
Chapter 6 - New Mindset

3rd POV

Floating lazily onto the top of Stark tower Vader came down onto a small landing pad he assumed was used for Stark's armour. Looking up he could see a small object fast approaching the city. Vader has never actually seen a nuclear weapon.

They were often the ultimate weapons of weak single planet civilizations and someone of Vaders calibre had never needed to deal with such rabble. The many negative effects also ensured such weaponry was never used on an imperial planet. And for non imperial planets…Well the Death Star hadn't been there only super weapon. It was the dumbest however.

What kind of moon gets blown up by such an obvious defect? Vader's wandering mind was brought back to the present when he noticed the missile's direction begin to change unnaturally seemingly of its own will. Enhancing his masked sight using his suit's various capabilities, Vader observed Stark as he clung himself to the bottom of the weapon and started to push it upwards aiming towards the portal Chitauri continued to pour through.

Vader would admit to himself that the sheer number of Chitauri the enemy possessed more than made up for their vast inability as fighters. Similar to Storm Troopers the Chitauri were an army based in numbers meant to act more as a deterrent and probe group then anything meant for real fights.

Deciding that Stark had the nuke handled, Vader raised himself further until he reached the very top of the building where a group of scientists were standing around the cube while one of their own in a weird blue spandex suit held the sceptre he assumed had once been Loki's main weapon.

The sceptre wasn't what captured his attention, it was the blue gem held within its cradle that called to Vader. He could tell immediately just by feeling the energy coming from the gem that it was a container for something far greater. Looking towards the portal he felt much the same when looking at the cube that had a very obvious glow coming from its core.

Shock didn't even begin to explain Vader's emotions as he allowed himself to connect deeper with the energy radiating from the two power sources. The amount of energy coming off these gems individually was enough to power dozens of Death Stars at a minimum. That wasn't it either. Ignoring the massive amounts of energy they gave off, the truly impressive thing about these gems was the deep connection they both shared with aspects of reality.

It was hard to tell while they were both encased but based on the debriefing he'd taken from the Black Widow's mind when he first made there connection he hypothesised that the gem powering the portal was connected to space and the other the mind or possibly the soul depending how its corruption worked.

Regardless it was a good idea if a little simple and risky. Two sources of infinite energy would theoretically cancel each other out but the odds of that happening in a harmless way were astronomically low. Thinking better of leaving them to their own desires, Vader created a orb of compressed air around the group. It wouldn't do anything other than let him teleport away should things go as bad as they should.

Ignoring the exclamations of surprise that came from the scientists, Vader closed his eyes as he tracked Stark's force outline flying upwards until it disappeared abruptly. Frowning, Vader realised his temporary increase in strength through Oneness was rapidly leaving his body and used what remained of his enhanced force ability to lock onto Stark's listless form.

Stark was more reckless then he'd initially suspected, flying through a portal into the middle of space in a suit not even capable of surviving the vacuum. Still seeing as how it was Stark fighting using technology and it was Stark's building used to start up a portal capable of reaching the other end of space, Vader didn't think he'd find a much better alternative solution to his problem.

Calling upon the anger he allowed to dwell deep within his heart Vader used it to rip power away from the force. Different from his earlier stunt where he united with the force Vader was currently attacking the force taking more power then it wanted to give. The side effects were immediate: his suit started to spark and breathing suddenly became near impossible but he refused to surrender.

With a mighty roar Vader pulled Stark through space until he landed on the ground beside Vader. Turning towards Stark Vader stumbled slightly as he made his way over to him. His suit's biological scanner informed him that Stark wasn't breathing and that his heart had stopped. Unfortunately for Stark, Vader wouldn't allow him to have a hero's death.

Bringing his hands up above his head Vader channelled the force into his battered body and winced slightly at the familiar feeling of lightning dancing across his form. But Vader kept his hands in place building more and more charge even as the scientists finally recovered from their shock and pierced the energy shield surrounding the cube with the sceptre.

{Boom} {Whoosh} {Bang}

The reaction was immediate: a minor explosion signalling the distortion of the machine used to channel the cube blew all the scientists back into Vader's air wall arresting their momentum and causing them to fall harshly onto the gravel beneath them.

Ignoring all of that Vader kept his mind firmly on the task at hand. Finally reaching enough charge a tremor racked through Vader's form as he forced the lightning flying across his hands to stop growing and form two glowing orbs held in each of his hands. The bolts fought back viciously dancing across his arms and down unto his masked face.

Grunting Vader had to momentarily split his attention from the bolts to steady the anger that threatened to rise once more from its loosened chains. Heaving a mouthful of air through his burnt lungs Vader's mind slammed down onto his body like a landslide. He forcefully suppressed everything and brought his hands down onto the Dimming light in Stark's chest.


Stark's suit gave a pitiful whine and for a brief moment doubt clouded Vader's mind. Failure had long become something of distant memories to him. Sith Lord's didn't fail; they used cunning and cruelty to turn even the most unlikely disadvantageous situation into something they could use to their benefit.

Desperation unlike anything Vader had ever felt since Padme overcame him and he reached towards not the familiar darkness of the darkside but the glowing light that represented the lightside. It shunned away from his touch hissing as his tainted soul tried to connect with it. Vader begged it to understand he showed it what he wanted to do.

He was trying to save a man, he wasn't trying to corrupt anyone, he just wanted to get back to his family. The lightside hesitated recognizing the longing and desperation in Vader's voice but it had grown used to the fake faces many would present it with when asking for its miracles. Feeling the force continue to slip from his grasp Vader did the only thing he could.

He for but a moment used every last semblance of power in his body, even calling back the link he'd opened with the Black Widow ripped the darkside from his being. Emptiness and powerlessness rushed through him but he ignored it instead he held his hand out for the lightside silently willing it to trust him.

However, Vader underestimated the impact of ripping himself from the entity that entrenched his being for decades. The lightside and darkside both lunged forward like hungry sharks fighting inside his body for the right to use the force's perfect vessel. Blood began to flow from Vader's mouth as the two opposite ends tried to force the other out of his body.

They tried to reach deeper and tried to influence his mind but he didn't allow them. Instead when the two forces came into contact with his mind they found themselves chained inside his mindscape. Taking energy from the lightside while he kept it restrained, Vader pressed a hand to Stark's metal chest and pushed the force into his being.

The lesser informed might think that with Stark's body having little to no midichlorians that his body would show signs of rejection upon being abruptly introduced to the force. Such uninformed individuals didn't understand what the force truly represented. The Force was omni-present it presided in all things animate and inanimate.

Midichlorians were how the force first introduced itself to the galaxy's people. It altered the structure of life so that its presence could be perceived by its chosen. That is all they do. So Vader didn't feel any surprise when Stark gasped for breath as his faceplate popped off from the sudden motion to stiff to stay latched in place.

He did feel relief but he knew better than to allow emotions to overcome him at the moment. Closing his eyes, Vader entered his own mindscape and was met not by the sandy desert of Tatooine but instead the colosseum grounds where he'd encountered the Father, Daughter, and Son. He regained those memories soon after his fall during his hunt for Mace Windu on Naboo.

His current situation was slightly different though. The lightside and darkside were both in the same positions as the Son and Daughter but the Father was seemingly absent and unlike last time where controlling the siblings was at most a headache his control here was fading by the second.

Imprisoning the forces was already an impossible feat; he was only capable of doing it because neither force really wanted to leave, they were still after his body. Just the infinite pressure they generated was putting increasing strains on his mind and it showed in how the world around them was slowly crumbling upon itself.

Looking back and forth between both forces Vader ignored them and stared at the grand throne that the Father had once occupied. "I do not wish to waste time talking to your pets." His voice came out not as the cold metallic he was used to but as a neutral human tone. Vader's head snapped down only now realising he was in his former body.

Clenching his hands into fists Vader jumped slightly on the spot losing himself slightly in the feeling of having a full body once again. So lost in experiencing past sensations Vader failed to immediately notice the presence sitting above him on the throne.

He only became aware of the change when the lack of pressure on his mind became more distinct. Looking up he noticed out of the corner of his eyes that both the lightside and darkside had shrunken into themselves and seemed to be trying to slip out of his chains rather than tear them apart like he knew they could. Twin chains wrapped in unimaginable power flew past Vader and impaled themselves on the two forces.

Letting out shrieks of pain the two forces' bodies stilled completely as Vader finally laid eyes on the figure occupying the throne. Perfection didn't even begin to describe its form. Immaculate features, its face looked to be sculpted by the finest of artists, its body made of the purest metals and gems of the galaxy. Clothes made of the finest silk Vader had ever seen.

But more than its looks was the mere presence it radiated. Vader wasn't one to believe in gods (especially after he beat up the last one he met) but deep down he acknowledged that the being in front of him is divine.

"You called for me, boy. Let's hear what you have to say." ITs voice reverberated through Vader's mindscape and Vader felt his connection to his true body spererate under the power of ITs voice. Wincing at being once again a disembodied soul Vader nonetheless met the figure's gaze and spoke.

"I'm sick of playing this game with you. Forcing force users to fight between your two children while you selfishly hide the truth of the force from them. There is no light or dark side of the force. These things…" Vader made a gesture with his arm towards the whispering twins behind him. "Are puppets you made to keep people from using your power to its fullest."

"I've had enough of your games. I won't play them any longer. Keep your dogs away from me."

"And what…Boy makes you think you can make demands of me?" ITs tone hadn't changed but Vader could feel the subtle shift in his surroundings, could feel as his own mind began to rebel against him. Using nothing but willpower Vader pushed through such meagre illusions and spoke to IT again.

"You brought me here for a reason, and while I'm not inclined to stay I have no doubt if things proceed as they have so far I'll accomplish what you seek regardless. However, I lived my past life as a slave serving one thing to the next and I refuse to do the same in this life. You will either lift your restrictions off of me or I will ensure the demolishment of this universe."

His words rang throughout his mind with passion as he spoke. One life of slavery was more than anyone deserved to live and Vader would never allow himself to be subjected to such a farce again. Even by God.

IT seemed unconcerned with his threat as light chuckles escaped IT and spread throughout the surroundings.

"Yes I'm sure you would and you'd probably succeed as long as I allowed it." With that one sentence the power structure Vader had tried to challenge slammed back into place. The force wasn't something that could be threatened, challenged, or fooled. IT had made ITs children impressionable, corruptible so that mortals would become high off their own ego and never look deeper under the surface and realise that what they used was but a fraction of the power IT granted them.

"I'll agree to your request." IT spoke before Vader could try and continue his argument. "However, in exchange you will give up on returning to your original universe."

Vader's hands clenched so tightly that blood began to drip down from his fists onto the ground. IT was asking him to abandon his family, his lifelong work of making a safe, free, and just galaxy all so he could freely access the power IT had made him to be able to use. It was unfair and Vader hated how it wasn't really even a choice.

The only good thing was that once he completed ITs task IT would stop caring what he did in all likelihood. So he'd stay in this new universe for as long as it took decades, centuries, millennia. It didn't matter he'd do whatever it took and make it back to his family.


I tried to take a different approach with the force than I've seen in most fanfics. Most of them tend to lean towards the idea that there isn't any good or bad/light or dark aspect of the force but simply intent and will. I like the idea but I find that it makes most of the real characters from Star Wars look unnecessarily weak. If there was a middle ground that allowed for you to use the best of both pathes why wouldn't Sidious, Windu, or even Yoda use it to further their causes.

And since my character isn't an OC but is a real Star Wars character I decided to go off of the idea of there being One God of the force (aka Father) and two of his children he uses to guide and limit his choices (aka Daughter and Son). This way gives more credit to the original characters who instead of being idiots who couldn't think are instead people being kept in the dark by a God. I know some people might not like this scene but it's necessary. The force is a living thing and therefore I can't ignore it and pretend it's some nonentity that lives only to obey the main character.

That said I don't plan to have another Divine intervention between Vader and the force until Vader is ready to try and go home.

Here's the list of all Force abilities I found that Vader as of this chapter is capable of learning to varying capabilities.

Force Push/Pull, mind control, Thought Bomb(detonate bomb from dark side captured souls), force lightning(Vader uses red the most powerful variation), force drain(absorbs life force and stops ability to connect with the force) (can destroy body if used to much and leave user as husk of energy), energy absorption and redirection, telekinesis, telepathy, pyrokinesis, water manipulation, force grip (choking people) , air manipulation, earth manipulation, empathy, faze, wall of light (summons light side energy to purify dark side energies), teleport (short range based on field of view), force travel (long distance teleportation), art of the small (shrinking presence of force to micro-scope size ten when normal molecules would be different ex: water in body have healing properties tears heal injuries) (combine parts of other species into oneself),deadly sight (damage enemies through site alone)(Taxing), force destruction(powerful energy flied that valorized anything it touched)(taxing), force weapon (enhancing weapons), doppelganger (perfect illusions of themselves or nearby objects), force blinding(extreme light), plant surge(transfer force energy to plants allowing for them to control plants), shatter point (see weak points in objects and beings), force storm(summoned violent wormholes) (could reach size to destroy fleets and teleport beings through the void across galaxy), rituals (allowed for all kinds of powerful effects as long as sacrifice was provided), force stealth (conceal presence and connection to the force), essence transfer (move mind and soul to another beings body), force heal, supernova (ripe star cores from stars and throw them at enemies), oneness (temporarily becoming one with the force)( power times 20), severe force (block enemies connection to the force), battle meditation (boosts stamina strength and morale of allies weakens enemies), force senses ( sense things through force), super senses, ability to survive in space, force dash/speed(rapid jump of speed), force bond (connects minds through the force and allows them to communicate at great differences), force focus (single minded focus on a task), force metamorphosis (ability to shapeshift), force orb (can create a bubble of air), force stasis (ability to freeze people or projectiles in place), mind probe (allowed looking through memories), morichro (rapidly slow down bodily functions of enemies killing them), psychometry (learning about people by touching objects), taming beasts (users can connect with wild animals), Force visions (ability to see into the past or future. Not absolute), Foresight (Seeing future/past while awake), Force deflection (deflecting energy. Erecting a barrier), memory manipulation, control nature (controlling nature or the weather)

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