
Trust Me

"Sir, we're only a mile away from the car place."

She says softly as she finishes looting the bodies.

"I think you'll prefer this over that basic AR."

She holds up the Scar-H with a slight smile.

I reach out and grab it with both hands, checking all of it's parts and making sure everything works.

It's not heavy but it's not light, I have complete control over this weapon before looking at her.

"Good, let's go."

I say as I let her take the lead and begin to follow.

My eyes are scanning over everything but there's nothing around.

"We're almost there."

Sadie says as she looks back over her shoulder.


I say back as I let the rifle drop to my side and unholster my pistol, wanting to stay ready and versatile.

"Brent, full three-sixty scan."

I say into my head as I follow behind her.

"All I'm sensing is this wimpy bitch."

He snarls back and goes silent.

"Watch your mouth."

I growl and snap back to reality as she starts talking.

"We're here, sir."

She says softly as we stop in front of a broken down auto shop.

"You think the car is still here?"

I ask as I walk up to the door and order another scan.

"I know it is, just trust me."

She says as she jumps and aims her rifle at a sound behind us.

"Calm down, there's nothing to worry about."

I say softly as I move to in front of the door, readying myself to kick it open.


Brent screams into my head.

"What the hell is it?"

I yell and ready my pistol.

"There's something inside and it's moving fast, I almost missed it."

He says back.

"Sadie, grab my shoulder."

I growl as I keep my pistol to the door, aiming directly for center mass.

I feel her hand grip me and take in a deep breath, then kick the door in and start scanning for any threats.


Is all I hear as we're thrown back and I feel my feet leave the ground.


I turn mid-air and grab her, protecting her from the fall as we smash against the ground.

"Brent scan her."

I think to myself as I change my arm into a 12-gauge and get on one knee, aiming for the thing running away.

It's moving too fast though and I can't get a lock on it.

I drop my arm and turn back to Sadie.

"She's fine, River. You protected her, she just got knocked out from the impact."

He says softly before going silent.


Is all I say as I lean down and pick her up, throwing her over my shoulder with ease and walking inside the shop.

"I've already done another scan, there's no one else in here."

He says and I can feel him getting anxious.

"Brent, come on out."

I say as I walk into the lobby and set her down in a chair, before walking deeper into the shop.


He practically moans as he leaves my head and his body forms in front of me.

My eyes scan over him but don't really care as I start looking for the car.

"River, what exactly is your plan after you get the car?"

Brent asks as he walks around and puts his hand through a window to the lobby.

"Brent, what the fuck! Don't wake her up or I'm fucking you up."

I snarl and cut my eyes at him.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry I forgot."

He says and puts his hands up like he's surrendering, before backing away from the window.

"To answer your question though, I don't really know. My only plan right now is to go spread my mom's ashes."

I say softly as I pull out the bottle and look at it.

"River.... I'm so-."

He goes to apologize but he's cut off as a noise comes from upstairs.

Almost instantly the bottles back in my backpack and I have the Scar in my hands, as I jog up the steps and stop right outside one of three doors.

This is where the noise came from and I can still hear breathing.

I look back at Brent, he's still on the first floor.

I whistle softly and point to my eyes, before pointing back at Sadie.

I unholster my pistol and throw it.

"Don't let anything touch her."

I say softly and watch him.

He nods and walks out to where she is, keeping the pistol ready for anything

I take a deep breath and step back, before kicking the door off it's hinges.

My rifle enters the room first and I focus on the breathing, it's hiding behind a bookshelf.

"Come out or I light the bookshelf up."

I snarl as I slide the bolt back on my rifle.

"Ok.. Just please don't hurt me."

A soft voice comes from behind the shelf as a little girl steps out, she's maybe seven or eight years old.

I drop my rifle and get on one knee, holding my hand out for her to grab.

"Hey, everything's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you."

I say softly as I make my weapons invisible.

She just stands there and says nothing, before slowly walking towards me and grabbing my hand.

"I'm scared..."

She says as tears stream down her face.

"Everything's gonna be okay, I promise."

I say as I stand up and take off walking, stepping out the door with her in tow.

I feel her let go of my hand but don't think a second thing about it.

Sadie and Brent walk out of the lobby, slowly a look of pure horror spreads across Sadie's face.

I don't understand what's going on as I watch her grab the pistol from Brent, but she raises it and clicks the safety off.

"Get the Fuck away from him."

She growls as she aims behind me and keeps her hands steady.

I turn around and the little girl is slowly become this grotesque creature, with claws and a disgusting set of teeth that mirror razors.

"If you shoot me, I'll still rip him to pieces."

The creature snarls and raises a claw, looking at me like I'm it's lunch.

"Sadie, I'm gonna need you to trust me and take this shot."

I say as I focus and enter Brent's mind, looking through his eyes to see what's below me.

There's a clear space right below us and the drop is only about 20 feet.

I leave his head and go back to my own body, before taking a deep breath and looking at the thing.

"Are you sure?"

She asks as her finger wraps around the trigger.

"Remember the rules... Don't question me."

I say softly and ready myself.

She squeezes the trigger, aiming directly for the thing's head as she watches me.

I don't even think as I jump backwards, watching the creature's claw barely miss my stomach.

I close my eyes as I listen to the wind in my ears, before slamming into the ground.


Echoes around the room as a crater forms in the ground.

Sadie never stops firing at the creature, hitting it with eight consecutive shots before it turns and takes off into the room.

She hears it jump out the window and goes to chase it, but Brent grabs her arm.

"Let me go."

She says and tries to squirm free.

"I admire that you wanna kill the thing that hurt River, but let me take care of that and you take care of him."

He says softly as he looks into her eyes.

She nods and holds the pistol out.

"Oh sweetie, I won't need that silly thing.

Now run along and help him, he's about to wake up."

He says and turns around, walking into the lobby and disappearing from sight.

Sadie turns her attention to me and runs over to my body, struggling to drag me out of the small crater I made.

"River, get your ass up!"

She yells as she smacks me softly and shakes me.

I wake up gasping for air and struggling to breathe, my lungs are struggling to rebuild themselves without Brent.


I say in a shaky voice that cracks, I try to stand up but I collapse because my body is lacking oxygen.

"Hey hey, calm down and chill out."

She says softly as she holds me and grabs my arms, trying to get me to stop moving.

It's the first time I've been held in a while and I slowly start to pass out, letting everything fade for a moment as I feel safe.....

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