

(A/N: This story is a demo, the TL;DR is basically I just threw stuff at the wall to see what would stick, the story is more or less grounded after chapter XIII. I plan to discontinue this story after I wrap up season 2 and plan on making a new story with the same story beats.)


"You're dead!..." That is the first thing the disembodied voice said to me.

"Y-Yeah, surviving the incoming truck-kun was the last thing I expected to happen." My voice was still shaky from having my life flash before my eyes not too long ago.

"You met an unfortunate death. Who would have thought you'd meet your end at the truck-kuns rim." Guess even disembodied voices can offer sympathy.

I sat there for a while contemplating everything that happened in the span of a few moments. One second I'm walking home with a bag of ingredients to make some home-cooked burgers, luckily for me truck-kun decided to help me out by turning me into the said ingredient—ground beef.

"Now enough freaking out." I wasn't though. "Let's move this process along and get you reincarnated."

"Oh?..." Now, this brings a smile to my face. Guess. "Deadass?"

"Based on your reaction you must know what lies ahead of you, no?"

"Another start to a story I would say. It's pretty self-explanatory, you know reincarnation and all that."

"Shouldn't be anything new before I send you off with your gifts and what not you should know. There will be expectations of you!"

"Expectations?" Curiouser and curiouser.

"Yes, you see time tends to pass slower here than out there. As such, we will call it your "experience", entertainment."

"Oh..." I've seen how this song and dance ends. This next life might not be so pretty.

At my sudden plight, the being seems to let out a small chuckle.

"Worry not little person, we will not be sending you to your imminent death."

Whipping the non-existent sweat on my brow, I let out a sigh of relief.

"That's encouraging, so what did you mean?"

"Right so it will go like this, we will let you pick the world you wish to be reincarnated, and by that we expect you to make the world your own in a sense. While you know what will transpire we hope to watch a new world bloom from your actions."

Hmm, from where I stand this 'request' seems doable. Since I get to pick the world it would be safe to assume I would know what I'm doing.

"So I get to pick the world I go to. Hmm, so it would be safe to assume I get to pick powers too right?"

They give me a simple nod.

Hmm, right so based on this I'll just pick the world I know the most about. While I do have one in mind I don't know how it ends I do however know how it starts and how it will progress. So picking it as the place to go is a no-brainer. I do wonder though.

"Can I pick any power?"


"Can I pick a power from a different world?"

"I don't see why not."

"Cool." So I can choose a power that can't be detected, rad.

"I would like to go to the My Hero Academia world, as for my power I would like to pick two devil fruits from One Piece. Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix, and the Yami Yami no Mi."

"Interesting choice, can you elaborate on your choices specifically?"

What is this a pop quiz? "Yeah, well I know enough about my hero academia world to get by so picking it was a no-brainer for me. It for the most part is an easy world to navigate. As for the powers I chose devil fruits because in terms of power the One Piece world is far greater than the MHA world."

"If it's so great why not just pick the One Piece world?"

"It's far too unforgiving, plus I mostly just watch what is shown and a big feature of the world is what is hidden underneath."

They simply nod their head in understanding. "I see so you just want to use another world's more grandiose powers while living in a simpler world."

"Exactly." With excitement evident in my eyes, I waited patiently for things to happen as they do in these kinds of situations.

"Right so let us begin your reincarnation, you will be sent to the world of My Hero Academia, with the powers of One Pieces devil fruits. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix, and the Yami Yami no Mi along with the world Haki cause why not include the whole package? Let's see how you make this world your own Leo."

"Heh, before I leave would it be too shameless to ask that the Yami Yami no Mi to still have its nullifying properties would it?" Giving them a nervous smile they send me a small nod, which I assume means yes. Looks like I might just literally be making this world my own, heh.

x-Flashback End-x

It's been a slow past few years, four to be exact. In the meantime, I just watched the world around me progress while slowly training my Haki, observation Haki to be exact, I managed to squeeze armament in there but since I only have so much mobility I settled for Observation.

The devil fruit abilities I requested had shown up during my fourth birthday a few days before my aunt took me to do a quirk test. Why my aunt, well that's because I reincarnated into My Hero Academia, if both your parents aren't shown you either have one parent or none at all. As it so happens my father died giving someone life-saving surgery. While my mother had died giving birth to me. On another note, my "quirks" happen to be a modified version of my parents' quirks.

My father with a healing flame-type quirk, while my mother had a shadow-type quirk. Both of these will be the explanation of my quirks for when I decide to use them in the future. Why not now, well that's because of the Hero Public Safety Commission. I want to avoid being on their radar for the time being. Avoiding association with them will give me as much freedom as possible.

I haven't decided if I want to follow the route of being a Hero or a Villain. On one hand, a hero fights strong opponents while on the other a Villain has the most freedom. Using your quirk without a license can land you in a whole lot of trouble. While my Phoenix fruit is exempt from this rule I want to do what I wanted in the end so keeping my choices open will help with that even if I plan to mostly follow the canon.

In any case, my quirk test result came back negative putting on my brave face I stood on my chair and with a wide smile, I boldly declared.

"I WILL STILL BE THE GREATEST HERO EVEN WITHOUT A QUIRK." deciding to add fuel to the fire I even had some fake tears in the corner of my eyes truly selling the act.

My aunt Nemuri was moved to tears. Picking me off my chair and holding me in her chest while petting the back of my head trying to soothe my fake tears away.

Nemuri or better known as the R-Rated Hero: Midnight had become my step-aunt after my mother married my father, and she later became my legal guardian after my mother passed away. She is quite hands-on in her caretaking especially since she is usually busy with hero work. Don't know if this is because of a lucky start or if the god that had brought me here had read my lecherous thoughts and decided to be my wingman either way this is an absolute win.


A few days later while attending school I had come by a rather iconic moment. Well, it is iconic but not in a good way. The good old Katsuki bullied Izuku for being quirkless scene. Yup this iconic scene is playing out in front of me but being the good person that I am I won't interfere with Deku's future rivalry in the making. He's lucky I'm so humble or else I might just urge him to thank me.

In any case, I decided to interfere after his "friend" had given him a thrashing that I decided to I wanted to give the good old protagonist a pick me up.

"Hey, Izuku you good there pal?" I had joined Bakugo's friend group for one reason and one reason only and that reason is as obvious as the sky being blue. His absolute bombshell of a mom. I'd use any excuse I could to go over to his house and flatter the absolute glycerin out of her. As another stroke of good luck or just god granting my lecherous wishes Bakugo's dad had mysteriously vanished. Is he dead? Is he going for a smoke? Who cares? Not me that's for sure.

In any case, I managed to earn a sweet spot in her heart with my flattery, is this a win? I've yet to confirm it but what I have confirmed is that she isn't against the idea of marrying me in the future. How did I confirm this? Well, it's obvious, my observation haki had just reached that point where I can tell what someone is feeling. Is it weird she isn't against the idea of marrying her son's friend? Yeah, but at the same time, mentally I am 20, if anything I rather go above my age range to avoid any weird confrontations.

Back to my pal, he whipped his tears from his eyes and responded with a shaky "Yeah." While me and Izuku technically were on the same boat of being quirkless I manage to avoid the thrashings by just fighting back. It either gets so bad a teacher finally decides to step in or would beat the other kids enough to make them think I had some super strength quirk. Either way, the teachers didn't do their job until the kids with quirks got injured. which talk about double standards.

I've become notorious enough that they didn't mess with me, I could help Izuku more often but that would interfere with his character growth. With me being present it has become unknown whether Deku will be the name of a future villain or the hero everyone knows. Again, in any case, might as well pass some words of encouragement.

Sitting down under a tree I begin, "Izuku due to my "violent" tendencies I will be moving away with my aunt." Based on the look of shock on his face it looked like his eyes might pop out due to how wide he had them.

"What, you're moving away?" His eyes looked watery, this is meant to be encouragement, maybe I'm just not cut out to be a motivational speaker.

"Yeah, I'll be heading out tomorrow, and since we both plan on being heroes, let's see who can become the hero." Flashing him a smirk I reach out my hand to form the brotherly promise.

Reaching out and completing the promise he says "Yeah, I'll start training as soon as possible so I can become a hero like All Might."

And just like that I either created the next big villain or made the future Deku stronger. Either way, it's a win for me. If I get tired of the hero charade or continue with it, I'll have a stronger protagonist to fight against.

Man, this must be what Aizen felt like planning people's lives like it was nothing.

Feels... Good. Maybe choosing the evilest devil fruit wasn't the best idea.


Eh, it is what it is.

Let's see how the future turns out, heh.


Though on another note, it seems I'm not the only one to come to this world. While casually checking registered quirks as one should I stumbled across an unfamiliar name.

Now I could be wrong but I don't remember any other character named Madara Uchiha. Much less Momo having an adoptive brother.

Either this 'Madara' is just like me and got reincarnated or he's the real deal that got reincarnated. Heh, either way, things got interesting fast.

(A/N: I decided to include another character from an entirely different fanfiction I read a while back where a guy dies and gets reincarnated into MHA as Madara. I liked it but the original author hasn't updated it in well over 2 years. That being said I may or may not continue with this idea since MHA as a whole is incredibly stale in the beginning and adding another character seems like the best way to spice things up. I would appreciate feedback on it, otherwise, I'll just continue with the addition. Note in the other FF this "Madara" is dating Momo and Najire I won't bother writing lemons for it since the original has that so I won't bother rewriting it. It's called In MHA with Madara's Powers if you want to find it and give it a read, it's pretty good.)

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