
Chapter 2

As the demons made their escape, the remaining squad members sighed in relief and exhaustion especially the Melee Weapon Users.

The Armed members were relieved as they were actually out of ammunitions. If they pressed on any longer, they would die painful, crispy deaths.

Wesley was no exception as he laid on the ground which was formerly the middle of the road, but was now filled with countless bodies, bullet casings and the thick smell of rotten or over burnt barbecue.

The explosions suddenly seemed to have increased and where getting more and more frequent as several minutes passed by.

Then suddenly the radio in both of the Light Utility Vehicles suddenly came to life as a clear, urgent message came through.

"All squads! Immediately head to Business District One and assist with the clearing of the horde! I repeat! All.... "

After saying the message three times, the radio then went quiet again. The remaining members looked at themselves in dismay.

Anther demon horde?, and this message said all squads so it should be the most dangerous and pressing one currently.

None of them had enough strength, morale or ammunition to take them head on. Normal bullets had no effect on the demons so they were totally out of the question.

Only heavy weaponry or artillery could take care of them properly but the Knight Association possesed no such weapons in their inventory.

Majority of the first rates were dead and normal humans which had no resistance to the dark flames were under more pressure.

When the dark eclipses started to occur, many lives where lost and some weak and under developed countries even crumbled.

Then one day, the first dark flame user was born and the second, third and fourth followed.

These individuals had the abilities to create and manipulate dark flames and they were immune to the first minute radiation of the eclipse so they were the

None of them were willing to budge but the guilt they felt was also weighing down on them. If they were caught, they could be jailed for not heeding commands to mobilise themselves.

Wesley had been contemplating with himself and with gritted teeth, he stood up and walked to one of the Light Utility Vehicles and climbed in while facing the rest of his members before opening his mouth.

"Fellow comrades, please listen to me, we are the last hope and we must keep fighting. For our families, for our loved ones, and more importantly, for our world!, don't relent, if they called the entire squad, then the four Dark knights must be there too, this will increase our chances of winning and maybe, just maybe--???"

Just right in the middle of his corny but okay speech, which he thought he was about to boost their morale, a huge hulk like creature landed about thirty metres away from their location which resulted in a shockwave.

The members who were already tired lost their balance and fell while some jerked backwards roughly thereby colliding with the hard floor. All the buildings within a one mile radius that still had bits of their windows immediately got shattered.

There, the beast who had caused the huge shock wave, slowly stood up. It's body was somewhat smooth for a demon and well defined muscles and packs released a pressurising aura.

It's eyes were like a dark lake which had no depth and dark flames burned fervently from its fist and neck up. It looked very strange and none of them had seen this type of demon before therefore, they were wary of it and tried to hide.

Fortunately for them it turned back and with hatred, stared at the two figures rapidly making their way towards it, one jumping on what remained of the buildings, while one was flying.

Upon getting closer, the members immediately got excited, they were the first and second strongest Dark Knights in the country. Dark Knight Leon and Dark Knight Tyson.

Dark Knight Leon's dark flame control ability gave him the power to fly at amazing speeds and like the T1 demons, Dark flames were constantly burning on him although unlike the T1s, his body could withstand it.

Aside from being able to fly, he could create fireballs of his own and launch them at his opponents. His fireballs were in no where inferior to the might of a rocket launcher in terms of explosive power.

Wesley was happy but feeling a little happy but feeling a little doubtful. All the Dark Knights could take on three T2s at once,if not for the huge number of T2s, they wouldn't even struggle.

He was sure that it received a hit from the two of them but yet it didn't die like any other T2. Another fact was that they still came after landing a blow on it.

It meant two things, they were just coming to heck if it survived or not or they knew it wasn't dead.

As soon as the two Knights got in range, the unknown type demon burst forward with explosive force and caused yet another strong shock wave to occur.

It then drew it's fist backwards and with a roar, punched Dark Knight Tyson who immediately tried to use his arms to block but was hit with such a huge force and he flew back violently at a staggering speed of almost eighty miles before he crashed into a skyscraper.

Dark Knight Leon had barely escaped and he shot as much of his dark flames as he could from his palms at the demon, but it seemed to have little effect.

Wesley who was watching and the others suddenly became fear stricken.

That demon! it sent the strongest Dark Knight flying and was unaffected by the second strongest Dark Knight's attack.

The demon shrieked and jumped up with terrifying speed and power towards this seemingly small fly before it and was about to give it a dose of its fist but it missed him.

Although the demon could jump high, against Dark Knight Leo who was very skillful and agile in the air, it would be quite difficult to land a blow on him.

Dark Knight Tyson walked staggeringly from the huge, crater like hole he had made and jumped down furiously at the demon.

He was reaching his limit, he had barely four minutes left before he fell into the demon state so he ignored the pain he was in and his sole aim, to defeat it fast.

In a matter of breaths, an all out brawl of pure strength of power broke out and more and more buildings fell and explosions and shockwaves increased dramatically.

Wesley who was watching on the sideline got a more grimmer look as they fight progressed. Even with the two strongest Dark Knights here, the were still very pressured and their time was running out.


The utility vehicle flew and erupted into flames causing shrapnel to fly out in different directions. The victim of the collision, Dark Knight Leo was currently unconscious about two hundred metres away.

He had miscalculated and had received a punch but he had luckily used his arms to block if not, the damage would have been more.

At that time, the demon was still battling full on with Dark Knight Tyson when a vehicle sped in their direction. It was the two remaining Dark Knights, Dark Knight Adela and Dark Knight Alex who were in.

Adela was covered in the dark layer all the way to her chin while Alex was the same.

The demon growled and charged towards them unrelentingly and in seconds, it reached the vehicle and struck it with his fist.

Luckily, Dark Knight Alex had escaped dragging Dark Knight Adela with him. She then launched several shots of dark flames towards it while Dark Knight Leo brought out his dark flaming tentacles.

Dark Knight Tyson also joined once again in the fray but Dark Knight Leo was still unconscious. He had received heavy injuries including fractured bones and concussions, although it could be repaired, he could not do anything in the current fight even if he was conscious.

Wesley watched as the demon suppressed attacks from the three Dark Knight and also pressured them too, while the dark layer continuously covered their bodies.

'Oh fuck it!'

Wesley said while feeling nervous as he grabbed a rifle that was on the floor while watching his head. After getting a magazine, he bolted to one of the buildings that was still barely intact.

He could not standby and watch the Knight's life hang by a thread and get beaten any longer. He had to buy them time, time to attack conveniently. He would draw the demon to him and they would attack it at once, that was his plan.

Heading to the roof, he cocked the gun and took aim. Though he was a melee weapon user, he had undergone target training and was sure that he could hit a target at a hundred and fifty yards away.

But he also had to be careful as it was always moving, so as not to shoot the Dark Knights in the process.

When Dark Flame users activated their powers,they became immune to normal bullets. Even 12.7mm bullets couldn't pierce them, but the special bullets used by the Knight's Association against the T1s and T2s could injure them the same way a normal bullet would have.

It took a hit from Dark Knight Tyson's fist to the chest and the shock wave coursed through its body and burst through the back but it's body remained in the same position.

It looked at him with a mocking smile and gave him an upper cut punch and the stunned Dark Knight Tyson flew sky high.

Taking the chance, Wesley pulled the trigger and a long streak of bullets continuously descended on it's head.

Shockingly it didn't pierce but bounced of instead. It then turned slowly and stared at him while the dark flame on his fist visibly started getting hotter and bigger.

It was getting annoyed at this small insignificant fly that was pestering it and he sought to destroy it in one blow.

However that moment was enough time for Dark Knight Alex to grab hold of the wrist of the creature and he proceeded to lift it and give it a good thrashing although it wouldn't budge.

Then with a loud crash in the distance, as if waiting for the signal, it grabbed one of the tentacles and started to thrash him around instead.

After it was satisfied, it then, with all his might, threw him away into the distance and a loud crash was heard after he disappeared from sight.

Dark Knight Adela was suddenly scared, she had been waiting so as to let most of the dark layers on her body disperse but it shockingly got rid of the two Knights.

With her power she could only absorb and release but it was tricky. Anytime she absorbed, the layer would cover more areas of her skin but if she used them, it would still cover more.

So she was actually expending her time on collecting and using.

It gave a loud roar and charged towards her while it's fist got ready to pummel her to a pulp.

In response she released the dark flames from her get feet and was able to escape the impending doom then she shot out a series of dark flame streaks at it although it seemed to not harm it at all.

Wesley was still on the building but was panting terribly. He was terrified!, the eyes of that creature, when he looked in, it felt like he was surrounded by several dark fire demons that wanted to tear him apart.

When it took care of the two other Knight's with ease, the last shimmer of hope had crumbled. The eclipse wouldn't move until the strongest demon was killed. Only then would it leave and natural order could be restored.


An earthquaking explosion shook the entire building he was on as fire and smoke started to rise from down the street.

Out of fear and curiosity, he raised his head slightly and saw about four tanks in the distance.

The tanks would have been here sooner if not for the strange tactical behavior of the demons. It was like they isolated the Dark Knights away and fought head-on against the military that came.

Dozens of tanks were destroyed by huge numbers of T2s and heavy artillery were crushed to bits.

Only when they had taken care of them could they manage to assist the overwhelmed Dark Knights.

But as the smoke cleared, a more horrifying scene emerged. The demon was barely scratched and the point were the rocket had hit was only smoking, no injury whatsoever.

The soldiers seemed to have noticed this as they started to fire more nonstop. Enraged by the disturbances, it ran towards the tanks while agilely dodging every rocket that was in its path even though it was bulky.


With a single punch, the monster machine flew several metres backwards while crashing finally and tumbling for a few metres again.

The three remaining tanks then tried to escape and the guns mounted on them released bullets like crazy but it only infuriated it more and it grabbed one of them from the back and with a look that seemed it was inhaling large amounts of air It threw it several metres high and it crashed into a near by six storey building before falling down again from the second storey and landing with a crash then exploded into flames.

The more Wesley watched, the more his heart sank. A tank could take out four T2s but two tanks were taken down by just one. No doubt, it was not the normal one they used to battle with.

Seeing the two tanks were escaping, it stretched out its palm and shot a huge dark flame ball towards them.

Then followed by loud explosions, the two tanks were destroyed.

It then let out a long shriek and cry of victory before stopping and walking to Wesley's position. Wesley's heart skipped a beat.

'I'm so stupid! Shit! I should have freakin moved!' Wesley swore bitterly as he tried to run.

That thing could even take out four tanks! And shoot dark fireballs as well,what kind of terrifying existence was that!?

But with a leap, it landed before him and Wesley was surprised how the roof of the building didn't give way.

The demon seemed to be studying him carefully before it suddenly lunged at him and gave him it's fist.

At that same moment, a faint tattoo shone brightly as the dust came closer and faint dark flames covered his skin.

But by then Wesley was already flying off the building and crashed into a walk breaking it and still flying several metres back before stopping.

The demon watched him with cold dark eyes and it's expression visibly changed when it saw his body stirring after a while.

It had given him the same amount of punch power he gave the first tank it attacked and yet he seemed to stir.

The demon then jumped down from the building and walked to him like a grim reaper.


before it could take another step, several missiles struck it at the same time resulting in a large explosion! and several shrapnel was sent while the remaining buildings still upright got blown to bits.

In fact everything within a four mile radius was utterly annihilated.