
Dark Gate

Kamikazuki_Kazuki · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Dark Gate

In this world where a shadow has been cast on the surface of the earth because of massive "Dark Gate" floating on the sky.

There is a man who is trying his hardest to survive in this 'new world'. His goal? It's still unclear, whether he end this disaster or rule over the world or even worse, die without achieving anything.

With the new help coming from a system called "Sýmpan" the human got more chance to survive. This system provide humans the most important thing in this survival, "Power" that is aquire by chance.

He starts in a small village where he had his formal life being a famer. When the disaster starts he endured so many challenges. He is left out, people start to gather because of the sudden natural disasters begun to happen continuously.

The time the Dark Gate opens, the whole world change. Dungeons, ruins, maze etc. had scattered all around the world. The distraction of some major cities, the death of millions, and the cries of humans, this make us feel that were in a new world.

Monsters, a common word for human but in this situation, the monsters that you had imagine is nothing compare in this real new world. Monsters that had intelligence, us humans is too dumb to believe that they are just mindless creatures that wants nothing but distraction.

There is a time, where the village created a safe zone. But it's just wooden barricade. The village chief insure that all of the residents of this small village safety, although there is few than the normal population, that this 'barricades will protect everyone'.

People got careless, the feel of assurance in safety get people let their guard down except this man named Kale Storm.

Kale felt, something is feels off. With a flash an arrow pierced his left shoulder. He doesn't know where it came from. He shouts looking for help, everyone woke up, they ask him what happened Kale replied "Does it need to be ask?".

Everyone is little upset from his answer but someone shout from the wooden tower. "Their are coming! Monster's are coming!" the man shouts. Everyone panicked as they run for their items and stuffs.

[You have taken damage]

A message that pop up when he got shot. He is annoyed, he thinks that it is really appropriate to say what he already knows?

"Get out no-" the man on the tower couldn't finish his line. He's been pierced by an arrow through his head. Kale make his way to the back exit ignoring the pain that he feel. But unfortunately the monsters already blocked the exit.

He goes back and see a man running toward the exit. Kale shouts "Don't go in there!" the man ignore the stranger who he doesn't know at all. But he realize that he did a dumb decision when he see the wall towards him crack open and a sharp like needle hundred times bigger than what we know pierced through.

The man couldn't even react. He seen a monster face for the first time. He didn't see the monsters when they come out, he heard it to the other people describing what they look like. He laugh at them saying they are too scared of something like that?

But now he realize what they had seen. Monster that even fairly tales couldn't imagine, they are like faceless creatures that devoured thousand of other creatures.

Kale froze up in fear.

[You have been petrified in fear]

He hopelessly struggled to move, he couldn't even move any of his finger. The monster noticed him and slowly approach. Kale can't do anything but watch as the monster approach him.


[A monster stronger than you had appear]

Kale shouts internally *I am that dumb you bitch! I already know this monster is much stronger than me!*

[Monster: Devourer Slime]

Kale stopped thinking for a moment. Then shouts "this fucking thing is a slime you said!!!" he doesn't noticed he is free from petrification.

The monster get close to his face. Kale couldn't even imagine this thing a slime. A slime that novel stories depicted is a cute monster that is easy to kill.

[Devourer Slime]

/level: 40/

/an slime that swallows thousand of creatures to it's body. Melting them and have them as one of decoration./

/skills: Devour/

He never moves as if it's a staring contest. The monster rise up, it's like the monster is saying that he/she is stronger than him. Kale already know that.

Kale quickly step back and sprint through doors. The people is busy trying to survive, they didn't even notice a big monster is on the exit. The slime noticed Kale running away and it jump to him.

*Fuck! How can a creature that big jump that high?!* he ask himself. The slime barely hit Kale.

He runs off towards the west side of the safe zone. He see that there's no monster in that way so he run with all his might.

His blood is running low, luckily the slime stop chasing him but it feast on other survivors. But suddenly he felt something familiar, he got shot again.

[You have taken damage]

*Agh!!!! Fuck!* he screams internally, he look back to who ever did this to him. He see the a goblin like creature that have a cape. He vow to give what he received that day as he runs through the woods.

He found a spot that looks like a cave. "Aaagggghhhhhh!!!!!!" he shout as he pulled the arrow. He tear up his t-shirt to make a bandage.

Kale lost so much blood. A day passed and he was so hungry, he doesn't have anything with him when he run. He search through the woods not going that deep. As he remember there was a river up ahead but he doesn't know where he is currently.

Because he lives in the village that long doesn't mean he knows every location, but he did run to the west side so he's pretty sure there's a water somewhere.