
chapter 2: the beginning, training day

light: I can't believe you brother, mother died and you didn't even care at all.

it doesn't matter I DID care but mother said she wanted us to surpass her and make what she created better so that's what we're going to do

light: alright brother sorry

it's fine but now wherein an empty void when we were with mother she was basically just showing us what she created but it's fine tho I will take us back there we are gonna go to the universes I will take us to the one with the most planets and living beings and everything

Light how would we go there?

Don't forget we are omnipotent beings I will just teleport us there

light: Woah were already there

yes and I will be making and giant planet for us to train to become stronger since there are many powerful beings here

light: okay we will become stronger to surpass mother like she said and be better

okay good but I will make our planet invisible so no one can sense us and force field so nothing can hit us

light: alright

and I will make the Planet unbreakable so we won't break it easily

light: All right then brother are you ready make sure to go all out

haha... we will go all out to be stronger and surpass our mother

light: here we go...

narrator: oh my god the punch of these brothers colliding made and massive air and crack the unbreakable planet and the 1 punch they just made put them in and whole other empty universe

darkness dodges all the light speed punches and kicks and throws and massive punch that makes the universe break into ashes and darkness teleported them to another empty universe light looks as if he got knocked out in the air but then comes back up and right behind darkness faster than anything before billions of times faster then light kicks darkness into and whole other universes and dimensions and stops at there unbreakable planet

darkness: coughing didn't know you were this strong

light: do you wanna stop

darkness: never

narrator: oh my they both did and giant blast that destroyed the "unbreakable" planet and now there just in and force field but there still invisible in the force field to everyone else they both look hurt but are barely hurt and they stopped

darkness: great job light that was insane you know I think you got me hurt and bit haha...

light: yeah... same (cough) that's what happens when darkness and light go"all-out"

yeah but we destroyed and few empty universes

light: yeah but it was fine there was nothing there

yeah, your right... well, let's get some rest, and tomorrow we will rebuild this place and make it better for mom!

light: yeah!

thee end of chapter 2: the beginning, training day

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