237 You're Forgiven.

Knock knock!

Dania knock on the cabin door while waiting in the hallway with Rose. When the door is open, Dania kicks the man to the floor, and Rose took out her cuff from her back.

"What the-" Max, who just wakes up from sleeping roar when he suddenly gets kicked by someone.

The girl who kicked him did not stop there. She then ready to smack him using her elbow, and Max rolled to the side before he kicks on the other girl who held a handcuff.

"What the hell do you want?" He asked, and Rose get up after tripping on the floor. She snickered at the man. "You want us to do the hard way, huh?"

She and Dania attack him at the same time, to which he can't keep up with their speed and skills. They both did not attack the same pattern nor the same pace, so its hard for him to keep dodging the attack and didn't even have enough time to attack them back.


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