
And so it begins...

Hi, i'm Javk or so i think i am, today at least, yes its another day in my life, in this world, and I know you are seeing me, or reading me,kkkk, depends on your definition. I do not know for how long you are observing me so let me talk a little about me if you are new here.

I am male, 17 years old not long ago so an adult, I live in Valask the great city of... nothing that I can remember, the world of Lacus, i am 1.78cm tall, almost there, maybe i will grow up still, not very atletic but not fat at all, brown hair, blue eyes like most around here, my parents are normal simple people, mom, Kaira, is a housewife, take care of us all, taugh us to write and read, numbers and all that is needed to survive and to not be made a fool, dad, Robin, is a miscellaneus worker in the city, from repairs to transport or any help nedded to get by the day and bring the food home, and thank Lacus we never went hungry.

You must be thinking" well if you and yours are so normal how can i be reading about you? How can you know that there is someone reading and writing about you?"

Well i never said that the one you are reading about now is the one talking with you, so someone Will tell you my story and i will give my opinions if necessary, my toughts as i remember, but accept everything with a pinch of salt even from me.

It began that day...

Javk has just got up, the day was rising, his father have already gone to search for work and the day was not even bright yet, mom like always is making breakfast, hard bread, and some soup, then to get things in the house in order.

After getting up and getting cleaned with the water that mom got in the house Javk was prepared to find his first job, he nedded to help at home now, for a better life to his family, after all he is the only sibling that survived, maybe he will get lucky today and can get an easy job working with writing or counting, if not least he will work like his father until then.

He lives in a single story house, with 2 bedroons, a kithen, a living room and a backyard, in the market district, the house is theirs from a time when someone in the family got some money a then passed on , and on, and on until we got it since there is no one else to get it, we just need to pay once a year a tax to keep it, so it remains and it is a good location to live.

After eating he said goodbye to his mother and after checking his clothes and seeing that everything is okay he left, to come back later for lunch or most probably for supper. The streets are large passing 3 to 4 carriages side by side, lots of houses and stores and lots of people on the streets buying, selling, negotiating, screaming, crying, the same as every day im that area, the city was peacefull altoghether, crime happened but the guards always patrolled, and it was a beautifull place Valask was the biggest city in kilometers, about 400000 people living in it,from rich to poor, the center of the city is where the citylord and rich people live, there is nor much organisation on the rest but there ate 3 or 4 market areas and the rest is not much divided, the only large roads are for the markets, the city centre and linking to outside the city in the four corners,no gates or walls only the citylord residence has a wall....and Stop...kkk.

Like I said i will comment on this description, i do not remember much of the city but from my memory it was a pigsty, it smelled, was loud, people were rought like the life there, i never saw the beautifull side of the city, never had the time or the means to, now it is a memory much better than reality, like all memories that are not from a bad time are.

Javk went from store to store to find a new job, an apprenticeship, anithing that paid well or at leats good enought for the day, some hours later in the marketon the other side of the city he got his job, helping in a store of clothes, to help in everithing nedded, from checking the clothes for bugs , to helping in the tally of the money, to cleaning and tidying up the store and the storage, it was hard work but he will get lunch and can come back tomorrow with a chance to stay definitively.

After a day of work he got his first pay, and got on the way home, it was already dark, with that money on hand that he will give his mother today is the beginning of their better life. In that darkening street that happened, maybe destiny , maybe fate, maybe luck, maybe just because, Javk never got home, suddenly a little sound behind him and them darkness.

Yes very aticlimatic, you expected what from a 17 y.o. boy, or anyone that never was trained for anything like this, a moment of distraction and boom you lost, what fight, hero stories are fake and always end the same, i am no hero even if this is my story.

Hi, english is not my natuve language, so any corrections nedded please leave comments, and suggestions are welcomed

Felip_Cardosocreators' thoughts