
Annoying bitch

Have you ever worked as a assistant for a crazy, sadistic and irritating boss? That is so full of herself and selfish. And then wish you could grab her stupid perfect hair and drag her on the ground, through every stairway and office in the company... Well that is how some assistants feel when they work for an arrogant boss.

Leah Morris.....

Working for Maria Walters has been.... Static for Leah.

Leah has been working as Maria's assistant for three months, two weeks, two hours, fifteen minutes and still counting. And working for Maria Walters has not been easy at all for Leah. It's not just about her attitude, it's about the silly things she usually asks her workers to do.

Just like one nice monday morning; it was nice because Maria was happy about something in particular. Leah was working on some files on her desk when Maria called her through the handline and ask her to go buy her a pack of condom. The errand was just stupid and annoying.

Frustrating people seems to be her major hobby and muse, except hoeing around of course. Despite the challenges, Leah had stayed in the job due to its competitive salary. Finding a well-paying job can be difficult, after all."

Every morning, Leah has to put up with Maria's stupid behavior until Maria chooses to close for the day and go back home, without her beating the woman up, off course.

Leah stood in Maria's office, with a bored expression on her face as she listened to the woman's incessant blabbering. It is an extremely annoying and agitating experience for Leah, but she just had to listen, since it was part of her job, as a personal assistant, to satisfy her employer's needs.

"Why can't my workers be more effective.... I'm trying my best to work with these people and they are not making it any easy for me. Why can't they just be useful...." Maria complained on and on, this was her usual morning routine 'complaints before work'.

"Leah, tell mike to bring the full budget for this month's expenditure to my office. My desk is no longer appealing to my eye," she said, feeling the texture of her desk. "Ask James to change this desk this weekend. I need a comfortable desk where I can fuck on, with ease." Maria said nonchalantly while tapping her fingers on the desk.

"Tell Jimmy and Sam to come to my office this instance, and tell Flora that if I don't get her complete project on my desk by Thursday, she will have to find herself another job elsewhere. I will not tolerate any delinquent in my firm, not now, not ever, and make sure she understands that. Do I make my self clear?" Maria asked staring at Leah intently.

"Yes, Miss Walters." Leah nodded vigorously to her question.

"Good. Tell Betty to see me by three pm today, and i'm having lunch with my mother by twelve, so reschedule my meeting with Mr Yin to tomorrow. I'm sure he wouldn't mind waiting, right? Maria asked staring at Leah like she was expecting an answer from her.

Leah didn't know if she was expected to reply her or not. Maria Walters was a woman who loved making her points by asking silly rhetorical questions.

So she simply nodded her head like a lizard before replying her. "Yes, Miss Walters. Mr Yin isn't in a hurry, so i'm very sure that he can wait."

Maria rolled her eyes at her answer. "I wasn't asking you. I was just stating an obvious point," Maria said, glaring at her for a moment before returning her attention to her laptop without uttering anything else to her.

Leah just wanted her to say the words 'Get the fuck out of my office' but rather, she kept on typing on her laptop without even sparing her a glance.

Leah assumed that she had more tasks for her, so she decided to ask, "Would you like me to book a reservation for your lunch with your mother, Miss Walters?"

"No. I can handle that myself," Maria replied, still typing away on her laptop.

"Get me two cups of black coffee with extra sugar and a hamburger..." She paused before adding. "Make sure the coffee is hot. I don't want anything stale." She twitched her lips before adding. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to take another shower in my office this morning. But I must admit, I did enjoy bathing you in my office last time," Maria said chuckling at the end of her statement.

Leah gulped, recalling what Maria had done to her the week she started working for her.

"What is this? I asked you to get me a h-o-t c-u-p of coffee, didn't I?" Maria said dragging her words. The truth was that, the coffee had been very hot when Leah had bought it and it's was still very warm, but on her way to Maria's office, Maria had called and asked Leah to run some stupid errands for her before bringing the coffee to her office.

"I'm sorry, Miss Walters. The coffee was very hot when I got it, it's just that, I..."

"Shut up your dumb mouth. What are you trying to say, hm?" Maria asked glaring at Leah. "Are you trying to blame me for your incompetence? You really have some nerve. Well not to worry," Maria said, standing up from her seat with an evil smile appearing on her face.

"I'll help you in washing your filthy, little brain." Saying so, Maria picked up the two cups of coffee and emitted it on Leah's hair. The coffee dripped down from her head down to her face and then down to her shirt. That was the day Leah realized that Maria Walters was a psychopathic, sadistic bitch.

Leah frown as she remembered that day. That was one of her worst days and that was the day she had almost snapped. She had never received such treatment from anyone, but Maria had gone ahead and humiliated her for such a trivial matter. Leah could be a very hot tempered sometimes when pushed really hard, and if Maria had not been her boss, she would have put her in the hospital that day.

"Leah!" Maria's voice finally snapped her out of her thoughts. "Yes, Miss Walters!"

"What were you thinking about?" Maria asked, staring at her suspiciously. " You know what, never mind just get me my coffee and the hamburger."

"Yes, Miss Walters." Leah said, before leaving her office.

It didn't take Leah more than ten minutes to buy Maria's breakfast. She returned to her desk after dropping Maria's meal on her desk, to work on some files before sending them to her office.

Work went on smoothly that morning except for the little ruckus that occurred between Maria and Sam, then later Jimmy, but at least no one lost their jobs, so that was a good thing.

After giving Leah instructions, Maria left the office for lunch with her mother. About three hours later, Leah lifted her eyes from her laptop and checked the time on her wristwatch with a frown.

According to Maria's schedule, she is supposed to have a conference meeting in the next twenty minutes, but the woman had not yet returned from her lunch with her mother.

Leah sighed and picked up her phone, considering whether to call and remind Maria about the meeting. However, she quickly dismissed the thought, recalling Maria's warning not to call her unless the building was on fire. Instead, she tapped on her phone screen and called the other company, requesting to postpone the meeting to the next day.

The woman didn't return to the office the entire day, and Leah couldn't help but find this new routine of hers to be unusual. Maria had been leaving the office around 12 pm these past few days to either have lunch with her mother or one old friend of hers, and she never returned to the office after going for one of those lunch dates.

It was unusual because, Maria was a very busy woman, in fact she was a workaholic who didn't have time for casual lunch dates that weren't beneficial to her business. In fact, when Leah started working for the woman, she had assumed that the woman didn't have any relatives until maria had publicly announced, just two weeks ago, that she had just found her biological mother.

Leah pushed all thoughts of Maria out of her head and continued her work. She had other things occupy her mind and just couldn't spare any mental energy for that annoying bitch.

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