
Grown Up

Out through the years, John dedicated a large part of his time to training, so as to become stronger.

Guided by his father, he trained his body in order to have the strength and stamina to endure whatever came his way. With his guidance he also improved his sword technique and acquired some survival skills and knowledge about various monsters, memorizing their appearance, characteristics and weaknesses, along with various other knowledge.

His mother, on the other side, helped him improve his magic skills with whatever knowledge she had about it. Since she was expelled from the forest because of her relation with Eric, there was no way she could access to sources of knowledge about magic, so she could only teach what little she knew, providing some of the enlightenments she had when she learned herself. Besides the stories from both races, John was quite fascinated with magic and the mysteries behind it, so he was quite excited when he started seriously learning with his mother.

Besides physical and magic training, John was taught by both his parents about the history of both races, the culture, the myths. One of the things he was taught about, was the hierarchies of both races, the way the nobles acted, especially by the humankind, since he had royal blood on his veins, and he needed to learn how to conduct himself properly, as someone who possessed the royal bloodline, and how to talk with noblemen. John was a very curious child and very interested in learning new things, especially about his parents roots, so he absorbed very fast through the years everything he was taught.

In his free time, John through his exploring and hunting in the forest, tried to gain combat experience, training his sword and bow skills, as well as his unarmed combat skills and search for new things like plants, animals and etc. In one of his hunting trips, he found Alfie and Silvia again and reconnected with them. He only did so when he detected that no one was watching them, otherwise he would just give them a sign and leave so as to prevent problems from arising.

In some of their encounters, they would talk about various things, about their lives, about things they learned, about their relationships, everything friends could talk about. One of the things that really brought light to their eyes was magic, especially John and Alfie. Nature magic was a difficult magic related to the elves, and to gain mastery required a lot guidance by the adults and elders of the tribe. John was very limited in that aspect so he gained a lot of knowledge about, and with his knowledge of his past life it was possible to have a trade of ideas and knowledge that benefited them greatly.

Unknown to them, as Silvia interacted with John through all of their encounters, some feelings started budding in her heart. Unlike when she met him the second time, when he assumed an aggressive stance, she saw him in a new light when he talked excited with her brother, the smile and laugh he showed her tickled her heart. It brought her even bigger emotions when she found out that he before showed a cold attitude to them, because he wanted to use himself to shield his family.


In other parts of the world, trouble was bubbling. The Goblins started to assume a more organized attack on humankind than ever before, launching small invasions and conquering little by little the human's territory. Unknown to humans, some of the invasions involved the presence of Orcs which allowed them to speed up their invasion. The strangest thing was that no one knew what happened in those locations, there was rarely any information going out besides that the armies failed to prevent the enemy from occupying the villages.

Besides this invasion, many strange things were happening all over the world, strange aggressive beings started appearing on the islands of many races, causing some chaos and damage. Due to the continuous apearance these beings, the situation was verified and discussed on the Council of the 9,

and an investigation was launched with the objective of detecting the source of these monsters as well as the development of ways to contain them, so as to study them, and to destroy that source.


As the years passed, John was growing tall and strong, and with the lessons and knowledge he kept acquiring, he become more and more knowledgeable about the world around him. At the same time, as he grew, more and more memories of his past life kept returning to him, which allowed him, from a very tender age, to develop a very mature attitude, when compared to other children. The memories he regained, also allowed him the approach magic from a very different angle, which made his mother look at him with round eyes. These ideas brought enlightenment that allowed him to create new magi spells that might or not exist in another part of the world.

In the beach, not far from his house, John laid back, with his eyes closed, on the sand with his arms crossed supporting his head as he hummed a melody from his past life and relaxed his body. As he was alone on the beach, he focused on breathing the fresh air that came from the sea, which reminded him of some of the seadfood he used to eat in Japan, as well as some of the good memories he had there.

"I guess that I somewhat miss some of the foods of my past life, I wonder if they have in this world some of that food. Besides that, these memories of mine from another world are quite handy. I never expected that I would be able to use them to develop some of the spells that I saw in the manga and anime I saw there. I dont't know why, but it seems that this world's magic is very focused on magic circles and incantations, I wonder how magic appeared on this world and how did they discover or make those magic circles and incantations. Maybe because I'm different from others, since I have memories from another world, I can guess that magic maybe started with imagination and that its possible to create spells, as long as one's image is strong and clear enough." as John pondered about this, he thought that maybe this was normal since there must be some kind of requirements to create new spells, a very livid image, knowledge about how an element reacts and some level of mastery in a type of magic to be able to develop spell of that element. "In any case, since I have my memories from a world where there are various stories and fiction about magic with images and videos that show them, maybe it makes it easier to focus on those images. I'm glad that I could get some use of those memories, otherwise it wouldn't serve me much to have them! Ahahahah!".

As laughed by himself, someone was approaching him silently. Since he somewhat knew who was approaching him, John made a grin and said with a somewhat mischievous smile "Silvia? What are you doing here by yourself? Where's Alfie? Aren't you afraid that a big bad wolf might come to eat you?". Silvia that was trying sneak to scare him froze and blushed "My brother is training his archery with father, so I was bored and came here to see what you were doing.", as she was talking, she approached John and sat by his side "Besides, if a wolf came for me, I know you would come to save me if I called for you.". As she said this final line, she rested her mad blushing face on her legs, and hug them trying to hide her blush from John's eyes.

As John saw her cute reaction to what he said, he laughed once more loudly as though to himself that he wished that these moments would last forever. He wished that his life could remain peaceful as it has been in this new life of his for the rest of his life, receiving the love of a family that he never had before and having true friends by his side. As he looked back to the years he passed on this world, he though to himself that maybe, just maybe, he didn't need to be that strong to protect his family and friends from harm, since it didn't seem to exist in this island anything that could bring harm to them.

Unknown to him, something was coming in the near future that would change radically his life forever, and the way he saw this new world of his.



Name: John Calion

Level - 2->10

HP: 121/121->457/457

MP: 90/90->183/183

STR: 20->31 (+1)

END: 23->34 (+1)

DEX: 22->33 (+1)

AGI: 24->35 (+1)

MAG: 28->39 (+1)

Passives: [Blessing of the Light God: Son of Light(SSS)] ; [Sword Mastery(C)] ; [Bow Mastery(D)] ; [Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery (E)] ; [Vajra Body Vajra Mind (F)] ; [Tenacy(C)] ; [Pain Tolerance (E)]

Magics: Light Magic ; Nature Magic ;

Development Skill: [Crafting(D)] ;


Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery

Rank - E

*With superior physical power and technique, You can turn your body into a weapon to have the combined might of a hundred men. Passively increases damage while in combat unarmed*

- 25% more damage when fighting without weapons.


Vajra Body Vajra Mind

Rank - F

*With a Will of Steel comparable to a true monk and a body of a child you forged your body and mind for years to perfection, allowing yourself to release your full potential and pave yourself to a path of greatness. As the skill rank increases, you increase your perception and your overall stats.*

- You perceive and comprehend things faster;

- All your stats receive a boost of 5% (each rank increases by 5% and to SSS rank receives 10%).

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