

My husband Tom and I had stopped off for the night in the old camper van we borrowed for our holidays. As it was still light, we decided to go for a walk through some nearby woods before we ate for the evening. As it was, we met a very nice older lady on the site next to us who said she had cooked for visitors who had now cancelled and so would we like to come and join them after our walk? That sounded great, and we skipped off hand-in-hand for a romantic stroll through the woods.

As usual, on a holiday, I was winding Tom up and knew that a spanking over his manly knee was not going to be far away. The possibility of such a thing happening was increased by the fact I had a pair of very cute shorts on which showed my butt off to perfection. As we walked, Tom found he had a stone in his shoe so sat down on a nearby tree stump to get it out. However, he was very ticklish, so I thought it really funny to tickle him from behind as he was trying to maneuver the stone.

Finally, Tom said to me, "You do that once more, Jenny, and I'll put you over my knee!" That sounded to me too much like a promise that cannot be refused, so I tickled him again, at which point Tom grabbed me and pulled me over the said knee. His hand then rose and fell on my cute little butt as I squealed and wriggled.

Just how long the spanking would have continued I don't know, because suddenly we were both aware of someone else nearby. An older man with gray hair was obviously making his way back along the path we were walking along before stopping to indulge in our youthful sex play. At this point, I think our faces were as red as my bottom! I was longing to rub my freshly spanked behind but didn't feel able to in the presence of this new gentleman!

It reminded me of the times at school when the principal's paddle and my teenage bottom had featured in a much-needed disciplinary exercise. Afterwards, I did try and walk out of his office with as much dignity as possible despite the tears in my eyes and the awful sting in my tail. Sadly my efforts were always unavailing as everyone looking on knew I had just been spanked.

Anyway, after pausing for what seemed like ages, the gray-haired man nodded cheerily to us and went on his way. We both looked at each other and giggled with embarrassment. I allowed myself a much-needed rub of my stinging bottom while making faces at Tom.

"You idiot!" I hissed at him. "That was embarrassing! Good job we're not going to meet that man again."

Tom laughed. "Not much chance of that in all this space," he said, little knowing what was to await us.

We joined hands and continued our walk, pausing to give each other lingering romantic kisses. We were both feeling turned on and in need of some hot sex, but I remembered the offer from the lady next door, and we came back for the offered meal.

The lady was glad to see us and offered us a seat which I sat my still warm bottom on. She then called her husband who was doing something in their trailer. Imagine our further embarrassment when he walked out and turned out to be the same man we had met in the woods! More red cheeks as we shamefacedly shook hands with him!

None of us mentioned the embarrassing incident until after we had eaten and I was helping the lady (whose name was Jean) to make some drinks. She asked me if I had met her husband before, as we seemed to know him. My face went red again as I recounted our adventure in the woods. Jean laughed and said it could have been her about 40 or more years before.

"But then," she said, "we have to let them do things like that sometimes as it makes them think they are in charge. But we know the real truth!"

We had a very pleasant evening with Jean and her husband, Brian. They teased us about what had happened in the woods but admitted it might have been them years ago. Brian said that when they were young, many movies and TV shows featured such things where a feisty young lady got her bottom warmed by her man.

After we had returned to the camper van, I took off all my clothes and demanded as Tom had recently had the pleasure of spanking me then he should make love to me. Of course, he couldn't resist the attractive power of his woman and his clothes came off in record time. Our subsequent love making was passionate, with the springs of the old camper van creaking beneath us as we aroused each other to a shuddering climax.

I lay in Tom's arms as he patted my bare bottom and explored my naked contours with his hands. At that moment I knew, despite my husband's macho posturing, I could get anything I wanted from him. Jean was right – we knew the real truth!


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