

"Hey waiter, keep the drinks coming. "

"Don't you think you've drank more than enough Seraphis?"

"Oh wow you're calling me by my name, I must have hit a nerve. "

"Let's go home now. "

"No Tarik, what's the point of having an immortal life if you don't enjoy it.

And it seems that nowadays drinks and chicks is the way to do it. "

"We can return to the other world if you want real fun Seraphis. "

"Meh torturing it's not a hobby of mine anymore. But this gin seems to fill my empty soul and needs. "

"Look at you now giving up on your job. "

"No no Tarik dad gave me that job, I enjoyed it until he spilled the beans. Telling me it was a permanent job didn't give me the satisfaction of continuing it, plus I don't wanna spend my unending life by torturing some pathetic mundanes.

I can do it occasionally but permanently God no. "

"What if he finds you Seraphis? "

"Then we will have a long lovely conversation. "

"He won't let you leave if he catches you, us. "

"Tarik why did you decide to kill my mood today? He hasn't caught us in 200 years he won't do it now, so please let me drink peacefully. "

"Okay buddy I'm going to the restroom, don't do anything stupid."

Tarik has always been like a big brother to me, always by me side. He even decided to join me on my trip to the human world, knowing the consequences. I was his best friend since we were 5 but the most important reason he decided to escape with me was because I was a childish reckless with a bad temper person, so if I was in a mood to destroy the world I would.But Tarik kept me in the line.

As I finished my drink, waiting for Tarik I started looking around. The bar was quite nice, small black tables scattered everywhere with long chairs accompaning them. The walls were dark blue full of paintings. Some quite dumb I must say, or abstract as humans call it these days. Turning my attention to the bar again I caught a glimpse of a woman.

"Vodka please. "

I heard her sweet voice from across the bar. I could smell her vanilla perfume, even her shampoo.

"Great tonight's gonna be fun. "

I slowly approached her to have a better look. Well damn if it wasn't the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And they called Hathor the Goddess of beauty. She couldn't  even compare to this girl.

"One long island"- I tell the bartender, now sitting next to her.

She looked me in the face and I can tell she was astound. How could she not be,every girl was stunned by my hot appearance. Got it from dear daddy.

While she kept staring at me, I studied her face carefully. Long brunette hair, blue shiny eyes, cute features, and damn those full lips I could kiss them for another 200 years.

"Dude, there are like 6 other empty sits and you come sit next to me."

Hell yeah she's got an attitude too.

"If the hottest guy doesn't sit next to the prettiest girl who would? "

"Well the guy who wants to brag about his appearance can't sit next to the girl who doesn't care so yeah you can leave now. "

"Ouch baby girl I could punish you for your sassy comments. "

"Great the boaster guy is a masochist too. "

"And the girl wants to act uninterested. "

"I am. "

"Yeap keep being delusional. "

"Can you please leave, I've had a shitty day already I don't need anymore drama. "

"Easy tiger don't raise your voice at me, you don't even know who you're talking to. "

"I don't care but since you don't want to leave I might as well do it myself. So goodnight asshole. "

"Until we see again bella."

She raised her middle finger at me.

If she was just another random girl I could have killed her right there for disrespecting me, but she wasn't just random, she intrigued me.

She, somehow, inspired my bad torturing side and I didn't  even understand how and why, but what I knew was that I was gonna have my fun with her sooner or later.

"Seraphis can we leave now?"- Tarik appeared out of nowhere interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes Tarik we can. "

"What's with the agreement and the smirk on your face?"

"Well I'm in a good mood again, after you killed it earlier. And I got some torturing to do so let's go. "

"Huh? "

"Let's go Tarik."

Next chapter