
Loop in time(1)

In a rainy night young man in early 20's running for his life.Due the occasional thunder illumition from sky you can see surroundings in this dark night.On the mountain path young man running with expression fear,anxiety and sometimes anger.Most eye catching thing about this young man his silverish-white hair drenched by rain and his own sweat.He has striking azure eyes and ivory skin though his expression making his almost perfect feminine handsomeness unrecognisable.

Being betrayed and chased by his so called best friend and his goons no wonder he is such a state of mind.Perhaps due to this reason he was stumble the protruding stone and fell.His ankle twist and body bruised.But despite the pain he was contunied the run with bouncing.He knows if he stops than most likely met with not a good ending.

But why this was happening to him?Because he is too handsome?Or this is about to his hair color?Sure sometimes he was called demon or ghost because his hair ,but this was enuogh of a reason?Honestly some husband and horny teenager jealouse of him due the opposite sex's interest of him but that was just superficial thing because he was poor and no reasonable female can insterest him any more than because a mood whim.

That is way he can't make sense any of this.He is about go crazy.Just as he is almost a slip away of hysteria his pursuers caught him.Damian his best friend is medium height man with tanned skin and has short curly brown hair same colored eyes.He is not ugly nor handsome just an average guy.Damian just stood with annoying smirk on his face.Behind him there are two more guys.On the right side tall goblin Raul,on the left fatso bull Philip.They have short black hair and black eyes.And ugly as fuck.And now shit eaten grin on their faces and god knows how this making them more ugly they usually are.

Young man just leaning back on tree on sitting position.Watching them with blank face.He knows ending near that's why he is hellbend on not show any emotion to give them pleasure they seek.But to his dismay Damian's smirk turns to evil grin almost like he feels his inner turmoil.Next words he will about to hear confrim his fears.

Damian:''Silver...hahaha.What a thrilling run was that make excited.We were having so much fun but who had thought that you have so low stamina make this enjoyable moments cut short.''

Philip:''You are right boss.Our fun come to quick end..huhuhuhua.''

Raul:''Hihihihia Yea you are right Silver is incompetent.pfthh hihhihiihihi.''

Hearing their comments Silver's face contorts but quickly recover.

Silver:''That's not what Raven says.''says with an arrogant smirk.

Hearing that trio's face became unsightly.Raven is town chief's daughter and most beatiful girl in the town.She has long black hair and eyes.Her every curve in place and graceful.This young lady always treat others kindly with smile.And this leading to adding invisible unapproachable aura arround her.She is usualy kinder the Silver and talk with him more this give misconception of she is liking him to town men.Though this gives Silver headache sometimes but he usualy use it to make men angry to have fun or get even.Espeacially in situation like this.

Damian first to recover and says with a mocking smile.

Damian:''Hahahaha what bold words from a man who tries to hide his pissed pants with acting tough.''

Trio laughs and Silver terrifies.It feels like Damian's seeing his fears real thing.That scare him more.

And to get rid of his own thougths he chose not drag this more and asks.

Silver:''We were friends.Why are you doing this to me?''

Damian:''No special reason you are just a person nobody care about is disappearance.''says with evil smirk.

In his mind however 'I was always want your looks and Raven's affection.Of course no need to tell him truth.'Probably this reason will never came his mouth for as long as he lives.

Even he did not intend to tell Silver already understood it.Silver always have percepcioanal to people hidden desires.Raven was the same.She was always pretend to care towns most poor but handsome guy to help him achieve his potential.In reality however this was just to have make people believe that she is a some kind of holy maiden to worship her.She was just using him along others.Because of no one ever gonna believe him,he was never bother the expose her.Sometimes he thought getting benefits from her for free was better.To think this was the reason get him killed...

Just as he is gone ask more why the killing him and why such a heartless,playing way Damian continues.

Damian:''As much as i love to chat unfortunatly this night i still have a lot to do.''

As soon as finished his sentence,doing some strange hand motions and aura around him start to

change.Became dirty gloomy like new fertilized soil.And something unimaginable began the materiallized front him.Brownish-gray humanoid thing with a single black eye made of something like flaming crystal orbish object appeared.All limbs irreguller and some extra coming out it's limbs and torso making this disgusting creture even more unsightly.

Silver doesn't know what to think anymore.He was never ever so terrified before.He didn't even realize he was making mess of his own pants.But trio did and begone to laugh.But Damian suddenly thought something his eyes lit up.

Damian:''This is unbelieveble you can actually see my ghost.You have a specal soul but unfortunatly you will never able to use it.huahahahhah''says with maniacally expression.

He have more reason to kill Silver now.Silver acting like he doesn't hear it.Actually that is the case.Even Damian doesn't kill him he might be die of a heart attack.No matter have much Damian like it the savor his expression his time running out of low.Thus he ordered his ghost to finish the job.Ghost's torso opened and disgusting bloody and gloomy mouth came the sight.Barbed and hooked black tongue out of it to straight the Silver's heart.It dug the heart and Silver still in same expression began the bleed now from his empty left chest.Blood become a puddle with his shit from messy pants and life from his eyes began the diminish.

While ghost busy with it's meal Damian becoming stasfied as if his in exctasy.After a while ghost slowly faded away and Damian snap out of himself.He looked Silver lifeless eyes with a stasfied smile.Suddenly horrible smell come his nostrills and realized where it's coming from.His expression warped and said.

Damian:''We get what we wanted and i didn't like air in here.Let's go''

Raul:''Yes boss.Let's give leftover the animals tough with this smell i don't think animals will have a feast.''

All three:''hahauauahahhihihi''

And they turn the left without looking back.Leaving pitiful Silver's corpse to beasts.They thought it was over and begone the dream over after the rest of the night and their great future.Money,power,women,wealth everything will belong to them.While they are dreaming little they know this will begining.

Meanwhile Silver who is about going to styx heard someones voice deepest in his soul.

???:''.....Accept my offer and be my chosen!!!!...''

Newbie author here!

Hello dear readers.English is not my main language so please be patient help me correct my mistakes.

Also i hope you like story.Please make comment ask what is in your mind.If doesn't in next chapters i will gladly answer for you

Onshortstickoflifecreators' thoughts
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