
New Life

I stand on the balcony of my mansion, overlooking my kingdom, watching as everyone on the ground bows.

I just smile as I watch all of the pathetic runts, scurrying around and working like good slaves.

I turn around and walk back inside, walking to in front of a mirror, before looking at my naked body.

I focus and allow my markings to appear, before running my fingers over the scars.

Thinking about everything I've done to earn them.

"Knock. Knock."

A hand softly hits the wood twice.

"Come in."

I say as I focus and hide the scars, before snapping and running my hands over the clothes that appear on my body.

I look over as my righthand man walks in.

Technically righthand woman.

"Sir, we need you in the courtyard."

Sadie says softly as she drops to one knee and bows.

"Come on Sadie, you know you don't have to do that shit."

I say as I walk to my closet and open it, before stepping in quickly and walking to the back.

My eyes run over the small, silver keypad as I approach.

I enter my four-digit code and can't help but smile as the wall parts in the middle.

I step into the hidden room, my eyes scanning over my arsenal of weapons.

"Deagle or Beretta?"

I ask Sadie as she stands outside the closet.

"Sir, you know I prefer my Deagle."

She says happily as she watches me.

"Deagle it is."

I say with a smile as I pull on the double-holsters.

"AR-15 or Scar-H?"

I ask as my eyes run over the two rifles.

"Well, the AR-15 is a dependable weapon, but it's like watching Picasso with a brush, when you're using the Scar."

She says in a soft voice.

"Awww, you're making me blush."

I say in a mocking tone as I slide on the Scar-H, before picking up my pair of gauntlets.

I slide them on and watch as they glow a dark black, feeling power flood into them.

"Sir, which did you choose?"

Sadie asks as she sits down on my bed.

I step out of the closet and let her see.

She just smiles as she stands up and walks towards me.

"Do I have permission to touch you?"

She asks softly and looks up at me.

"Of course."

I say and stand straight up.

She reaches up and starts straightening out my shirt and hoodie.

Making sure there's no wrinkles or anything.

"Much better."

She says softly and steps back.

I watch Sadie as she stands a few feet away.

She isn't really the type of person you'd expect to be The Dark King's second.

She has bright, sky blue eyes.

Long blonde, almost white hair.

She's only about 5'7 and she's petite like a gymnast.

Her face is soft and innocent, but I know the true Sadie, because I made her.

"Are you ready, sir?"

She asks softly and looks into my roaming eyes.

"Let's go."

I walk towards the door and open it for her, before following behind.

I step up to beside Sadie as we head towards the main staircase.

A smile spreads across my face, as I watch all of my workers bow.

"Let me brief you before we get outside."

Sadie says as she stops just before the backdoor.

I raise an eyebrow at her when she turns around.

"What exactly am I going to do out here?"

I ask and watch her.

"There's three child rapists outside....."

She says softly and looks down.

I can instantly feel every nerve in my body fire off at the same time, a feeling of bloodlust taking over instantly.

"Let's go."

She says as she turns back around and opens the door, revealing the three men, laying on the ground.

I walk outside quickly and feel rage just flow through me.

I look back and watch as Sadie goes to her designated spot, sitting above everyone else and looking down.

Her seat is right beside mine, but I can't relax right now.

I look around at the few guards and decide it's not enough.

"Sadie, bring your ass here, we're going on a trip."

I snarl and look up at her.

Sadie jumps off of the perch without thinking, taking my hand as she lands softly.

I raise my other hand and create a field around the three men, before focusing on the center of my city.

We teleport to ten miles in front of my mansion, standing on a pre-built stage.

"You're executing them on the live feed?"

Sadie asks and looks up at me.

"I need to make a point, because my soldiers obviously think I'm joking."

I growl as I snap and watch as the three men are strung up by their hands.

I smile as the men start waking up, squirming and confused as to where they are.

"Sadie, turn the feed on."

I say as I look out at the crowd gathering in front of the stage.

"Yes sir."

She says in a happy tone as she walks over to the terminal, then clicks a few buttons and activates the power core.

"It's on, you're free to do whatever."

She sits down behind the terminal and watches me.

"You see, there seems to be some confusion about my rules."

I say as I let a tendril begin to pop out my of hand, increasing length until it's about six feet long.

"I have rules in place, because they create order in this chaotic world."

I lift my hand and slam it down on the stage, causing a huge "BOOM" to fill the air.

"I could be a lot stricter and make everyone's life hell, but I'm not, am I?"

I ask and look out at the crowd, watching as they slowly shake their heads no.

"Sir, please, what did we do?"

One of the hanging men says.

"Do you really want your crimes live streamed to everyone?

People might hate me right now for hurting you, but I guarantee once they find out the reason, they won't be so sympathetic."

I growl as I turn towards the three men.

He looks at the other two and realize they're still asleep.


I yell and slam down the tendril again.

"Yes, I want to know what I did."

He says through tears as he begins bawling.

"Sadie, do you have a lock on the three kids?"

I ask and turn towards her.

"Uhh sir..... It's just one."

She says in a soft tone as she looks down.

"Wait... So you mean they all ganged up on one little girl?"

I ask and feel my rage grow stronger.

"Yes sir."

She says softly and keeps her head down.

I focus and watch as a small girl appears, she's maybe six or seven years old.

I turn back towards the men and realize I haven't even looked at them.

I begin inspecting them and see a wide variety of injuries.

"Sadie, did my men rough them up?

I need an honest answer, because I won't care either way."

I say as I turn towards Sadie.

"No sir, they were each dosed and brought here."

She says in a soft voice as she looks at the men.

I inspect the men further and realize they have a lot more injuries than I thought.

Broken noses, broken fingers, torn out clumps of hair, etc...

"Did you do this to them?"

I ask as I walk back towards the little girl.

She doesn't say anything as she looks down.

"Listen sweetie, I know they're my men, but I give you my word.

You will not get in trouble if you did, just tell me the truth about it, ok?"

I ask and squat down to her level.

She nods slowly.


She says softly and raises her head slowly.

"Did you cause the injuries on those men?"

I ask and point to them.

"Yes sir."

She says softly and raises her face, revealing bruises and a broken nose.

"Show me your hands."

I say softly as I feel an unmatched rage, nothing has ever made me feel this angry.

She slowly lifts them and drops her head again.

I take her hands and softly rotate them, seeing all of the defensive wounds.

"Thank you, now I know that this is right."

I say softly as I stand up and walk her to Sadie.

"Sadie, keep her until I'm through here."

I walk back in front of the men and take off my hoodie.

"Where was I?"

I ask and look back at the crowd.

They all shake their heads and shrug their shoulders.

"Well, I'm gonna make this simple."

I snarl as I snap and watch as the three men fall.

I run up and knee the one who's been speaking in the face, before throwing him off the front of the stage.

I grab the other two and throw them off, before walking to the edge and jumping.


I snarl as I look down at the three men.

"What are you gonna do to us?"

One of them asks from below me.

I focus and watch as rope appears, before wrapping it around all three of their feet.

I give myself some slack and wrap the end around my hand, before turning to the crowd.


I roar and take off walking through the parting crowd.


I yell back to her as I walk into the center of town, looking up at the ten foot tall statue of me.

I secure the rope to the statue's leg, before stepping away and watching as Sadie approaches.

"Let em go."

I say as I see my wolves coming up.

"Yes sir."

She drops the leash and watches as they run away.


I say and step in front of them, raising my right hand.

I watch as Alpha and his pups sit in front of me.


I yell as I lower my hand and step aside, watching as Alpha and the pups swarm the men.

The wolves work like a perfect pack, ripping and tearing through each of the men.

Showing no mercy to the sickos as they eat them alive.


I yell as I look back at the bloody scene.

He raises his head up and looks at me.

"When you're done, return home."

I say and watch the wolves work.

He nods slightly, before returning to the job at hand.

I turn around and step back up to Sadie.

"Where's the little girl?"

I ask and look over.

"She's in your playroom."

Sadie says with a slight smile as we walk back to the mansion.

"I should've known that."

I say as I take her hand again.

She looks over with a confused look, but doesn't say anything as we walk.

I focus and blink as we teleport to my room.

"Thank you, sir."

Sadie says softly.

"It's no problem for you."

I lay back on my bed.

"Tell the little girl I'll see her later.

I just need a quick rest."

I say as I close my eyes and pull the blanket over my eyes.

"Yes sir."

Sadie says softly as she leaves.

I feel myself begin to doze, Sydney and Sadie, each swirling through my mind....

I don't sleep.

I just lay there and stare at my two ceiling fans, each spinning in perfect unison.

I think about how far I've come since becoming one with The Darkness.

I have my own kingdom, elite security force and everything else I could want.

I close my eyes and start to think about the beginning, when I first ran from Sydney....

Next chapter