
Reynard Black

There was a guy, dressed all in black, sitting on a blood-soaked chair. He had a dangerous vibe about him, as if he had seen more bloodshed than most people see in a lifetime. Despite the blood loss, he slowly lifted his head, his vision a bit blurry, but clear enough to make out the shadowy figures surrounding him.

Anyone who stumbled upon this scene would've been utterly shocked and horrified. The entire floor was drenched in bright red blood, and lifeless bodies lay scattered all around. Yet, there were still numerous figures pointing their guns at the man in the black suit. If you looked closely, fear was evident in their eyes as they stared him down.

Time seemed to stand still, but after a few moments, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room. The footsteps were calm and ordered, as if nothing could shake them. Eventually, a man stopped in front of the man in the black suit.

The guy in the suit, Reynard Black, took a breath and focused his gaze on the person before him. Recognition dawned upon him, as he realized it was someone he had known for a very, very long time.

With great effort, he asked the man, "Why?"

The man replied, "You were in the way of the family."

Reynard closed his bright crimson eyes, laughed eerie, and retorted, "You're afraid of me."

The man sighed, a mix of helplessness and relief evident on his face.

"It was a mistake. You should've known your place," he said.

Reynard found amusement in being called a mistake by this man, his so-called father, Roff Black.

Roff gazed at his son, the product of an affair. This son of his possessed high intelligence, but unfortunately, he also had an insatiable ambition. Roff reminisced about Reynard's rapid rise in both society and the underworld, gaining admiration from countless individuals and instilling fear in others. Yet, he had fallen because he refused to bow down to his own family, the Blacks.

Roff studied his blood-soaked son, his pitch-black hair tainted with crimson. As he looked into Reynard's crimson eyes, a chill ran down his spine.

After a moment of silence, Roff sighed in disappointment and ordered his men, "Clean up the scene and make it look like the work of an assassin."

"Yes, sir," the men promptly responded.

Reynard felt his mind slowly drifting, but he still managed to catch Roff Black's words. And it brought an eerie chuckle to his lips.

Suddenly, the entire building began to tremble, like a scene out of a war movie. The building crumbled at an alarming speed, as explosives set throughout it unleashed their destructive power from the bottom to the top.

Upon hearing the deafening blast, Reynard ominously muttered his final words, "Welcome to hell, dearest father."

In the blink of an eye, flames engulfed him, consuming everything in their path. Reynard remained seated, his back straight, exuding a majestic yet lethal aura.

After some time, only ashes remained of the people, and the building lay in ruins.

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