20 Sister's bad day

Treya sharpened her claws on her little silver knife. As she rode her horse home she let out a sigh. She hated going home. She did not feel in control there. Her brothers made her feel like she was some sort of blood thirsty hothead. She felt like she was where she belonged with the army. Her comrades treated her like a brother and they respected her judgement entrusting her with their lives as she did them. Treya was agitated. She hated the pull of the castle on her powers. She had no choice though, she had to go home. She had been hearing to many rumors and now if they were right her brothers were hosting two wurchins in the castle. She would make them talk. She would end these games between the Dradiens and these two witches. Her brothers would be upset she took matters into her own hands but sooner or later they had to realize she knew what was best. She was a warrior for their country. She would keep it safe. Her brothers would just have to get over themselves she rolled her eyes at the thought of them lecturing her. Although she did not want to be home she did miss them. She picked up speed as she neared the castle. Treya left her horses in the stables and then she made her way to the dungeons. She cringed a little. This was her least favorite place in the world, the place were her powers were gone completely. She wasn't scared to be without her powers she just felt naked, disarmed. She loved the pure energy that coursed through her blood. When she was not home she left her claws and fangs out because she felt she could better feel the energy moving through her. She felt primal. Ferocious. Treya stealthily made her way down the steps to the dungeon running her fingers over her fangs to make sure they were sharp. She began searching for the witches. She didn't see anyone who she thought was a witch and there was barely anyone in the dungeons anyway. Most weren't imprisoned in Dradien. She was irked now, she had to find a guard possibly giving away her plot to her brothers. "You, were are the wurchins?" She asked the guard she snuck past moments ago.

"Princess." He bowed, surprised that she had come from the dungeons. When had she entered?

"One is down there milady, one is in her chambers." Treya almost choked right there.

"Chambers! Show me!" She growled out. The guard knew he should guard the dungeons but he led Treya to the witches room. When Treya entered she was furious no witch was in sight however clearly someone had been staying here. The room reaked of the witch. Treya's green eyes were a golden yellow now, continuing to look more like fire with her rage. Next Treya headed back to the dungeon with the guard but the witches cell was empty. She was fuming. She lopped off the guards head in a quick swipe his eyes still blinking although his head was on the floor. She tried to calm herself down. She walked up the stairs of the dungeon to find her brothers. "How blessed you are that I am so merciful." She told the dead guard on her way up the stairs. Her brothers would always tease her for being the blood thirsty warrior but she knew they were the ones that would have ripped the guard to shreds. She found Lanthier outside running from the stables toward her. When his eyes landed on Treya's brown steed he nearly bumped into Treya looking for her.

"Sister." Lanthier had missed her but this was the wrong time for his sister to be here. Lanthier sniffed the air and his fangs were out in and instant he smelled Mira on his sister.

"Treya where is-"

"Do not look to me brother, they have escaped on your watch, your pets are gone!" Treya was confused and a little hurt by her brothers reaction. Why would he show his fangs to her? She tried to relax herself again, her brother was king and most importantly she loved him and did not want to fight. When Lanthier realized what she said everything froze even Treya froze for a moment paralyzed by cold. "What the hell brother?" Treya shook off the frost a few seconds later trying to gather her thoughts.

"Search for them with the guard." Her brother hissed out. Horns were growing from his head as he spoke. Treya was horrified. As a warrior that was rare. She was the beast of nightmares to Dradien enemies and rebels. She had heard stories of ancient demons having horns as a child but those were just that stories. "No one shall hurt them." He whispered out in a strange voice, his eyes a bright red now. It looked like even his pale skin was tinged red. Treya just shook her head mortified. The beast that was her brother stalked away into the forest.

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