

1.He was back.A whole year gone ghost but there he was,clad in black pants,shirt and classic N97's.Tonny Black was back.Different statements could be heard. 2.The whole hallway stood still tryin to get a good look at him.His facial expression didn't change."What the hell happened to him?"another softly stated."How, even though change is possible, but from that to this is just unbelievable."another said.

3.He went to his locker and took a few books and threw his bag inside.He knew that he the Hot stuff in the TWEETTAB.(a web link only available to the students to use.Usually gossip and other kinds of shit.)4.As he turned his lock ,he could her presence.He turned his head and took a few seconds to look at her.He didn't say anything.He sighed and turned away."Monica's still here? maybe I'll get more fun than I thought."he smiled as he said to himself."Stop right there."her voice sharply pieced his fantasy,she walked in front of him and lookef at him in the eye.The bell rang.It broke the eye contact. 5."Where were you,all this time?why even bother to come back"He ignored her bumping her on the shoulder."Dead."His voice was low, another change."what,do you think that is enough?"her voice was breaking,her eyes were glistening as her face redden up.6.He stopped reaching out for the door to his class."What do you want, Monica?" He avoided to look at her.She walked closer to him, she wanted to stretch her hand and feel his face.7."Don't, I'm not the same Tonny you once knew.He is long gone."His face expressed dread."Now if you don't have anything else to say I'm going to my lesson.Hopefully we never cross paths again."he opened the door and left her standing on the empty hallway.8."You ...you can't..."she whimpered. She turned away from the door and left.He could hear her from the other side of the door."I can't go back to how things used to be.Never again."9.He slowly walked to his seat.The other students looked at him still tryin to grasp the major transformation.10."Damn he's hot."Seconds later,a teacher walks in."Good morning students hopefully you finished the assignment I handed..."her sentence was cut off by the site of Tonny.11."Oh,it looks like we have a new student.well tell us about yourself ."

He looked around and saw the students a few familiar faces caught his field of view.He grinned, stood up and started.12"Tonny black and I'm glad to be back at my favorite school ."He knew that they were all there.his previous friends.His profound enemies and most of all,his thirst for revenge.

13.Six fit his descriptions.Simon, Ashley and Serah;his friends,Billy and Ricky, his enemies and we'll himself of course.14.The latter felt them shivering and shaking.

His face lightened up."How the fuck is he here ,it's it's impossible."the five distinct members in the room thought the same thing.15."He is supposed to be... DEAD..."

16."Excuse me , Billy are you feeling alright,is anything the matter?"he knew that he was watching him,them.Even though,he didn't look at them he felt it.17.He looked at Ricky and knew it.he,too was shaking ."okay then let's carry on, what do we call an organism that carries more than one DNA set,oh ,yes ,Ms Allison " her hand was the only one up"a chimera"her accent was american.18.It took away Tonny's mind for a bit "Hmm, very... interesting"he smiles as Madam Jessica continued talking about DNAs and well ... Biocrap.