

Probably everyone who has had contact with Greek mythology. He had heard of three brothers, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

After defeating his father, three brothers split the world. Because of fate. Zeus was given authority over the sky, Poseidon over the seas. And Hades was given power in the underworld. Of course, Hades wasn't satisfied with that, or even more so. He was angry and felt cheated. He did not have the opportunity to take his lot, because when the brothers took the lot. His right to choose was taken away.

Hades, in a fit of anger, began an unequal struggle with his brothers. Because in contrast to Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. They did not have as much time to increase their power, nor did they have the combat experience of Zeus. Who from an early age was trained to defeat his father and free his siblings.

In addition, Poseidon stood on the side of Zeus. So before there was peace between the army of Hades. And with the combined army of his brothers, war broke out. That lasted many years, and he caught the attention of even other Pantheons. Who didn't interfere in the fight anyway.

Because they did not fight for power, because it was already occupied by other deities by other Pantheons. But for power over a given aspect of creation that each Pantheon had. After all, it's not like they'll rule the world.

On the side of Hades, there were dark elves, orcs, several varieties of human beasts, and several human tribes.

The opposing side not only had two gods, but also much larger armies.

And despite this advantage, the war lasted three hundred years. Because the army of Hades was much more powerful, and Hades himself was at the head of the army.

So the armies of the opponents of Hades felt a strong pressure from the enemy side of the army. They feared them because the army was brutal and unmerciful. They destroyed everything in their path.

And when the enemy's army was about to succumb, the two gods began to fight. Which resulted in the destruction of parts of the continent. For over the years Hades began to gain more and more strength. As a result, Zeus decided to enter the fight. And put an end to it.

The fight was fierce, but it was Zeus and Poseidon who won. And they bartered Hades in his underworld. Which he couldn't leave.

Hades was forced to stay in the underworld, but swears he will return someday. Or he will do something that dethrones his brother.

And so passed the years. After several years, Hades decided to stop planning and focus on increasing his power. However, in the meantime, Hades had to carry out his duties.

Hades grew over the millennia, but so did his brothers. And every year they strengthened the seal, which prevented him from getting out. Hades heard from souls, his people. That they were persecuted and forced to hide. Which he very much regretted, but he couldn't help it. For his influence was minimal on the world beyond the underworld.

And several thousand years after the memorable war between three brothers. Something had happened in the kingdom of Hades that gave him such a chance.

Hades one day or night. It didn't matter to him, but let's say.

Hades detected an anomaly at the entrance to the underworld. Where the river called Styx ran. He detected a presence strong enough to attract his attention.

Hades crept to the source of this anomaly and what he discovered. It surprised him. For the first time since the beginning of his reign. Someone alive, of his own free will, came to his kingdom.

Hades, looking at the entrance to Hades, saw a woman. Dressed in silver enchanted armor, no doubt the rank of SSS. What was the measure he knew. When he was trying to learn the world of gentry, from the spirit of a blacksmith.

The woman was dressed in strong plate armor. Which was undoubtedly heavy. Yet she moved within her as if she were light. The woman was extremely beautiful, she had beautiful black hair that reached down to her back. Particular attention was drawn to the fact that the woman has beautiful red eyes. Hades thought she was a vampire, one of his people. However, no, she was human.

Hades watched as she fought the demons. Which activated her without hesitation. Hades saw him fight, the woman fought with a long two-handed sword. It made the fight look more like a dance. The woman easily defeated the B and C minor demons as if they were weak goblins. Because it only took one cut to destroy it. And even as she faced a giant S-rank Demon. Even though she had to put more effort into it, she defeated him.

The woman continued walking deeper into the underworld. And Hades, while hiding, watched her ... or rather, admired her beauty.

Not only physically, but her passion for combat. Which he saw in her eyes and the smile that accompanied her during the fight.

The woman was clearly headed for his throne room, where he was carrying out his duties. He saw the onama map that showed her the way. But where she got it from ... he didn't care.

Hades fell in love with a woman. Just by watching her fight and scream incantations as she casts spells.

For Hades, her voice was something that made even him, who was considered a soulless monster. Who on his own killed many beings. He felt a feeling that, for the first time since meeting his mother, he felt ... happiness.

Hades followed her until she reached his throne room. He, on the other hand, teleported inside when she got there. And sitting on the throne, he waited for her to come.

When Hades discovered her, using his powers. He opened the door and let her inside.

The woman slowly enters the chambers, ready to attack.

The woman looks around and she knew that in the room except for the gray-skinned god sitting on the throne. Which was undoubtedly Hades. There were many demons, each of them ranks above S. And even when she went on, the government didn't attack her. And it only gave her a curious look.

The woman slowly approached the throne of Hades and did not dry her eyes, demons and Hades for a moment.

The woman didn't know why, Hades the evil god. The god of the underworld looks at her with such a look. Who immediately says that he has no evil intentions towards her. It was illogical to her, but she chose to remain vigilant.

And as she was about to speak, he spoke first.

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-Welcome to my kingdom. I have admired you from the moment you entered my kingdom, and I am curious. What reason made you descend into the underworld where the dead reign. And above all who are you?

(???)-You are following me .... you sent these demons.

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-So. That this is my kingdom and I know everything that is happening there. But then I did not give the order for these demons to attack you. You just cheered on their nest grounds and they attacked you. Now ... would you please tell me your name and the purpose of your visit.

(Mortis)-I see ... So let me introduce myself, my name is Mortis Tenebris. I am the captain of the Loki family and the family's most powerful fighter.-she said in a loud voice.

(Mortis)-As for the reason .... I would * breathe in * I would like to ask for my sister's return.

Hades was surprised. The woman who introduced herself as Mortis, transformed from a cold, momentous warrior into a pleading, repentant woman. Ready to do anything for her sister.

(Mortis)-I'll do anything ... really ... I can become your sla....

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-Enough! I would never treat you that way.-he said almost screaming, getting carried away, which she didn't miss, which made her a little ashamed.

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-Tell me your story and I can come up with a solution.


Mortis and her sister Rei. They were orphans living in the slums, they were eight years old then and had to live somehow. Mortis so as not to have to sell her body. She decided to steal, which she managed for some time.

Until, her target fell on one of the adventurers from the Loki Family. Which not only did not give her up, but was under the threat of her skills. Which allowed her to sneak up on her. And after a few conversations and after learning more about it. She decided to take her and her sisotre. To my family. Despite some unpleasantness, both were accepted into the family.

And over the years, they both trained and gained more and more words and power. Thus, they were known as the two trump cards of the Loki family. Mortis fought with a double-edged sword and her sister was a long-range mage. They worked together and their bond grew stronger and stronger.

Until during their duet in the Tower of Babel. On one of the floors, they found a barefoot. Top rank who was strong enough. That because of her inattention, he managed to stomp and kill her sister.

Because of which she returns and bury her sister. She fell into depression and slowly lost herself in the hunt. Until she heard stories about entering the underworld. Which recently discovered. So she decided to go underground and get her sister back.

The story presented by Mortis was actually much longer. And she herself did not know why she told him everything, in detail. She didn't understand it, but felt she could tell him. He, on the other hand, listened carefully to her and was ready to give her sister right away.

But then she would leave and he would be alone again. so after her story ended, Hades thought. And for a moment there was an unwieldy silence, and Mortis looked at him with pleading eyes.

After a long moment, Hades said.

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-You have to know it's not that simple ... It will take some time to locate her soul alone. Then I have to create a new body for her and it will take a long time too, but as you probably know, everything has a price.

(Mortis)-I'll do anything ... please ... say what you want.

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-The condition for this will be that you stay here with me forever.

(Mortis)-Whaat?...that is, after regaining my sister, I no longer never see her.

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-I don't ... I know it would be painful for you. So once a year you can leave this world for one day, and then you will come back to me. Of course your sister will be able to come here. But as you know, she won't be able to stay here without an armor like yours. And you won't survive without her.

(Mortis)-But it's the only...

(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-You don't have to worry about that. Leave it to me...

Then Hades concentrated and took advantage of a variety of space magic. Which he mastered over the millennia. A fruit came out of it, the fruit of a grant.

Hades got up and walked slowly towards her. Kneeling lightly, he handed her the fruit and then returned to his throne.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;">(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-This fruit will make you eat it. You will be bound by me and my kingdom. and you will not be able to leave it without my consent. Eat it if you agree ... If you don't. Don't be afraid, I'll let you go.</font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;">(Mortis)-But then I won't get my sister back.-she think</font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Without waiting Mortis ate almost all the fruit and as soon as she did, a black symbol appeared on her neck.</font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;">As soon as Hades saw it, he felt an internal euphoria. But he didn't show it. But he knows he is no longer alone.</font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;">(π•³π–†π–‰π–Šπ–˜)-Now let me show you around my ... our kingdom.</font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Then they were years old, and the relationship between them began to exist. At first Mortis did not trust him, kept her distance.</font>

But as they worked together, seeking her sister's soul. A common goal gave rise to their relationship. Which grew deeper with time.

Merely locating the soul took them several years. Not that it was that hard, but a lot of people died every day. And there were also the souls of the former dead.

The moment Hades located the souls and managed to retrieve them. After he placed her sister's semi-transparent soul on the floor beside them. Mortis, in a fit of joy. she jumped into the arms of Hades and kissed him. Of course Hades, he kissed him back.

After that, their relationship developed, and working on the girl's body only strengthened the feeling.

And just during one of the nights, after working on the body. Which was already half finished. Hades and Mortis approached each other...they had sex.

And after that night, they did it more and more.

And a few days before Rei's body was completed. It turned out that Mortis became pregnant. Which was quite unexpected, since there was a chance that a child would be born from a union between a god and a mortal. She is extremely small.

Mortis had been in the underground for over thirty years, but nothing was aging. For Hades, from the moment she ate the fruit. He began to feed her with fractions of His divinity.

By slowly transforming her into a lesser God. Mortis herself knew she was changing. However, when she found out why, she wasn't angry. But she was thankful.

And so was born π•Έπ–”π–—π–™π–Žπ–˜, π•²π–”π–‰π–‰π–Šπ–˜π–˜ 𝖔𝖋 π–™π–π–Š π•³π–”π–—π–‰π–Šπ–˜ 𝖔𝖋 π–™π–π–Š π–€π–“π–‰π–Šπ–†π–‰.

Her newly formed divinity was associated with the undead. Because she had high compatibility with necromancy magic. Her appearance hasn't changed much, only her skin has turned a bit grayer.

The pregnancy itself did not last 9 months, as in the case of a human. But a period of about nine years. And it was just a year after her sister was resurrected. Which she put on her armor so as not to be overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the underworld. Mortis didn't need her anymore, because she had become the goddess of the Underworld. And by giving her back the armor, she herself received a new one. From his husband.

After resurrecting Rei when she realized what her sister had done. She wanted to punish her and run away with her. But when she saw more, she was happy and pregnant. It was after understanding that Rei wanted to stay too. However, this was not possible because the fruit of a grant only works when the person giving it loves the other one that is giving him. But only Hades could give, and he only loved Mortis.

However, Hades allowed her to stay for a year. And enhance the effect of armor until then.

And after a year, the first child of the underworld was born. Dante, because that's what they called him. He became the first son of Hades and Mortis. However, due to Mortis, she has not yet become a full god. During pregnancy, but gaining power over time from the River Styx. Her divinity made her a goddess. However, her son was not fully a god. As expected. Dante was not a demigod either, but he had three-quarters of divinity in him. And this gives him a chance to develop his own divinity in the future and become a full god.

After sending Rei back to the living world. Hades and Mortis raised their son. Which is due to his exceptional heritage. It grew very slowly, you will grow up to the appearance of a 17-year-old boy. It took him about one hundred and twenty years.

Rei widowed them once a month, and when she died, her soul was transformed into a vampire's body. And he inhabits the fire of Hades, along with her husband and children. Which, over time, filled the flames. some, however, preferred to go to the Aesean fields. that is, the Greek equivalent of Paradise.

Sam Dante, was trained by his father and mother. In the field of magic and fighting with weapons. Because they want him to come out to the surface and start living his own life.

And while Dante was working on improving his skills under the watchful eye of his mother. Hades was working on a gift for his son, something that would help him on his future journey through a new world for him.

Hades creates a system based on the interfaces used by other gods. In their families and in the adventurers' guild. Which he obtained from the souls that used to deal with it. Hades improved it enough to use cosmic magic and mind. And after years of work, he managed to create. Sytem. Which will not only allow him to carefully study his progress. But he will also have access to the treasury of Hades. However, Hades did not want to pimp his son too much, so he turned the treasury into a store. In which for System Points. Dante will be able to buy items. And he will not miss it, because Hades is the god of the underworld and wealth.

Hades handed him the System the day he left the Underworld, it was a very teary scene, but after receiving the System from his father and a lot of hugs from his mother. Dante went to the exit from the underworld.

And Dante dressed in a simple black outfit. Because he did not want to take the armor from the house, but to use it for himself. Went on an adventure.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kriuswercreators' thoughts
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