
Chapter 2 Arrival

Jack was traveling to his new world and couldn't be more excited the light finally faded and Jack looked around and saw his new world. Jack looked around and saw he was on a beach with a nearby town.

Jacks thoughts: I hope Carn was nice enough to put me next to magnolia. Even so I think the first thing I should do is...

Jack heard a start up sound and then the a voice in in his head.

Female voice: Hi Jack i am your system gifted to you by Carn.

Jack: Hey so um do you have a name?

System: I do not currently have a name.

Jack: Well right now I'm stuck between the names Harley like Harley Quinn from Batman or Seras like Seras Victoria from the Hellsing ultimate series. How about we both think about it and talk about it later.

System: I am fine with that.

Jack: Can you show me what I have right now.

System: Well right now it is probably pretty basic compared to what you probably know about from your other sources in your previous life. So for right now you only have Status, Inventory, and Shop. Also there will never be a quest system so do not worry about that you are free to do what you want.

Jack: That sounds great I was honestly a little worried about it. Well let's start.

Jack opens up his status.


Name: Jack Hellsing Alucard

Species: Vampire Dragon and Human

Gender: Male but can transform


Health points/ Hp: 150/150

Magic points/ MP: 150/150

Abilities: Immortal, Alucard Powers Unrestrained, Dragon Powers Unrestrained, Dragon Blood, Dragon Force.

Immortal: Because of Vampire lineage from the original Vampire You do not age. This also comes with advance healing factor on par with Alucard himself.

Alucards powers: All powers that Alucard has without having to release seals. However it needs to grow more to be as powerful as Alucard.

Dragon Powers/Dragon Blood: You also have lineage of that of a blood dragon because of this it slightly takes over the vampire blood in you making so you don't have to drink blood to live and can eat regular food. This lineage also allows you to use blood dragon slayer magic.

Dragon Force: Is the same as seen in the anime however you are able to unlock it at will.

Jack started to think I seem pretty powerful but there are some things I still need to work on. I like it. "Hey system how powerful am I currently compared to other people."

System: Right now you are the most powerful person in the Fairy Tail Guild except for Master Makarov and Gildarts. You are on par with Ezra but once you activate dragon force you pass her.

Okay let's go through inventory.

Jack saw he did not have much however what he did have was an outfit given to him by Carn with a note.

Carns Note: Hey jack so I have you Reds outfit from Pokémon with a variation of course also without the hat. Also wanted to let you know while your eyes look like Walters right now they turn blood red when you are fighting. Have fun I'm watching.

Jack put on the outfit and was happy with it.

Jack: Can you open up the shop now.

Nothing happened.

System: Sorry Jack but you need to actually have money to open up the shop and use its functions.

Jack: Damn okay no big deal let's head over to Fairy Tail.

(A/N Hey so if you guys want I am thinking about making a discord to show pictures of characters ocs and what they wear exactly. Also this will be the first vote on this fan fic. So

1. System name is Harley

2. System name is Seras

So vote on that please and let me know what you think of the discord. Also what do you guys think of later on if Jack learns how to blood bend. Thanks for reading.)

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