
The Third Time

"HAHAHAHAHA" Multiple voices laughed in unison, while a child was whining on his knees with the forehead on the ground and his arms crossed around his stomach, soon the tears flowed from his eyes, tears of despair and rage.

"Next time you try to be a nuisance, make sure you can stand your ground brat" a slightly bigger child said, his skin was pale as marble with stone pattern, his eyes were as blue as the sky his hair was blonde and short.

Soon the crowd dispersed, the child on the ground still crying.

"Meow" he heard, followed by some licks on his arms, the two-tailed kitten that was being attacked by the marble boy and his friends was safe around his arms, he took a beating trying to protect him, unable to return the attacks all he could do was use his body as a shield but unlike his father his body was as weak, and unlike his mother he can't shoot energy from his body, but he hoped that one day he would be as strong as his parents after all meta powers manifests at the age of 6, he was still five.

"At least you are okay" he said to the kitten, and put it back on the ground, the boy whipped the tears from his eyes, and stood up, his eyes were yellow which was pretty uncommon even among beast like metas, his olive skin and dark hair making a great tandem with them.

He began to walk, heading to his home when he heard the kitten following him, thinking that eventually it would stop he didn't pay attention, he had more immediate issues like explaining to his parents about the sullied clothes and the bruises on his arms and legs, about five minutes of walking he reached his home, a living complex housing the S rank military metas and their families, the kitten still behind him.

"So you came all this way, I don't know if mom and dad will let me keep you" after a few moments of considering his options the boy sighed, picking the kitten from the ground and embracing her in his arms, he continued his path to the front door, soon a biometric scanner confirmed his identity and the building opened for him.

"Good afternoon Joshua" said to the elder man on the reception.

"Young Master Green, Good afternoon, are your parents aware of your fight for that friend you brought? It doesn't matter how cute she is, you need to ask permission before rescuing strays," the kind porter said with a warm smile in his face.

"I wasn't planning to bring her with me, some kids were bullying her and I have to rescue her, but they wouldn't stop, so they started beating me, and before I knew she was following me" the kid continue his path to the teleportation platform, and in a few seconds he was inside the living room of his apartment.

"Master Kain" A multiarmed floating robot said in a mechanic voice, approaching the boy it started to undress him and treating his wounds with three hands, while with other three it took the cat, scanning, grooming and vaccinating her, the bruises and small cuts on the child healed at speed perceivable by the eye, "All your wounds are now healed, your clothes repaired and clean, as for the cat she is now free of parasites and vaccinated for diseases, sending a report to Master Michael and Mistress Heater". (for those familiar with Mr. Handyman from fallout is something like him)

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Twenty years have passed since then, after his power test Kain Green only developed an F rank shadow mancing allowing him to change the shape of his shadow and those nearby him, he grew to be 6'1 (1.85 m) tall, with a slim muscular body due to the amounts of exercise he made, clinging to the hope of becoming a soldier if not for his powers at least by his martial and athletic prowess, finishing his daily routine he took a shower.

"One more try, I know this time I'll pass the examination" he thought, walking down the street he glanced at the Giant Holotransmition the latest news about the War against the Bro'loks an alien race similar to ants, they travel from planet to planet devouring everything on their way their current objective are the planets of the Terran Alliance which caused a massive and permanent recruitment for the Spacial Terran Alliance Forces to repel the constant attacks of the Bro'loks.

After walking about ten minutes, Kain arrived at a one-floor building, unimpressive compared to those around it, on top of the force field that guarded the entrance was engraved in luminous letters Terran Alliance Recruitment Center, after the biometric scanner the force field disappeared long enough to let him get in just to reactivate as soon as he took a step inside the building, unlike its outer appearance on the inside was a Space Warp Device allowing that the one-floor building on the outside to have about 50 floors upward, and it was rumored to have another hundred subterranean floors only accessible to military personnel.

"Here Again, Mr. Green, you just can't give up? This is your third time, do I have to remind you that is just courtesy? Specially if that someone is an F Rank" a red-headed woman said dressed in a white and blue military uniform displaying three golden medals on her chest one for each deploy she came back.

"Ka! Katy, I mean Captain Martinez, didn't expect to meet you here today, I thought you were on a mission" startled by the sudden interruption of his thoughts.

"It was quicker than the schedule indicated, besides I wouldn't miss the last attempt of the greatest heroes son the S.T.A.F ever had, I always mocking you, but you know I care about you, we've been friends ever since we were born, I really hope you fail thought, the war is no place for someone without powers suited for combat" even thought she tried to sound as friendly and calm as possible, a clear tread of concern and pity was present "your parents would be proud of you even if you don't follow their steps, We both know they would be happier if you live long and fulfilling live instead of just wasting it on the battlefield".

Before Kain could reply, a transmission was broadcasted calling all aspirants to make way to the medical bay for examination.

hope you are enjoying so far, it took a while to post cause I didn't want something half baked

With love, the autor.

Duskstarcreators' thoughts