1 Nightmare

It was dark, the moon was hidden behind thick black clouds. What little light leaked through was hardly enough to help the terror rising, chocking the last inch of courage from the girl hiding alone. She felt the dread build in her scared little heart. It was supposed to be a quick walk home from her friend Jessica's house. She had done it almost every night this summer. What had been different? Why did they choose her? She had just been walking alone and then she felt the air around her change. The back of her neck prickled with awareness. Someone was watching her. Then she heard the sweet erie whistle. She had picked up her place, but home was still two blocks away. She wouldn't make it!

"Hello Marnie"

She froze, who was this? How did he know her name? She turned around and stared at the man following her. He was tall, lean and had dark eyes that held a grim intention. Next to him sat two dogs, they looked like silver wolves. But why would he have two wolves with him?

"Wwhoo are you? What do you want?" Marnie stammered

"My name is Calvin, and I've come for you."

"What! Why? Leave me alone!" She ran.

Marnie ran so fast trying, praying she would make it home. If only she could make it this nightmare would be over. Her dad would protect her, her mom would call the cops. Mary and William Fields would stop at nothing to save their daughter. One more block and she was home free. A little bubble of hope burned in side her. She was almost there. Then she saw movement ahead and her bubble popped. One of the dogs had somehow gotten in front her. Marnie quickly crossed the street hoping to go around to her house. The other dog was waiting. She screamed and ran frantically. No sense left, just blind fear coursing through her veins. She had to hide! Anywhere, if she hide long enough then maybe they would forget about her.

Marnie looked around as she ran, she spotted the old Greene house. It sat abandoned for years after Mrs. Greene was put into an assisted living home. Dark and dusty now, Marnie didn't want to go in. But she had too. Marnie took a rock laying by the back porch and smashed it though the back door. She cringed, that was so loud. She quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside. It looked left in time. Every thing was where it should have been. Just covered in dust, so sad Mrs Greene's family never came and cleaned it out. That was horrible. She kept walking looking for a good place to hunker down and feel safe. She heard barking in the distance and froze. Did they find her? Going to the second floor she carefully peeked out the window and immediately fell to the floor. They found her! how? Panicked she went to the closet, it was still full with hanging clothes and shoes stacked neatly on the floor. Marnie got in, getting as far back as she could. She stacked shoes in front of her and pushed the clothes so they hid her from sight. She tried desperately to calm her wild beating heart, to slow down her raspy breathing.

Then she hurt the foot steps. Heavy thuds walking up the stairs, the doors creaking open and then silence. Where did they go? she stayed still her bones groaning in protest. Minutes ticked by. Did they give up?

Marnie moves just a little and moved the clothes just enough to peek out. She scanned the room by the door and then she looked at the other half of the room. Marnie's insides froze. Her scream lodged in her throat unable to release the harsh build up of terror. She was frozen and the thing that kept her suspended in in time was two yellow eyes behind a snarling wolves face. Marnie kept still trying not to provoke the beast. They were wolves. What kind of crazy person has wolves for pets! Marnie stared deep into the wolves eyes. They seemed almost human as they pierced her in place. Her aching leg gave out and she fell face first on the floor outside of the closet. More footsteps and the man walked into the room.

"Oh Marnie Marnie, well that was fun. " the man smirked at her. "But I win. Now its time for my prize.." The strange man reached for her. Marnie's scream finally surfaced and she screamed and screamed til the man covered her mouth with a clothe and she drifted to sleep. The last thing she remembered was the evil smirk on the mans face and the sad eyes of a too human looking wolf.
