
Dark Orb Ch.1

A Dragon hybrid man lived with his vampire wife in a small town far away from the big cities, they lived their life peacefully and things were going normally. After 7 years of being married, the couple decided to bring forth a child. After operating some "business" a new baby boy was born, and his name was Hroda.

Shortly after Hroda was born, he contracted a dangerous disease that the mother could not cure by herself. They travelled far and wide for the cure to this disease but to no avail. Until they reached a certain person, mysterious as he might be, he was the only mage who could perform magic in the land.

So, they sent their little boy to this mage even though it was against the laws of the land and they knew that the light seekers would come for them. The mage told them that the disease was due to the overflow of power that the parents possessed and the boy's body could not handle such power, after saying this the parents were shocked and quickly asked the mage if he could help the child. But the mage said only one sentence, "He needs to be infused with a Demon's blood".

The couple was shocked because the demon race was the most powerful in the Dark lands and only the Celestials rivaled them, but they asked the mage that wouldn't that make the child suffer more since they would add upon the child's power? the mage replied and said,"Demons possess the ability to cancel out other power and release it when needed". The parents agreed to let the mage do what he had to do.

At first, the mage needed to use the blood of a low class demon but because of the power the child possessed he overruled the mage's power and rather drew the blood of a Legendary class demon known as Asmodeus, the raging goat demon.

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