8 7- Hurt princess

"BERRY GET DOWN !! " he yelled as he got up from his chair. 

"Huhn?" She said while raising her head and gunshot!!

She felt a fire cracking hole between her shoulder and neck.

Before her world fell into darkness, she heard more gun fires. And before her eyes closed, she saw Luke rushing toward her. 

"BERRY !! get up !! Damn !!" He turned his head toward the door and shouted. 

"LINDA !!!!" and after a few seconds, he heard running steps toward the flat. 

He got his phone and dialed Dr. Brown's number. 

"LUKE! Brown, it is an emergency," he said hurriedly.

"I'm coming! " 

He heard and hung up. Linda was in the flat too, and she was horrified with the blood on the floor. 

"Linda.. call Matt and Levi. Have the flat checked thoroughly," he said while carrying her in the arm, and he ran toward his room. 

He laid her on the bed when he heard Dr. Brown's voice downstairs.

He took off his shirt and wrapped it tightly around her shoulder. The bedsheet was getting red slowly. 

"BROWN !! HURRY UP !!" He shouted, and Dr. Brown entered the room. He checked her heartbeat. Her heartbeat was stable. He checked the place of the bullet. It was a place between her neck and shoulder. More towards the shoulder. 

"It's not very deep and not too dangerous. She will be fine, Luke," he reassured Luke, who was walking around like a hurt lion. 

"Make her wake up brown !! At any cost." 

Dr. Brown's lips turned into a thin line as he heard him, but he kept doing his work. He turned her around on her stomach and washed her wound. I took out her bullet and gave her all the necessary treatment. He gave her injections, .and dressed her wound correctly. 

He turned to Luke, who was looking at him as if his life depends on it. 

"LUKE! Calm down. What has got into you?"

"I don't want anything happening to her because of me. I don't want that. " he moved his hands in his hair in frustration. 

"Is she alright?" He asked again. 

Dr. Brown nodded his head. "It wasn't that bad. I gave her injections. She will be awake by tomorrow. I'll revisit you. She is out of danger. Don't worry." 

Luke let out a sigh as if he was holding his breath. He nodded slightly. And both of them walked out of the room.

Mathew and Levi were already in the flat. Moving around and checking everything. 

As soon as Dr. Brown left, Luke turned back to them and barked in a loud voice.

" How the fuck He cheated the security? What the bloody fuck Was the security doing?: 

They had never seen him this angry before. He never used to yell. He always showed his emotions with coldness.

"Sir! He took the fire exit. He is one of Crimson's man" Mathew said in a respectful tone.


"Her? Who?" Levi asked, looking at Mathew Linda, and Luke turn by turn. 

Luke looked at him with a cold glare. While Linda gave him a nod telling him she will explain later. 

"Double the security, Matt. I can't risk her life! There should always be squad 4 or 5 around the flat" he ordered 

Mathew nodded his head in response and took out his phone. He left the flat while giving instructions to someone. 

"Levi! Send crimson a last warning on my behalf. I guess I need to meet him again," he said while gritting his teeth. 

Levi said nothing and nodded.

"Linda! I'll be in my room. Call someone and clean the mess. Then go home," he ordered while going upstairs. 

He was genuinely exhausted today. He took out his cigarettes and started smoking as he entered his room. She was lying on her face. He sat in his chair on the side and observed her face keenly.

She was beautiful yet haunting. The bags under her eyes were the marks of her difficult time. 

"I promise You'll never get hurt again," he said while bending forward and removing hair from her face. 

He got up and moved to the other side of the bed. He got into the bed with her and slowly wrapped her carefully, not hurting her wound. He was looking at her peaceful face, and he didn't even notice when he fell asleep.


He woke up when he felt a slight movement under his arm. He opened his eyes, and his mind gave him a flashback of last night. 

He looked down at her and saw she was nuzzling in his chest. He moved his arm slowly and sat up so she wouldn't know he was there all night. He hadn't had such a relaxing sleep in years. He looked at her and noticed the shirt she was wearing. Why didn't I see it last night? She needs new clothes. He thought he watched her until she started moving slowly. She tried to move over when she winced.

"Uhh "

"Sh! Don't move. You are hurt," he said in a low voice. 

She opened her eyes widely when she heard him. She was confused at first and then when she remembered what happened last night. Her eyes started filling with tears again.

"Shh! I'm so sorry. Please don't cry." He slowly touched her cheek. 

She closed her eyes, and a tear dropped on the pillow. 

"Hey! Strawberry. Look here. It's alright! You are fine," he said, soothing her. 

She looked up at him.

"I m ... sorry!" She said in a low voice. "I ... I thought... they will...kill you too.." 

He was surprised. She was crying because she thought he was going to get hurt too. This was the first time someone was showing this kind of emotion for him.

"It's not that easy, you know." He said in a funny tone. 

"Does it hurt now?" He asked in a concerned tone this time.

"Not much," she tried to put a smile on her face. 

"Are u lying?" He raised his eyebrow. 

"Yes !" She replied honestly, and he was surprised by her words. 

His face set into a little smile. 

"I loved the dinner by the way," he said, trying to lighten her mood.

"You did?" She said in happiness. "It took me 5 hours to make all that." 

"It was delicious," he gave her a little smile. She smiled back, and then her smile faded away.

"What?" He asked. 

"Nothing," she replied. 

"Berry! I promise. I won't let anything like this happen again. I promise," he said in a determined voice. 

She looked at him and stared at his eyes for a few seconds and then nodded. 

"Trust me?" He said again. Uncomfortable with her silence.

"I do !!" She smiled at him again, and he let out his breath. 

"I'll go and send you something to eat, okay? Stay still. Don't move much," he ordered in his natural tone.

Her brows furrowed at the change of his sound, but she nodded.

He moved out of the room. 


He was sitting in his hotel room when Blake came in. 

"Progress?" Luke asked. 

"Not yet! We are still searching for her. People in the neighborhood said she rarely used to come out of her house, and they didn't even know her name properly. She didn't have any friends either. 

So it's tough to find it out," Blake explained.

Luke moved his hands in his hair with frustration. His face was tightly clenched when he heard his phone beeping. It was his landline number. He thought there was an emergency at his flat. 

He picked up the call and said 

"Luke, here! Is everything alright?" 

"Ummmm," he heard Berry trying to talk in a low voice. 

"Berry? What is it?" He said in a tone that surprised Blake, and he looked at him with his surprised expressions. 

"Can u come back home, please?" She said pleadingly. 

"Is everything alright?? Are you alright?" He asked hurriedly...

"Yeah! Linda went to get groceries, and I need you home," she said in a low voice again. 

"What is it berry? What's wrong? I'll come right away. Tell me what's wrong?" He said in a tense tone.

"Luke...i .... i..." she stammered. 

"Berry ..." he said, provoking her to speak. 

"Luke...i ...i ... need to ... Luke! I need to pee !!!" 

