
The Legends

"Finally, the darkness is mine." Said Haruki Fujikaze, the latest member of The Legends.

He then looked behind him, where the rest of The Legends were and mumbled: "I'm sorry, everyone but this is how it was supposed to go." 

He reached his hands to the darkness that was leaking out of the ground and absorbed it inside of himself.

The process was painful and he started to lose his vision, when he regained his vision the darkness was gone and he thought something went wrong.

Everything was quiet, with the birds singing in the background and a gentle breeze blowing through his hair. Haruki felt completely peaceful at that moment.

But then the darkness took him over with a giant purple beam pointing to the sky.

The other members of the The Legends- Kaito Hayashi, who bends nature to his will; Yukihiro Hirisaka, wielder of ice; Ren Sunamura, controller of sand; and Daiki Kiyoshi, whose powers echo the darkness, known as 'gold' for its gold color, knew what was happening because they've all come in contact with the darkness multiple times and they also knew who could've been responsible for this so they all headed towards the beam of darkness.

 With all four of them making their way to fight him, Haruki underestimated the darkness' power.

He was losing himself to the darkness completely, his thoughts weren't his own anymore and he couldn't control his body movement.

The last thing he heard before the darkness took him over was Daiki yelling from a far away: "This was your plan wasn't it?! To use us to get to the darkness and take it for yourself!" 

The next words that came out of Haruki's mouth weren't the words he spoke, instead it was the darkness talking: "Gold. You were the one who sealed me inside the ground on this island, I don't care about your pathetic talk, I now have a chance to kill not just you, but all of The Legends." 

Kaito, Yukihiro, Ren, and Daiki stood their ground, their faces stern and determined. One by one they charged at Haruki trying to focus on the fact that Haruki has now been taken over by the darkness and he can't be saved.

Daiki leaped into the air to try and kick him, however Haruki grabbed him by his leg and threw him on the ground breaking a few of his bones.

While fighting Daiki, Kaito appeared behind him and tried to surprise attack him, however it didn't work. Haruki dodged it, then turned around and landed a punch on Kaito which made him fall down. The impact of the punch made him dizzy and he didn't see Haruki shaping a blade with the darkness powers and cutting off his head.

Yukihiro and Ren stood there in shock not knowing what to do next. As Haruki was walking towards them Yukihiro knew he had to do something so he started throwing icicles towards him but as Yukihiro expected Haruki dodged all of them and took out both, Yukihiro and Ren who was grieving over his friends' deaths.

 Out of nowhere a mysterious person appeared.

He was standing not too far away from Haruki with water dripping down his hands. Haruki hadn't noticed the mysterious guy until he suddenly was next to him and threw a punch that even Haruki, who was controlled by the darkness, couldn't dodge. The punch made him fly across the field they were fighting on.

Haruki groaned, struggling to get up when suddenly that person had already caught up to him and went for another punch. This time Haruki barely managed to dodge it when he felt the darkness leaving his body.

The darkness bursted out of his body flying towards that mysterious guy who stared at the purple thing which he couldn't identify.

The darkness went inside of him and that mysterious guy along with Haruki passed out. 


A boy called Yamikuro Asaki has woken up in class after what felt like a nightmare.

"Are you alright? You look a bit pale." the teacher asked.

"Uh yes… Sorry, I think I fell asleep." Yamikuro replied. In his mind he's thinking, "What was that… I've never had a dream feel so real before. Why am I so dizzy…? And why am I sweating…?"

Looking at the clock, there was still 5 minutes left until the class ended and he couldn't wait to get home.

The class was loud but he couldn't make up any words they were saying, it all sounded like mumbling to him.

Staring at the whiteboard the letters seemed to move around and they were changing shapes. The more he stared at them, the more distorted they got.

In what felt like a couple of seconds, the bell rang and the kids sprinted out of the classroom. As Yamikuro tried to stand up, his legs gave up on him and he almost fell down but he managed to pull himself together right before it happened.

He's barely able to maneuver around when someone bumps into him in the hallway and he completely loses control and falls on the ground.

The entire hallway starts laughing, out of humiliation Yamikuro runs out the school building with his weak legs and a blurry vision, bumping into people and almost falling down again.

 As he's walking towards his home, that's fifteen minutes away from his school, he's trying to remember the dream he saw. The only thing he can remember is a purple mass flying towards him and then waking up.

As he's approaching an alleyway he hears a woman scream which made Yamikuro snap out of a hypnotic state that he was in.

He then peeks over the corner to see what was happening in that alleyway and to his shock he sees a man holding a woman at gunpoint.

When the woman noticed a kid staring at them, she yelled: "Get out of here kid and call someone for help!"

The man who was holding her at gunpoint pushed her on the ground and pointed the gun at the kid telling him to reveal himself. 

"Reveal yourself or I'll shoot this woman and then come after you!" The man yelled.

Yamikuro got afraid of that threat and revealed himself with his hands in the air.

"Walk next to her and stay quiet." The man said.

As Yamikuro was walking he felt his legs getting weak again and his eyes started to close.

 In what felt like a split second Yamikuro wakes up to see that the woman is yelling something with tears flowing down her face but he can't understand anything again, this is exactly what he felt in class when he woke up from that dream.

He looked around and noticed that the man was lying on the ground with the gun a few meters away from him.

The police sirens were coming from a distance and he thought that the woman called the police to come and help them.

However when the distorted hearing was gone he heard the woman scream: "You're a monster!" and "You're not a human!"

"What are you talking about?" Yamikuro asked in confusion.

"You killed this man with some weird powers!" The woman yelled.

Before Yamikuro could ask another question, the police showed up and threatened him to put his hands up.

He thought it was all a misunderstanding so he tried to explain, "This man right here was pointing a gun at us."

The policeman repeated himself, "Put your hands up or I will shoot!"

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything, this man is the bad guy, take him away!" Yamikuro tried explaining again.

"Don't play dumb with us, you have powers and you know it's forbidden for you people to walk around freely! We've notified the government about this already." The policeman said

"Powers, what? I don't have powers." Yamikuro was putting on a fake smile and trying to continue when suddenly the policeman started firing shots at him.

He's never been in a situation like this so he didn't know what to do, the only logical option for Yamikuro was to run away hoping not to get shot.

He managed to run from the alleyway to his home without the police catching onto him.

 When Yamikuro opened the door, a smell of freshly cooked dinner wafted through the air.

Knowing his parents are probably in a good mood, he's trying to forget about what had just happened since he doesn't want to ruin his parents mood.

As he's putting away his shoes and a coat, his mom yells to him that dinner is ready.

He then ran to the kitchen and his mom asked: "So how was school?" As she was setting the table. 

Yamikuro responded "I don't know. It was just like an average school day." 

"Oh come on, you never want to talk about how your day was. If you want me to be honest, you should be more open with people." 

Yamikuro didn't know how to respond but luckily his dad came to the kitchen and saved him from the awkward moment. 

"Yamikuro, When did you arrive?" The dad asked in a satirical way.

"Just now." Yamikuro responded to him and sat down at the table. 

"Kazuki, you should raise your kid better. He doesn't even know how to hold a conversation with people." The mom nagged.

The dad laughed, "I would expect his mother to do it, not the dad. His dad is a busy guy."

She looked at him with an annoyed face, "Oh shut up and sit down already."

 After eating the dinner, Yamikuro decided to go to his room and do his homework while his parents stayed downstairs.

He sat down at his desk and decided to put more effort into his homework than usual since summer was coming up and he felt motivated from the thoughts of staying home all day to play video games. 

When he finished writing the last sentence of his essay, he checked the time and it was already 11 pm. He had to be up at 6.30 am tomorrow morning, so he quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

On his way there he ran into his dad who seemed worried and told his son goodnight. Yamikuro, not thinking much of it, said it back and went to brush his teeth.

After going to bed and lying there for a bit he eventually fell asleep.

 While sleeping he heard a loud bang. An explosion went off that woke up Yamikuro from his sleep.

The explosion seemed to come from his parents' room which made him sprint out of his room to investigate it.

At first he thought he was imagining it but after everything that's happened he suspected that it could've been real.

As he was opening his parents' bedroom door a breeze of cold wind hit him from their room.

At first glance he notices a massive hole in the wall and around it being flames that are slowly growing bigger.

Once he looked down he noticed his parents laying there lifeless.

For the first few seconds he stood there frozen but then ran towards them breaking down.

As the flames were taking over the room he had no choice but to run away leaving his parents there.

To explain the darkness, it's a purple cloudy mass that isn't 'alive' but is constantly trying to find a host. If you're not strong enough to contain the darkness, it can take you over and become 'alive' using the body of a person that wasn't able to contain it.

If a person is however able to contain the darkness, they can use darkness' abilities like its their own power.

The origin of it is still unknown amongst humankind but it originated from the god world.

IamNonecreators' thoughts
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