1 Butterfly Garden


Knock. Knock. Knock.

It was still early in the morning, who dare disturb my sleep? Ughhhh! They better have a nice reason for waking me up. The sun haven't even rose yet! Or, maybe the sun is up already? My curtains are too thick for me to know....

After half-walking and half-dragging my sleepy body, I finally reached the door. I opened the door wide enough for the person outside to see me, but not wide enough to reveal my disheveled living room. "Young Miss, sorry for disturbing your sleep. I am here to send a letter from your father." He said while passing me the said letter. It was a vintage designed letter with our family stamp on it. I smiled.

My father enjoys sending messages through mails, one of the many things I inherited from him. I took the envelope from our trusted old butler. This somehow lessened my anger. "I want to deliver it to you earlier, but I thought you were still sleeping. And I was right! Now that the sun is radiantly shining outside, you're still asleep huh?" He teasingly said.

"Thank you for sending the letter. And for the record, how could I know that? My curtains are too thick, even the sun can't see through it. But I am not blaming them, they're just doing their job." We both laughed.

Our old butler knew me well, he was my nanny's substitute back in the days. He treated me like his daughter, I respect him. He's like my second father. He quickly left after our chat.


I tidied up my living room and took a bath first before I opened the letter. It reads...

My little Lady,

Dad received a message, your goddaughter is coming this Saturday, and she's looking for you. Also there's something going on in the research labs, mind checking it out before going here? Don't worry I will attend the meeting on your behalf this Saturday. Stay safe Deanna, our butler will pick you up on Saturday, 10 A.M. Don't be late.

XOXO, Daddy. ♡

'Dad I'm not little anymore!' I thought to myself. I'm 22, goodness! Today is Friday, and I don't have work! Well supposedly I have, but I don't want to work on fridays to Sunday. So I am here at my penthouse sleeping my problems away.

Since my goddaughter is coming this Saturday, I have to prepare my camera. I do a little vlogging yah know. Not to earn fans, be famous, or earn money. Well, yeah, maybe a little bit because I want to earn money.

But seriously, I vlog because I want to keep the memories. Whether I vlog by myself or with the people I care about, I want to keep all of those memories. Not that I have a bad memory, sometimes I just wanna look back and cherish the fun and bad times I've spent with them. It gives me strength, and cheers me up when I'm blue.

The last time she visited, we filmed a video of us painting and coloring kids books. It was fun! For our next video, I am planning to do a Mukbang + Q&A with her.

She's a 15 years old human being. She's so pretty. She has green eyes, tall nose, beautiful eyebrows, and a sharp jawline. Straight and silky light brown hair that would dance whenever the wind blows. A contrast to mine. Curly blond hair that I don't usually comb or style because I think it's already pretty enough that way. Also I'm too lazy too comb my own hair. Light brown eyes that I wish were blue, not so tall nose, fine brows, and defined jawline.


The hours passed by quickly and soon it was Saturday. I told our butler to pick me up at 8 in the morning to buy some raw seafood that we'll eat later.

After doing the grocery, we immediately drove to the main mansion.

After 30 long minutes, we finally arrived at the front gate. The mansion was located at the middle area of the tall mountains. The first thing you'll see is the tall golden gates that shimmers under the sun. It was guarded by two well built and intimidating men, but I knew better, there weren't just two guards stationed here, there were dozens of them. Some hides in the shadows, some on the trees, others, you wouldn't notice.

But the strange thing was that, I knew where they were because I can feel them staring at me-- or our car. I have sensitive senses, I know when a person is looking at me, I can even locate him. I hear things very clearly, and my nose is working normally. More than normal even.

After passing the golden gates, you still have to drive at least five minutes to reach the mansion. It was white with a touch of gold on it. It looks very clean and it screams elegance. They always call it a mansion, but to me it was a palace.

I can already see the maids forming a line starting from the door, ready to greet me. When I came out of the car, the head maid wad the first to greet me. "Welcome home, Young Miss." then she curtsey.

"Thank you." I smiled.

The maids are also saying their greetings to me as I passed by them. I offered them a smile and nodded my head at each of them. Some are shocked that I did, hmm maybe they're new. My father is already at the meeting so I rushed to the kitchen to cook but was immediately blocked by our chef. "Young Miss you don't have to do all of these. Just tell me what dish you want to cook and I'll do the cooking for you." The chef kindly said.

"I'm not really that good at cooking, so I'm letting you decide how to cook them. My guest will arrive before 10 a.m. You can tell our butler to bring the food at the butterfly garden by then. Thank you!" then I left to prepare our little picnic.


Just as I finished setting the camera and blankets for our little picnic, the bells rang, indicating that someone entered the garden.

"Wow! This place is so beautiful!" she gasped. How could a spoiled heir be amazed with my garden? "Oh my! The butterflies are gorgeous." I smiled. They are beyond gorgeous.

"Ysa, your here. Are you hungry?" I asked as I watch her slowly enter the garden. Taking in the beautiful sight before her.

"I am. And I also have a question. Why did you order a maid to cover my eyes on my way here? Is this a secret garden? Are there fairies here? Why did you bring me here? Not that I hate the place, I really like it here!" I laughed. That's a lot of questions coming from a little girl.

I answered her questions one by one. "That's great then! We're going to have a picnic here, and we're gonna shoot a Q&A + Mukbang video. We're having seafood. Yes. This is my secret garden and only a handful of people knew the route that would lead here, which explains the blindfolds. There's a great scenery here, and, as I was once a teenager too, I thought you'd love to go to this kind of places like me. I'm not really sure. But back then, I'm sure I saw some small creatures with wings wondering around here, leaving glitters everywhere their little wings would flutter. "

"Wow! I hope I see them too!" she excitedly said as she looked around. And before I could answer, our food arrived.

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