit it stings a little, I killed a being, though evil, but a being. I don't regret it not one bit though, millions of Erabithian lives have been saved and two kingdoms have mounted victorious as Kendros itself remains balanced.

I can now be happy, my parents are reunited and so are my grandparents. I have a father and I can now have my "pharyonia' which is a coming of age ceremony every girl of sixteen years of age and above of the supernatural world has to have in order to fully awaken their other side which will help them find either a mate or their true mate in my case as a royal.

Now I c_

"Oomph!"I yelp as a large body engulfs me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for your birth baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't enough to protect you that I_" I wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze a little, effectively shutting down his rumbling.

"It's OK dad" I croak out, my voice sounding hoarse from my haywire emotions.

"Say it again...call me dad" he pleads, his voice giving away the fact he's been crying.

"Dad!" I said aloud.

We both break out of our embrace as a whimper breaks out of the room. I look over to the side to see mom hunched over a figure along with grandma, eyes staring into space. My mom is crying...MY MOM IS CRYING!? I quickly run to her side and hold her close to me.

I look over at the man and gasp. He is the same man in mom's family photos back in Nexus, my grandfather.

His face looks so pale...too pale, and as I touch him, his skin is so cold I am scared of what could be that would now be snatched from me by death's cruel hand-a grandfather's love. I already lost one judging from my father's reaction to the other old man's death.

I bring my ears to his chest right where his heart should be and pray to Kelorina, Kendros's mate that she spare his life for the sake of my faith in her rule.

Where Kendros was and is the god of creation, birth, and peace. His mate Kelorina emerges the goddess of destruction, death, and war. Together they are tranquility.

As I chant the celestial mantra I keep on hoping on everything celestial that he lives. I stop mid chant as a pained gasp makes it to my ears. Looking down, grandpa has his eyes open and staring at grandma, I can see a lot of emotions swirling in his eyes disbelief, worry, sadness, and the most dominant one 'love'.

"Dad..." my mom whispers, her hands lingering over his chest, and within a seconds they're in a tight embrace...my grandpa, my grandpa!

And just like that, I join them both.

I have never thought that I'd one day have my own grandfather, I'd seen few such families at the sanctuary, and at Taran. I think its some rule they have that family is everything, pretty good thing if you ask me.

Now that I have a Grandpa I think its time I learned some interesting stories about my mom, its time I return her a very beautiful favor she did to me in my social circle. As small as it is, I'm a kid and I can't have my mom teasing me and get away from it...seriously.

From my peripheral vision, I see grandma walking ahead towards my father who has a mournful look as he gazes on my other grandpa. The mournful look is also tinted with touches of hope, no doubt it is because of being free and having his family again especially since he lost the only other remaining parent he had.

Come to think of it is my loss too. I might not have known Lord Anderknox but from mom's stories, he was a great man before Mythia's influence. I can't possibly know how dad feels but I can just imagine that having your father die is twice as worse than having him locked away from you by an evil witch.

I don't want to ever think or feel the pain of losing a parent, it breaks my heart to know my father lost his father and I just don't know whether to feel so happy to see him as I am or to feel sad seeing its in the same day his dad has died...